Silent Killers Unveiled: A Personal Battle with Lyme, Mold, and Beyond

Episode 159 April 10, 2024 00:54:37
Silent Killers Unveiled: A Personal Battle with Lyme, Mold, and Beyond
Integrative Lyme Solutions with Dr. Karlfeldt
Silent Killers Unveiled: A Personal Battle with Lyme, Mold, and Beyond

Apr 10 2024 | 00:54:37


Show Notes

In this episode of Integrative Lyme Solutions, we explore the complex journey of overcoming Lyme disease, mold toxicity, mercury poisoning, and coronavirus with Jennifer Brower. Jennifer shares her personal battle with misdiagnosis from renowned institutions, her self-advocacy in the face of skepticism, and the discovery of mold in her home, which exacerbated her health challenges. Despite these obstacles, she embarked on a path of holistic healing, focusing on building her immune system through diet, green juice fasts, magnesium IVs, and avoiding EMF exposure. Jennifer's book, "Silent Killers", reflects her journey and aims to educate and inspire others facing similar struggles. We emphasize the importance of addressing mold and Lyme concurrently, utilizing muscle testing to prioritize treatment, and making lifestyle changes to facilitate healing.


The Karlfeldt Center offers the most cutting edge and comprehensive Lyme therapies. To schedule a Free 15-Minute Discovery Call with a Lyme Literate Naturopathic Doctor at The Karlfeldt Center, call 208-338-8902 or reach us at [email protected].

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: Welcome back to Integrative Lyme solutions with Doctor Karl felt. I am so excited about the show that we have ahead of us. We have some phenomenal information that could save lives. I am Doctor Michael Karlfeld, and with me, I have my co host, Tanya Hobo. [00:00:19] Speaker B: You're gonna need to tune in to what's going on today. The information is jam packed, so, yeah, don't step away. [00:00:29] Speaker C: So excited. Let's go ahead and get this started. Welcome to Integrative Lyme Solutions with Doctor Karl Feld. And today we are joined by a wellness advocate, an author, an entrepreneur. The list just goes on, but the biggest thing is a line conqueror. So we're super excited to have Jennifer Brower joining us to share her journey, and we're just excited to hear what is going on and the things that you've done a little bit about your book and just kind of the whole thing. So welcome, Jennifer. Thanks so much for joining us, y'all. [00:01:14] Speaker D: Thank you so much for just inviting me. I feel honored to be here, honored to share my story. And, you know, about three and a half years ago, I decided writing this book, silent killers, and it's a journey through the complex disorders of Lyme disease, mold toxicity, mercury poisoning, coronavirus. And I had been, you know, going around the block multiple times, as most people do, and having very large, well known institutions misdiagnosed me. And this is well before Lyme was even as well known as it is now, and the tests that are being able to be done now. And I had started doing some, you know, self diagnosing and thought that I had Lyme disease, but no one really would listen to me. Mayo Clinic and other well, well known institutions kept trying to put me on psych drugs and things like that. And I just, you know, I kept saying, no, I have all these sensitivities. I had EMF sensitivities. I could feel wifi Bluetooth. Like my central nervous system was whacking out. And I know they thought I was crazy, and I just kept saying, I'm not crazy, and I'm a smart individual, and. But my central nervous system's freaking out, and I'm. I'm not going. I'm not going down this road to stay on drugs for the rest of my life when I know something's up, right? So, anyway, I'd gotten bitten by a spider, actually, on my 10th wedding anniversary in southwest Florida. And it was the first time ever in my life that I wasn't able to get up or move for approximately three days. Right. And I'm supposed to be on, like, a honeymoon. Had three small kids at the time. My husband, I word away, and I was a. You know, I was running marathons, playing tennis, doing. Not half marathons, playing tennis. Very, very active, owned a business, and then all of a sudden, literally overnight, became incapacitated. And so, obviously, you know, the fear factor in that is so huge in itself, right? That can. That's crippling the fear factor. And so I was. And my husband obviously was like, oh, my. You know, what's. This is so not you. And so the fear factor hit both of us. Anyway, after a few days of that, my body was able to recuperate. We were. Got back home, and my immune system was functioning okay. And, you know, we were going along, and everything was pretty good, and. And then I had some serious trauma hit me, and my mom passed away. And the same day my mom passed away, I got a call from doctors saying that a mammogram had come back wrong and that they need me to go in for a lumpectomy. So, you know how it is. It's like you. You think everything's okay, and you're going, okay, I got this. This stress, but I'm gonna get through this. I'm gonna be fine. And, you know, kind of after my mom's funeral, like, everything started, like, spiraling on me, and I just started having the weirdest things going on and having, you know, started having panic attacks and things that normally would not bother me, really bothered me. And so that's where I began my search. And one of the things that I found was, I found I started going to a place that actually treated cancer because I figured, oh, they can at least help me build