Episode 135: Naturopathic Insights: Healing Lyme and Tick-Borne Diseases Naturally

Episode 135 October 25, 2023 00:39:43
Episode 135: Naturopathic Insights: Healing Lyme and Tick-Borne Diseases Naturally
Integrative Lyme Solutions with Dr. Karlfeldt
Episode 135: Naturopathic Insights: Healing Lyme and Tick-Borne Diseases Naturally

Oct 25 2023 | 00:39:43


Show Notes

Join us on Integrative Lyme Solutions as we delve into the world of naturopathic medicine and the healing journey rooted in nature with our distinguished guest, Dr. Myriah Hinchey. Dr. Hinchey, a licensed naturopathic physician and Fellow of the Medical Academy of Pediatric Special Needs (MAPS), shares her extensive knowledge and passion for integrative treatments in the realm of tick-borne diseases (TBD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), toxicity, and immune dysfunction.

In this enlightening episode, you’ll discover Dr. Hinchey’s unique approach to addressing complex medical conditions, both in adults and pediatric populations. Her journey, from her studies under renowned functional medicine pediatrician Dr. Nancy O’Hara to her own diagnosis of tick-borne illnesses, has led to innovative treatment protocols rooted in herbal approaches. Collaborating with Master Herbalist Stephen Buhner, Dr. Hinchey has developed cutting-edge products and therapies that she employs to heal her patients.

Dr. Myriah Hinchey’s expertise doesn’t stop at clinical practice; she’s also a sought-after speaker at prestigious medical conferences, actively contributing to the medical community’s understanding of Lyme disease and co-infections. Additionally, Dr. Hinchey’s visionary leadership has given rise to LymeCore Botanicals™, an herbal medicine company focused on tick-borne diseases. She also founded LymeBytes!™, a multimedia platform for educating healthcare providers and the general public on effective Lyme diagnosis and treatment.

For more information about Dr. Hinchey and the resources mentioned in this episode, visit the following links:

You can also connect with Dr. Myriah Hinchey on Twitter: @drmyriahhinchey.

