Welcome to episode 101 of Integrative Lyme Solutions with Dr. Karlfeldt. Today you will be hearing about Andie's story.
Lyme letters for a moldy house.
You can follow Andie's Facebook page at "Minnesota Mold Illness" or email her at [email protected]
Keywords: Lyme disease, Tick-borne illness, Lyme awareness, Chronic Lyme disease, Lyme symptoms, Lyme treatment, Lyme diagnosis, Lyme prevention, Lyme research, Lyme advocacy, Tick bite prevention, Co-infections, Lyme disease testing, Lyme disease treatment options, Post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome, Lyme disease complications, Lyme disease prevention tips, Lyme disease and mental health, Lyme disease community, Lyme disease resources
In this episode of Integrative Lyme Solutions with Dr. Karlfeldt, Dr. Tom Moorcroft shares his own journey of battling Lyme disease, initially mistook for...
In this episode of the Integrarive Lyme Solutions with Karlfeldt, we welcome Dr. Neil Nathan, a prominent expert in the field of mold toxicity,...
In this episode of Integrative Lyme Solutions, we invite Dr. Jon Harmon and he breaks down all the benefits, particularly for individuals battling Lyme...