my immune system, right? And I go, I did, like, the three quarts of green juice and the iv's, and I figured out, oh, my gosh, when I get a magnesium iv, like, all the pain goes away, and I can tolerate things, I can do better. And so I literally went on a month of a green juice fast and with my mother in law, who was there for stage four cancer, and I started just building my immune system, thinking, okay, no matter what's going on and I don't have a diagnosis, I'm going to at least clean up my diet and do everything I know to build my immune system, right? Because that's kind of where it started. [00:06:30] Speaker C: That can't hurt you. And interesting, you say a cancer clinic. So doctor K, you know, specialize, specializes in Lyme and cancer. So a double right there, but, well, so this goes all the way back to when. When you said you had just gotten married and you. [00:06:47] Speaker D: No, no, no. So I would. This is like ten years into. So I got a spiderite based sometime around 1998, but then it went dormant. Right. So my immune system could handle it. I didn't, you know, after three days of fighting with. With whatever was going on, came back to north Florida, northeast Florida, where I live, you know, and I'm telling all these doctors what's going on, and they're just saying they have no clue because no one knew about Lyme disease. Because it was about 2007 that everything kind of started escalating, actually. And I know I'm skipping around, but I got a spider bite, and then it was about almost ten years later that all these other things hit me, and that's when my up immune system really started collapsing. [00:07:39] Speaker C: Okay. All right. Thanks for clarifying that. I thought you got bit by a spider, and then, boom, you were in bed for five days or something, and your husband thought he married. What do the guys say? Like, you get married and then the woman changes. You definitely changed. Right? Not funny. I know. [00:07:58] Speaker D: No, that's so true. And I can't tell you how many couples I've helped because of that. But anyway, so I was going out to the center in Arizona and getting my immune system treated, and I'd come home and I'd feel so much better. But then I get worse, and I couldn't figure out, like, why is it that I can hold these treatments being away, but I come back to Florida and I get sick, and one day my daughter wanted to play dress up, and I said, you know, sure. And I had been sleeping in our down, you know, in a guest bedroom because my sleep was horrible at the time, and I didn't want to disturb my husband and my husband. My daughter went in to play dress up, and when she moved my dresses back, we found a ton of mold in the closet. [00:08:49] Speaker B: Oh, no. [00:08:51] Speaker D: Yeah. So, as you know, doctor lime and mold hold hands. They love to round together. Right. Because it's like you can fight mold and you fight lime, but you can't fight both. [00:09:07] Speaker B: Yeah. And that's the thing, is that a lot, lot of people, you know, they think that I got lime, so I just got to go after the lime. And they don't realize the importance of addressing mold in the beginning. Yeah. Because it plays such a huge, huge role. [00:09:24] Speaker D: Significant, you know? [00:09:26] Speaker C: So since we are on this topic right here. Question for you, Doctor K, because I see this a lot out there, kind of thrown in the social media world is, okay, I have Lyme and I have mold. Do I treat them both? Do I treat the mold first? Do I treat the Lyme first? How, what is your protocol on that? [00:09:47] Speaker B: I always actually go, I mean, I do the muscle testing, so I see kind of where the priority lies. But for somebody that does not do that, then I would definitely go after the mycotoxins from the mold first, making sure that you bind them, and then open up your detox pathways, and then also making sure that you have the energy to be able to deal with these pathogens. And then you start to kind of go down. Usually Bartonella tend to be kind of the next one, and then you kind of go step by step towards borrelia. So Borrelia doesn't always come in the beginning. It tends to be a little bit further down the road. [00:10:32] Speaker C: Okay. But just for the listeners, just another good thing about muscle testing, right? [00:10:36] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:10:36] Speaker C: You can treat whichever one is affecting that particular body the worst at the time. [00:10:42] Speaker B: Yeah, you can prioritize. It's kind of like when you do the muscle testing, it's like opening a safe. Then you know which number that you need to do first, and then which number do you next? And then you can have done the right combination. All of a sudden, health opens. [00:10:58] Speaker C: Gotcha. [00:10:59] Speaker E: Hello, dear listeners, this is doctor Michael Karlfeldt, your host of integrative lime Solutions. Today, I'm excited to share an exclusive opportunity from the Karlfeld center, where we blend healing power of nature with groundbreaking therapies to combat Lyme disease and its associated challenges. At the Karfeld center were not just fighting Lyme, were revolutionizing the way its treated. With cutting edge therapies like photodynamic therapy, full body ozone iv therapy, silver iv's, brain rebalancing, autonomic response testing, laser energetic detoxification, and more. We aim to eradicate Lyme. Our approach is comprehensive, supporting your body's immune system, detoxification processes, hormonal balance, and mitochondrial health, ensuring