Latest Episodes

Harnessing Healing Frequencies: A New Dawn for Lyme Treatment
In this episode of Integrative Lyme Solutions with Dr. Karlfeldt, we sit with Stephen Davis, who shares his journey of discovering and developing frequency-based...

Realities and Remedies: A Deep Dive with Nicole Bell
In this episode of Integrative Lyme Solutions, we sit down with Nicole Bell, CEO of Galaxy Diagnostics and bestselling, award winning author of 'What...

Overcoming Lyme Disease: David and Tracy Petroviak's Journey to Renewed Health
In this episode, David and Tracy Petroviak share their harrowing journey of battling Lyme disease and various co-infections. The couple recounts their extensive struggles...

Beyond Chemistry: The Physics of Lyme Healing
In this episode of Integrative Lyme Solutions with Dr. Karlfeld, we delve into the devastating impact of Lyme disease and shares crucial information for...

Unmasking Lyme: A Deep Dive with Dr. Casey Kelly
In this episode of Integrative Lyme Solutions, we talk with Dr. Casey Kelly about treating Lyme disease through integrative and functional medicine. We delve...

Stem Cell Therapy and the Space Age: A Conversation with Dr. Ian White
In this episode, Dr. Ian White, an expert in stem cell therapy and regenerative medicine, discusses his extensive background and pioneering research in the...