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights from a leading expert in the field. Join us for an engaging discussion with Dr. Hinchey on her journey and the innovative approaches to healing Lyme disease naturally.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: Welcome back to Integrative Lime Solutions with Dr. Carl Feld. [00:00:05] Speaker B: I am so excited about the show that we have ahead of us. [00:00:08] Speaker A: We have some phenomenal information that could save lives. I am Dr. Michael Carlfelt, and with me I have my co host, Tanya Hobo. [00:00:19] Speaker B: You're going to need to tune in to what's going on today. The information is unpacked. So, yeah, don't step away. [00:00:29] Speaker C: So excited. Let's go ahead and get this started. Welcome to Integrative Lime Solutions with Dr. Carl Felt. And today we have an amazing guest I'm super excited to have on Dr. Mariah Hinchey. Not only is she an amazing nature path that is helping the Lyme community in so many ways, she also had her own personal battle with Lyme disease. And she's going to share that journey with us along with the trials and tribulations on what she learned, what to do, what not to do so that she can practice and treat those Lyme patients as well. So we'll talk a little bit about that as well. And also don't miss the end. So stay tuned because she's got some big news. Something big is coming up that you might not want to miss out on, so she's going to share that with us as well. So tune in, sit down, maybe grab a pen, piece of paper. You might want to take some notes. So I'm super excited to have you and honor to meet you. Dr. Mariah Henchy. Thanks for joining us. [00:01:38] Speaker D: Thank you so much for having me. [00:01:40] Speaker B: Yeah, this is and people out there listening. I mean, when a consult with you, an individual would have to pay a lot of money. So here they get to listen to it for free, which is awesome. They get all this knowledge and information and wisdom just because you didn't know. [00:02:01] Speaker C: You were doing a little interview right now, right? No. They're going to decide if they want to call you. No, I'm kidding. I'm sure you're going to have amazing things. And I know and I appreciate you taking the time tonight to join us because you just got back from a long conference speaking down at ILADS. So you just do so many amazing things. You're a speaker all over, just helping the community. And I talk a lot about to just other people, doctors, Lyme patients, how we just truly appreciate the doctors that are in our corner and stand up for us and continue to fight for us and treat us because we don't always find that everywhere. So when we do, we appreciate them a little extra. [00:02:46] Speaker D: Thank you for saying that. [00:02:49] Speaker B: Tell us a little bit how this journey started. Obviously for somebody wanting to do lime or focusing on lime, and usually a lime journey is at the beginning. And what did that look like for you? [00:03:08] Speaker D: Well, for me, I was lucky enough to come out of medical school somewhat Lyme literate or at least knowing that everything that most physicians or medical practitioners are taught in the typical setting, even in naturopathic college is not really how it is in the Lyme world. It's not straightforward diagnosis, and it's not straightforward treatment. So I had a patient in clinic in school who had chronic Lyme Ambivezia and had been on IV antibiotics for months and was not getting better. And she was really young, and she needed a cane to walk and had a lot of issues. And we treated her using various Chinese herbs that one of my professors, one of the doctors that was overseeing the clinic, had studied these protocols, and she said that she got better, she had more results in that short amount of time working with us, which was actually not that short. It was about nine months. But she had gotten to a better place that she had been in years. So I was really fortunate enough to have that experience and learn a lot about Lyme. And for the next several years, I would say I was Lyme literate. I knew I needed to learn more. I started going to the ILADS annual meetings and just learning as much as I could about Lyme disease because as a naturopathic doctor, we're trained to figure out the underlying cause, right? And not just use herbs and supplements and natural medicines to Band Aid or treat. So, you know, practicing in Connecticut not that there isn't lyme all over the world, because there is. But practicing in Connecticut and really having it be ground zero. I was finding that once you actually can see the clinical picture and, you know, what test to use and what to look for. A lot of the times lyme and co infections were the underlying cause of a lot of my patients diseases or symptoms or misdiagnoses. [00:05:30] Speaker C: Yeah, that's very well said, because I think that's a lot of the reason well, not a lot. Definitely one of the big reasons why people can't get better, or if they do get better, it's temporarily because they never really found the root cause. Because there's not just necessarily Lyme and Co infections. There's mold and candida and parasites and metal toxicity. Like, so much is all kind of wrapped up into that. And if you don't figure out what the root cause is or fix your foundation, I think you're bound to crumble again. [00:06:11] Speaker D: Yeah. So I tell patients, well, I tell anyone who will listen, but, like, ten years ago, I would have said no, tick borne disease was definitely the underlying cause. And really, I think what I've realized over the years is that tick borne disease causes further underlying causes. Right. It makes the patient's body hospitable to the infection, and the way that it manipulates the biochemistry of the body and causes immune dysfunction and excessive inflammation makes that person, like, the perfect breeding ground. So not just where it can evade the immune system and survive in the body, but it actually creates an environment that helps it to thrive. And so depending on what that particular patient's genetic weaknesses are, like their SNPs or what other injuries they've had, physical