a holistic path to recovery. Understanding Lyme disease and its impact is complex, which is why we're offering a free 15 minutes discovery call with one of our Lyme literate naturopathic doctors. This call is your first step towards understanding how we can personalize your healing journey, focusing on you as a whole person, not just your symptoms. Our team, led by myself, doctor Michael Karlfilz, is here to guide you through your recovery with the most advanced diagnostic tools, individualized treatment plans, and supportive therapies designed to restore your health and vitality whether you're facing Lyme disease head on or seeking preventative strategies, we're committed to your wellness. Take the first step towards reclaiming your health. Visit [email protected] or call us at 208-338-8902 to schedule your free discovery, call at the Karfeld center. We believe in healing naturally, effectively, and holistically. Thank you for tuning in into integrative Lyme solution with Doctor Karlfeld. Remember, true health is not just the absence of disease, it's achieving the abundance of vitality. Let's discover yours today together. [00:13:00] Speaker D: Muscle testing is the key. I have found. [00:13:04] Speaker C: Love it. Love those words. [00:13:06] Speaker D: It is. Yeah, it is. You know, I always call it. I almost call it, like, forensic kinesiology, right. Because it's. It is the answer to so many prayers and. And identifying what's going on, because all of our bodies are different, so we have to identify exactly what each body's need is first. Right. So mycotoxins are horrible on your immune system, and they definitely took a toll on mine. And not knowing that, about the mold, I was treating the lyme, but coming home to mold, as I said, and it was literally, they both attack your immune system, but they also attack your central nervous system, and that's where it really, really gets difficult. [00:14:06] Speaker B: So, I mean, all that neuro inflammation, and then with that, you have all the pain signaling throughout the body. And so emotionally, brain fog, all of these different things that take place just with the mold, toxins, and mycotoxins. [00:14:31] Speaker D: Yeah, it's, you know, so I lived through it all the first time, and. But I healed and I was doing great. And so that's why I included COVID in the book, which I know we're talking about Lyme, but what happened was I got COVID the first time before COVID was a thing in 2019. And then obviously, I identified itself in 2020 that what it really was is COVID. But it reactivated things, right, because spike proteins, etcetera, you know, go in there and. And I started getting symptoms back, and I thought, oh, no, no, no. I am not going back there. And then I rebounded again. And then 2022, I got a different variant. And I'll tell you, that one was tough to fight. But that's when I started really, really implementing the diet, the exercise, the grounding, humming, meditation, bodywork, breathing. I mean, I was already doing acupuncture and all these other things, but I'll tell you that that's when I got super serious about drinking celery juice. Every day doing wheatgrass every day, really incorporating enemas and implants and going from top to bottom, because I was like, not only am I older, but my immune system is scarily kind of identifying with all of these symptoms again. Right. And I knew that I started writing silent killers the book because, you know, lime mold, mercury from your fillings and coronavirus, they're all silent killers. Right? They all attack us, and we don't expect it. We don't know it. We hope that we're educated, but it is. It is all so devastatingly difficult on our bodies, our brains. And, you know, I wrote the book because I wanted to give people hope. I wanted to educate people. I wanted to give them, like, a true life experience that they can go, oh, I can relate to that. I can relate to that feeling. I can relate to this. And then I. And then I give them tests. I show them pet scans. I show them mycotoxin tests. I show them all of these things. And then I go to more into all the different practitioners I used. Right. So I had the practitioners each write an excerpt from my book so they could share all of their different gifts as a healing team to help me along. And it is. It does take a team. You know, it really does. It takes a village. It takes a strong attitude. It takes, you know, you got to find joy. You got to find laughter. You got to find love. You got to find all these other things. Amongst this heaviness of questioning why your central nervous system is buzzing, why isn't your body operating? Why is your brain, you know, doing all the fabulous things that typically it does? I mean, multitasking used to be top of my list. Now I'm making all these lists to make sure I get the top of the list done. [00:18:40] Speaker B: So, kind of going back a little bit. Yeah. So when you. When you had all these traumatic experiences and all of a sudden you started to develop symptoms and nobody knew what it was originally. [00:18:55] Speaker D: Can. [00:18:56] Speaker B: Can you kind of walk through that journey a little bit? You know, what. What you were experiencing? You went to all these, you know, amazing medical institutions that had no clue what you were talking about. They just wanted to give you an antipsychotic medication. What kind of brought you to Lyme? Thinking Lyme. And then also, obviously, you found the mold. And after. But can you walk through that journey a little bit with us? [00:19:29] Speaker