Lyme disease immobilized Denise's ability to function in her daily life and routines. Near her home on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, she found a LLMD who specialized in women's health. After implenting an intergrative Lyme protocol, 60% she still maintains, Denise restored her health. Her experience with Lyme inspired Denise to become an integrative helath-wellness coach specializing in Lyme and chronic disease and wellness writer.
In this episode of the Integrarive Lyme Solutions with Karlfeldt, we welcome Dr. Neil Nathan, a prominent expert in the field of mold toxicity,...
Meet your co-host Tanya in our first episode of Integrative Lyme Solutions with Dr. Karlfeldt. Tanya was a happy, active, workaholic turned bedridden, after...
Grad school was put on hold when Allie developed cardiac issues which led to her lyme diagnosis. After 10 years of battling she is...