or mental, it's like what that person's weaknesses are, are how their symptoms are going to manifest more. And the more issues that there are, the more impairment in detoxification or the more inflamed they are, or the worse their diet is, the more of an inflammatory diet they're eating, the worse their case is typically going to be. So it's like analyzing all of those different drops in the bucket or all of the different puzzle pieces for that unique patient, understanding the terrain of their body. And then you can go in and figure out, like, okay, how do we heal this patient? [00:07:51] Speaker C: Right? [00:07:52] Speaker B: So when you look at an individual, they come and they have X amount of symptoms. When you talk about the terrain, can you kind of give a picture of the factors that you consider in that terrain picture? [00:08:11] Speaker D: Yeah, so I think everything I mean, there's so many different spokes on the wheel, but I would say it all comes back to the gut. Right, because if our gut is dysfunctioning and our gut is inflamed and it is leaky, for lack of a better word, we're not going to be able to detoxify. And the more toxic we are right, because these bacteria already make their toxins, our bodies just from breathing and our cells dividing, right, we already make toxins. Then we have all the toxins from our environment that get dumped into our bodies, from our food, from our self care products, cleaning products, et cetera. And if we have a compromised gut, we're going to end up with more toxicity. We're not going to be able to detox the byproducts of these bacteria when we kill them. We're going to herx like crazy. We're going to increase inflammation. We're going to increase oxidative stress and actually cause more cellular damage. So I kind of try to always start with the gut. And, I mean, just to give you a very brief overview, taking the patient's history to me is the most important. So I sit with every patient for at least an hour, and I don't want to see labs. I don't want to hear about anything else except for what that patient has been through, what their symptoms are, when they began, what makes them better, what makes them worse, like a very good history. And that's where you get your clues. But really, it's like we have to look at systemic organ function. We have to look at detox. We have to look at micronutrient status. Right. Because we are really just a bunch of biochemical reactions. And if we're missing these vitamins and minerals that are cofactors for our enzymes to convert A into B into C into D, we can't expect to structurally be able to build our bodies the way that they need to be built to function properly or chemically, right? Making our hormones and our neurotransmitters and our immune cells, for example. So it's really important to make sure that the patient has all of those micronutrients that they need to function properly. So that to me, is a big one. I do typically like an IgG and IGA food sensitivity panel because you could be eating the most healthy diet and avoiding all of the right things. But if your immune system has tagged like broccoli or spinach or onions or blueberries as basically like an invader and every time you eat them it's either distracting or overreacting your immune system and causing inflammation. Those foods are now poisoned to you and they're going to increase intestinal permeability, which is going to increase toxins coming back in, which leads to more inflammation, oxidation, et cetera. So those two things are really big for me. I work on people's diets, so I really like people to avoid gluten, whether they have issues with it or not, because gluten will increase sonulin, which increases intestinal permeability. I like patients to stay away from dairy because in my opinion, it's inflammatory and it's toxic. And really we need to stay away from sugar because sugar is going to suppress immune function and cause inflammation and feed the bugs. So those three things to me are super important. And I really believe that food is our foundation. You literally are what you eat. So that's kind of like the foundational work. I call it like a background check. So just making sure. And then obviously we have hormones and we have mycotoxins. There is just a plethora of other things that we need to make sure aren't an issue, but really going through and evaluating the patient, looking at what their issues are, their drops in the bucket, doing all of that. Background work and then moving into controlling the inflammatory cytokine cascade that these infections kind of ignite, as well as inhibiting the various enzymes that these infections use to break down our collagen and our extracellular matrix so that they literally feed off of us. [00:12:37] Speaker C: Yeah, I love everything that you just said. I'm like, what do I want to ask first? The food. I love that because it's a great reminder you can be eating so many healthy things, but it may not be healthy for your DNA type, for your body. So it's important to look at that. But I think everything that you just have said do a background check. I think it's a great explanation as to why there is not one lyme treatment for everyone. So if you go into a doctor and they're like, you take this, this and this, and you're going to be better, run as fast as you can because I promise you that's probably not going to happen because they're not doing the background check like you just talked about. And I think that's so important because there's a million ways to treat and we all treat differently. And it's based on our background. I like that word. I like that analogy. [00:13:38] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:13:43] Speaker B: Obviously, you can go in a gazillion different directions through kind of the interview that you're doing, the consult. That's when you kind of get a feeling for and what direction to go. And then in addition to then obviously kind of building up the gut to sealing that up and kind of boosting kind of seed nutritionally where they're at. Looking at you mentioned the genetic aspect, how do I detoxify, how effective am I in all these different areas so that you can then support those