D: Well, I knew that I became a extremely sensitive to EMF fields, especially Bluetooth. And it was during a time that, you know, our world was transforming into what it is today, technology wise, and I knew that my central nervous system couldn't handle it. So I never had wi fi in my house. And, you know, through three middle school age kids, and they're incorporating it in their schools, and then all of a sudden, they have, you know, homework on their laptops and all that kind of stuff, and all, you know, is that your body can't handle it. Right? So I started searching. And from your question, Doctor K, my search was long and exhausting, and I kept going from medical institution and medical institution. I was getting iv's on the side just to boost my immune system, making sure I got vitamin C and glutathione and all these other things just to keep my body going. I was the mother of three middle school kids and a wife and a business owner. And, you know, and you're, like, searching, why aren't I functioning? Am I going through a depression? Am I going through, like, what am I going through? And that search, especially living in Florida, let me tell you how many people immediately ruled out that I could not have Lyme disease because I lived in Florida. Like, right there, I got discounted, and I was like, but I happen to travel outside of Florida. And I started working with a local scientist at college here who was collecting ticks. And he was telling me, oh, my gosh, I'm collecting these ticks, and I'm finding Lyme disease in ticks in Florida. And I was telling him all these things that I had going on, that I was buzzing, I had all these weird things happening. And he was like, he had gotten Lyme disease multiple times, and he and I actually were seeing the same Lyme doctor. And it wasn't until he got a specific co infection doctor K that he started feeling the buzzing that I was feeling in my brain, my feet, my central nervous system. And then when he got that, he, like, disappeared, and I couldn't find him. And he just said that he had to completely shut down. And he said, I don't know how you've been operating and going and doing with all that stuff happening in your central nervous system. He said, because it. It shut me down. And I said, well, I'm a mom of three. [00:22:44] Speaker C: I say, you have kids. Do you have an option to shut down or not? Right. That's not an option for sure. [00:22:52] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:22:53] Speaker C: So when you say buzzing, was that, first of all, was that the majority of your issue? And what co infection do you think that brought, that was brought from? And then can you explain what the buzzing of the body means? [00:23:12] Speaker D: It feels like your. It almost feels like, your fingers in a light socket. Like, everything does this right. I can tell you that submerging in salt water, changing the barometric pressure, doing some things like that will calm that down. I can sometimes, you know, I can get rid of it by sitting in infrared sauna. I can get rid of it by sitting in absence all bath. I mean, there's certain things that you can do to get your system calm down. You know, taking off magnesium, doing things that. But the feeling is, like, literally, like, your fingers in a light socket. Like, everything's got this little feeling of unsettled, and, like I said, it's a buzzing. I don't know how to explain. [00:24:06] Speaker C: Yeah, no, that was good. Like, you stuck your finger in a, like, socket. Yeah, that makes sense. [00:24:12] Speaker D: I still don't hang around wi fi at all. I still don't do anything close to me. I still don't have wifi in my home at the end of the day. Now I still have to do things to calm my central nervous system. Doctor K, I'm gonna have a conversation with you after this is all over so we can figure all this out, finally to completely go away. But the reason why I wrote the book is because I wanted people to know they're not crazy. And, like, I've had. I've had people. I'll just give you some stories, if that's okay, you know? Like, I've had a guy come up to me one day in church, and he goes, I know this is crazy, but I think that maybe you can help me. He said, I can be driving along, and I'll forget how to get where I'm going. And I'll say, are you using bluetooth in your car? And I'll say, yes. And I said, and you're probably thinking about this, but driving here, doing this, and all sudden, you just, like, lose track. He goes, yeah. I said, I get it. And the best I. Best thing I can tell you to do is find a safe place to pull over and take your shoes off and ground yourself in the dirt, in the grass, whatever you can do, and just stay there and breathe through it and get collected before you get back in your car and start driving again. You know, we're all in so many different directions that that whole feeling of having to multitask and accomplish things is so frazzling on our nerves. [00:25:54] Speaker B: And see what you can do to turn off the bluetooth. [00:25:58] Speaker D: Exactly. [00:26:00] Speaker B: Yeah, because all of these signals and the wifi at night and, you know, having your phone on airplane mode and all. Because all these things they impact the bugs inside of you. Exactly. And they're just, yeah, they're just going to get more active, secrete more neurotoxins, and it's going to create more anxiety, depression, brain fog, pain signaling, inflammation, all of these things. [00:26:29] Speaker D: I am so with you. People say to me, I was just away last week speaking, doing a book tour, and a guy said to me, jen, I really hate to say this to you, but do you find that sometimes by the end of the day, you just are talking slow? And I was like, dude, do you know what happens when I'm around wi Fi? Oh, my gosh. My central nervous system just whacks out. It's all I can do to concentrate. You know, it just, it wreaks havoc, and I feel it. What's happening to all the youth in our schools, right? And they're with Wi Fi all day. And sadly, quite often those schools have mold in them. And I'm just, you know, I'm a huge proponent on trying to have our to, kids have as much freedom outside and grounding and away from any kind of towers or Wi Fi. And I certainly don't sit in front of my laptop very often, you know, and do this because I feel it. And by the end of this, I'm gonna be frazzled. You know, I know how to take care of it. I know how to go home and detox from it. But, you know, to do this all day long, I don't know how, I don't know how people do it. And I have, I have two kids that are in the entertainment industry, so they're in a production, you know, scenario all day or on set. And, you know, I'm constantly talking to them about grounding and about, you know, literally detoxing before going in and grounding once you get out, because I worry about what's going to happen with their immune systems from having the EMF fields all around them. But that's the world today, right? And all these kids are put on medication because their bodies are buzzing. [00:28:44] Speaker B: Yeah, I was going to say that there's a solution to all of that, and that's that Ritalin and some anti anxiety medication and, yeah, not turning off the WiFi, not doing all of that. But you're absolutely right. I mean, the schools nowadays, and they obviously, they have, for the 5g reception, they have all these little mini towers on the schools just to make sure they have good receptions. And so the kids are in that field all day long, and their brain are supposed to develop in that. [00:29:23] Speaker D: That is absolutely frightening. And, you know, how sad is it that here's the United States, everybody's like, oh, we can't wait for 5g. We can't wait for five g. And all these other countries have banned it. They banned 5g. [00:29:37] Speaker C: Gosh, that sounds like all the food that they ban in other countries, right? [00:29:41] Speaker B: Yeah. It sounds like a glyphosate issue as well. Yeah, yeah. But let's invite it here to United States and. [00:29:50] Speaker C: Yeah, well, we accept it all. We accept it all. [00:29:53] Speaker B: Exactly. [00:29:54] Speaker C: The gates open. Come on in. [00:29:55] Speaker B: Yeah, we're non discriminatory. [00:29:58] Speaker D: It is the saddest thing. And you know what? I haven't even think about. Think about the 70 year olds, the 80 year olds and 90 year olds. You know, all of a sudden we have these retirement communities and these, you know, places that people think, oh, I'm going to check my mom and dad into this retirement community, because then they're going to be safe and they're going to be protected and all of these things. And all of a sudden. So here are these people that have never had Wi Fi, these 70 and 80 year olds that have never had Wifi, or maybe they do, but just not to the extent that it is. And they go in these retirement communities, and there it is all the time. I can't tell you how many retirement communities I go to because I had these elderly people tell me they all of a sudden, their children are checking them into these places and they don't go to sleep. And it's because their central nervous systems can't handle the, they don't even have choices to unplug a modem necessarily there. And I go in there and I'm like, you guys have got to turn off the wifi. And I like 09:00 p.m. To whatever am. But y'all have to give a chance. These people whose bodies are not used to it and very susceptible to all the EMF fields and they're being bombarded. And so that's a whole number of. [00:31:28] Speaker B: Subjects and kind of expanding on that. Yeah. Talk about mercury toxicity in the EMF field. [00:31:38] Speaker D: Oh, well, the mercury toxicity I got was from a dentist who told me he, when I couldn't figure out what was going on, um, you know, I thought, okay, could it be my mercury volumes? Are they leeching? I went to a dentist who told me he knew exactly how to do it, and with the boot and the octogen and all that. And, um, let's just say he missed the step and I got the mercury. [00:32:03] Speaker C: The most important step yeah. [00:32:07] Speaker D: And so, you know, maybe somebody else's body could have expelled that mercury, but mine landed right here on my left frontal lobe, so. But I got through that, and like I said, I was doing great until the second round of COVID and I did not get vaccinated because I knew my central nervous system could not help, and I really just was hurting. [00:32:41] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:32:41] Speaker D: And I do know that a lot. [00:32:44] Speaker C: Of people that got COVID all of a sudden, like, what's wrong with them? We have Lyme disease, right? Like, they come out of the woodwork or something from just their immune system being attacked by. By COVID. And a lot of people, you know, just thought it was long haul COVID, but in the long run, it was actually Lyme disease. It's crazy how many people are walking around in the silent. What do you call it? That would be the silent killer, right? Like, you've got this Lyme in your body and you don't even know it. Crazy. [00:33:17] Speaker B: Yeah. It's all these different pathogens that all of a sudden got activated. Being exposed to COVID or getting the vaccine. Yeah, either one seemed to kind of really flare a lot of these infections up. And people battling cancer, the same thing, you know, all of a sudden reactivated. Yeah. Yeah. [00:33:40] Speaker D: Yes. [00:33:41] Speaker B: So, so what. What did you do? I mean, to get through all of this? So you're talking about all the kind of doing the humming, doing the grounding, doing all these different things, but. And then also doing iv's diet. Uh, what I mean was, was that, was that kind of what you were doing or were you doing other things as well? [00:34:02] Speaker D: Well, I did, um, you know, I did all sorts of different herbal tinctures and, um, micro sprouts, the greens, the. Getting the nitric oxide. So I get the oxygen in the cells, um, juicing, lemon water, exercise, building my immune system, you know, getting body work done. I just literally just changed my life. Right. I completely changed my lifestyle and started dealing with people who understood. So, for example, I never understood the effect of essential oils on our body and how much it can help us detox or getting lymphatic drainage, you know. So I literally started incorporating a little bit of everything in to the plan of action because I knew that's what it was going to take. And I knew that without a significant life style change, I needed to start eating and living in order for my body to have its best chance of healing. And it's hard to destress in our world today, right. Especially when you own a company and you've got all these demands on you, but you've got to make the change. And like I said, I still don't have wifi at home. I can go home and be in a sanctuary. I unfortunately, as I was finishing my book, literally finishing my book, I started feeling like, oh, my gosh. Like, I started feeling brain fog, and I started feeling all these things. And what happened was the electric company came and put a new meter on the outside of my house without telling me. And it happened to be right outside of my office, and they put the meter on and did not seal it. And so my office was getting mold from the outside in, and I didn't know it right, and. But I felt the symptoms, and all of a sudden, and I'm not. I'm not, like, typing on laptop with Wi fi and stuff. I'm literally writing my book with notes, you know, and I literally would go out front on my front porch or out back on my back porch, and I would. That's how I was trying to finish the book. But I knew something was way wrong. And. And literally, that. That was when my book was published, that I got hit with mold again. And I was like, this is ludicrous. Like, okay, somebody does not want this book to go out, right, because I am getting attacked and attacked and attacked. But I knew, again, my house just went through another remediation. I've got dehumidifiers upstairs in the attic underneath my house because it's built off grade. You know, I've got ionizers in my air conditioning system. I mean, I have taken every precaution that you can possibly do. And I met a gentleman recently who actually was in the United States being treated for Lyme disease, who was from Australia, who had Lyme and mold, because no doctor in Australia, he couldn't find anybody to treat him there. And so he was seeing the doctor that I was actually seeing up in Nashville, Tennessee, and because he could not get help in his own country. So I don't know if I just answered your question or skipped all around it, but basically, it is. It's a lifestyle change, and it's doing everything that you can do to keep your body clean and get the mycotoxins out and having your immune system operate is high functioning as it can. [00:38:27] Speaker B: Yeah. And the key is to, you know, recognize your environment. Like, yeah, you're not feeling well, then you have to kind of look and see, well, what changed, what just happened? And then seeing that they put a new meter on your house in addition to, obviously, the mold from that, you're blasted by those pulses that's coming from that continually. And they're kind of erratic. So it's not something that your brain or your nervous system can adjust to because they are not normal and they're not regular and doesn't have the same frequency. They're just kind of these erratic pulses. [00:39:13] Speaker D: It is mind boggling how common it is for people all over the world. But people say, oh, we all deal with humidity. You live in Florida, you have mold because you live in Florida. Well, guess what? There is mold all across this country, and people are starting to realize it slowly. I think they're becoming more and more educated on it. It's not just black mold. It is. It is a fungus somewhere in your environment, whether it's office, school, home, wherever you're spending time, that starts affecting your immune system and start making you feel weird, you know, and that's where people go back and, you know, they get on Adderall or they get on this or they get on that because think, oh, this pill is going to fix it and it's just going to do this and I've got add or I've got this, or they're going to give themselves a title of something just because they think that's what's going to solve it. And that's not going to solve it. That's just going to band aid it, and you're going to keep coming down with other diagnoses and other weird symptoms until you get to the meat of the matter. Right. [00:40:40] Speaker B: And the issue has been, I mean, people say, well, mold has been around us all the time. Yeah. It's not like it's a new thing, but what is new is it's mold with the amount of EMF and with amount of all these cell phone towers. And also now we have this mercury, the silver fillings, aluminum and mercury through the different vaccines we have, the glyphosates, we have. So all these kind of layer upon layer upon layer that we did not have before. And it's that combination that makes our systems not being able to handle it. And all of a sudden, our nervous system, you know, just kind of shuts down and becomes hypersensitive and we become symptomatic. [00:41:29] Speaker D: That is so true. And I've lived it and gotten through it and then lived it again and gotten through it again, and it is not a fun ride at all. But the point you can get through it and it's having the right attitude and it's having the ability to say, okay, this is happening. But I'm going to take the next step. What does that stuff look like? And what do I need to do to make my immune system so strong and. And delve into what not be around. Right. And how to ground yourself and how to calm your central nervous system so you can get to those places of peace. We don't live in a peaceful world right now, and so striving to get to that peace is so key for so many different forms of healing, don't you think? [00:42:34] Speaker B: I agree. Yeah, absolutely. And that does not include watching CNN to learn about the war in that country or that country. You know, I was going to say. [00:42:43] Speaker C: You turn the news on and it just adds a whole nother level. Right, right, exactly. Thanks for that reminder. It's a good reminder every once in a while to remind myself of why I don't watch the news, but then I hear from somebody and they're like, did you not know that this just happened? I'm like, nope, don't watch the news. Don't care. I can't fix it. Some people think I'm crazy, but, yeah, no, I don't need that kind of stress in my life. [00:43:08] Speaker D: No. [00:43:09] Speaker B: What I'm concerned about is my neighbor. How are they doing, this person, how that. That's my sphere of influence, you know, what's happening in Ukraine right now, or in Israel. Yeah. There's only so much I can do over there. [00:43:23] Speaker C: Well, you know, and they say, don't, don't stress about what you can't control. Right. I can't control, you know, probably 99 point, probably 100% of the stuff I see on the news, it's out of my control. [00:43:35] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:43:35] Speaker D: And so I just do today. Right. That's. We only can do. We can do today. And I shared with you all before we came on air that I wrote this book. And in this book, I said, if I can save one person's life, then my job's done. And I had that experience last week. I had someone stop me and say, are you Jennifer Brower? And I said, yes. And she said, oh, my God, you saved my life. And hearing those words, hearing those words talk about filling your heart with joy, I'm telling you, if my central nervous system was whacking out like crazy, that one person say, you helped me. You helped me make the joy of hearing that and knowing that it accomplished its goal. The book accomplished its goal. I was riding on a happy high all day long and to just feel like, okay, one person got educated, one person self diagnosed, one person healed because I went back through this journey, and I'll tell you, going back through my journey was not easy. Guys, I'm telling you, I experienced PTSD that I thought they had gotten rid of. You know, I experienced things. I thought, oh, that's gone and done. And it brought back some emotions that I really had to deal with again. But that's what we have to do today. We need to look for the joy and we need to look for the peace and look for giving positive affirmations, not only to ourselves, but to others, because that's where the healing comes from. Yeah, you need all the other aspects, the diet, the exercise of everything. But keeping the positive attitude is the number one goal, because if you look at everything negative, then we're not going to heal. [00:46:05] Speaker C: Yep. Agree. Completely agree. [00:46:09] Speaker B: So if you would, as we kind of draw to a close, if you would, obviously people should read your story, read your book, and kind of really understand the power of the message that you're bringing. But if you want to have kind of the cliff that the end notes for the people out there that are listening, what would that be? What would be. You talked about joy. You talked about what would be some additional thing that you feel that this is really important for them, you know, take home of your message. [00:46:50] Speaker D: Um, I would say if you have something going on that you are not able to identify that's happening. I would first and foremost, look at your lifestyle. What can you change? What do you. What are you consuming that maybe you can clean up? Maybe you can start juicing celery juice because that. That, you know, cluster salts kills Epstein Bar. We know Epstein Barr is the root of most all issues. And, you know, I would say incorporate clean living, drinking lemon water, celery juice, evaluate your environment, look at what's going on around you. And, and really seriously, to start with the basics and start building your core. Because if you can at least build your core while you're searching for what is possibly going on with you, at least you're starting with something good, right? Change what you can and then keep searching. Because when you get to the possible issue, you're going to have a much better chance to get to the finish line. If your body is already cleaned up and ready to go. Find Doctor K. Find someone who can give you the answers that you need so you can get across the finish line. [00:48:27] Speaker C: That's a great. That's a great tip because many people go years without getting a diagnosis. At least those are some things that they can do in the meantime, for sure. [00:48:38] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:48:39] Speaker B: Yeah. In addition, I mean, just to kind of add so clean a look at what you're consuming. So that's both, you know, mentally, emotionally, physically. Yeah. What, what's coming into your system, into your space and, and make that as health promoting and joyous and uplifting as possible. [00:49:03] Speaker D: Yep. And unplug your modems. If you don't need your wi fi, unplug your modems. Get away from it. [00:49:12] Speaker B: Hardwire? [00:49:14] Speaker D: Yes, hardwire. If you have to. Have it. And fight for it. Fight for it because the cable company will tell you, no, we can't do that. You got to have your Wi fi. You know what? Fight for your rights because if we have them, we just get so bowled over that we don't know that they still exist. [00:49:38] Speaker B: Exactly. [00:49:38] Speaker C: Isn't that the truth? [00:49:40] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. Well, yeah. And another kind of a last comment you want to make, Jennifer, I just. [00:49:51] Speaker D: Wanted to say, you know what, thank you for having me on. Silent killers is available on my website, jennifer Or you can buy it on Amazon. We've got a gut reset coming up that people can tune into because the gut is the basis for everything. Right. So we're gonna, we've got it come up. We're gonna do a five day challenge to help people get started and going, you know, in the right direction, getting their gut cleaned up. So doctor K, when they find you, you got a healthy, you've got a body that you can start working with. Right. You don't have to go backwards to then help them go forward. Because if I, if I come to you and I'm like, hey, I've been juicing, I've been eating microtoxins, I've been eating sprouts. I've, like, I'm, you know, taking my probiotics, I'm doing all this stuff, I'm going to be so much easier for you to deal with because you're not going to have to go backwards to get me to go forward. Right? [00:50:56] Speaker B: Yeah. You're going to be fortified, nutritionally fortified, and, you know, maximize your, your ability to fight things and. Yeah, so, yeah, all those are powerful, powerful things to do. Well, Jennifer, go ahead. [00:51:13] Speaker D: Thank you so much, y'all. And I just, I just so appreciate the fact that you all are spreading the word because if we don't spread the word, people aren't going to know. And there's so much knowledge out there. And as you said, you know, turn off the tv set, don't watch the news all the time. Go for a bike ride, go for a walk, put your feet in the grass just do something that has to do with getting outside, because that's the other blessing is being outside and breathing fresh air and absorbing the sunshine and just detoxing from the stress and the pressures of costly go, go, go that we're all under. [00:52:01] Speaker B: Yeah, I interviewed a long time ago, my radio show, interviewed a gentleman, wrote the book Nature cure and the benefits of, you know, being out of nature. So it's such a powerful healing technique, you know, so our cells can start to kind of resonate with, with the trees, with the bird, you know, with the wind, with, you know, all of these things and, and that really have a huge impact on our health. Well, Jennifer, this has been wonderful. Thank you so much for coming onto our show. And thank you so much for. For spreading, like you're saying, spreading the word with your book. And you met one person, that you saved their life. But I'm sure that is just the tip of the iceberg of people have been impacted by a book. So thank you so much. [00:52:49] Speaker D: Yes, well, and you too. And you all are doing it so actively and thanks. And it's an honor to have met you all. And together we're just going to keep spreading the good news and reach out to as many people as possible. So God bless you guys and thank you. [00:53:08] Speaker C: Thank you so much. [00:53:09] Speaker B: God bless you. [00:53:10] Speaker D: Take care. [00:53:19] Speaker A: The information this podcast is for educational purposes only, and it's not designed to diagnose or treat any disease. I hope this podcast impacted you as it did me. Please subscribe so that you can be notified when new episodes are released. There's some excellent shows coming up that you do not want to miss. If you're enjoying these podcasts, please take a moment to write a review and please don't keep this information to yourself. Share them with your family and friends. You never know what piece of information that will transform their lives. For past episodes and powerful information on how to conquer lime, go to and an additional powerful resource, For Lyme support and group discussions, join Tanya on Facebook at Lyme Conquerors mentoring Lyme warriors if you'd like to know more about the cutting edge integrative of Lyme Therapies MyCenter offers, please visit Thank you for spending this time with us, and I hope to see you at our next episode of Integrative Lyme Solutions with Doctor Carlfeld.

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