areas? Because there's a reason why the lyme is manifesting in this individual versus that individual. And so all of that becomes that terrain that you're talking about. [00:14:34] Speaker D: Right. And then another thing that I'm really passionate about is, again, to the point of not memorizing protocols, is that is there lyme? Is there Babesia, is there Bartonella, is there mycoplasma? There's a slew of other infections, bacterial, parasitic, viral that often are transmitted by these ticks, too. And then once your immune system is dysfunctioning, you are open to the possibility of having all of these other opportunistic know, a lot of my patients have reactivation of Epstein Barr and other viruses that will go up because the immune system is no longer doing their job. And so now you have to deal with all of that as well. And when patients have been on excessive amounts of antibiotics, a lot of times they'll have fungal overgrowth. Right? And so that has to be dealt with as well. So I think that if we understand what all of these different organisms do to the body and we understand what's going on with that particular patient's body, and then we understand how the different herbs and nutraceuticals work in the body, so we understand the mechanism of action, then we can marry. A perfect protocol together for that patient. And a lot of times you end up being on less things because you're not like, okay, here's the protocol for this, here's the protocol for that, here's the protocol for this. It's like if you understand the mechanism of action, you can pick like five or six herbs that are going to treat a lot of those organisms all at once. And that's the beauty of a lot of these medicinal herbs, is that they don't really have a lot of side effects, like negative side effects. They have a lot of side benefits. So a lot of the antimicrobial herbs or antibabesial herbs are also antioxidant, anti inflammatory, neuroprotective. Right. They have a lot of overreaching benefits. So, again, I really encourage patients, obviously practitioners, but even patients understand why you're using something. Don't just take something because you heard it's good for X, Y, or z. Yeah. [00:17:00] Speaker B: And what's so great with herbs is that they contain all these different phytonutrients, polyphenols and things that actually then feed a healthy gut biome as well. So it becomes like food for your healthy gut bacteria, and then it kind of controls the ones that are kind of overgrown. [00:17:23] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:17:24] Speaker C: And they're just so amazing for so many different reasons just to live a healthy lifestyle. Because you take one thing and it has side effects, so to say, but they're all positive. You go to a traditional doctor and get a high blood pressure medication. I don't know, take your pick and you take that, but now it's going to give you this, and now I need to give you this pill too. They're side effects, but they're not good side effects. So if you are one of those listeners out there and you're battling, you can't get better. You've been down the antibiotic route. Think outside the box a little bit, because I truly think that this is where it lies when it comes to chronic Lyme disease. [00:18:10] Speaker D: Yeah, I agree. [00:18:12] Speaker B: What is your stance in regards? Because you're so big into the gut, and obviously antibiotic is a common treatment for a lot of these lyme bugs. So what is your feeling? What is the place for antibiotic through this journey? Or should there be one? [00:18:31] Speaker D: Well, acutely, it's definitely easier to prevent, right? If you get on antibiotics and you get on the right antibiotics and you get on them for the right amount of time, that's something that I'm always seeing, like, oh, I was given two weeks of doxycycline, and it's like, okay, well, that's not going to do anything. It's like somehow people forget that you have to treat an infection beyond the length of its life cycle. And the spirochetes borrelia live their life cycle is 21 days or more. So less than 21 days of antibiotics, you're not effectively getting rid of the infection. Another issue with antibiotics is that there's persistor cell formation. And so I'm not against antibiotics. I want to make that very clear. They have their place. And I have a lot of patients who come into me who've been on antibiotics for months or years, some decades. And I always say that I think that one of the reasons why a lot of patients stay chronic, or that saying once you have lyme, you always have lyme. If you don't focus on rebuilding the immune system and normalizing the terrain yeah. Once you have lyme, you will always have lyme. You're going to go through this cycle of taking an antimicrobial, whether it's prescription or herbal. If we're focusing on just killing the organism, you're going to shrink the load of the infection down to a level where it's not gone, but it's low enough that it's not causing you to have symptoms. And then you're going to think you're better, you're going to stop, and over time, it's going to multiply and grow back until you get to the point where you're symptomatic again. And if patients are lucky enough to have a doctor that realizes that they're relapsing or they're lucky enough to know and be able to advocate for themselves, then they go on another round of treatment and then they get better for a short period of time. And it's just like this ebbing and flowing of the bacterial load. And so, again, I think that a lot of treatment protocols fail because whether you're using prescription or herbals, you're focused on killing the organism. And this is like a sourced and cited statement. No level of antibiotics is going to wipe any infection out of your body. Antibiotics shrink the load of an infection to the point, to the size that that particular immune system is able to come in and either put it into remission or wipe it completely out. Right. It's not the antibiotics that gets every single last little organism. And so if we don't recover this confused, dysfunctioning immune system, I do believe that once you have lyme, you'll always have lyme. And I tell patients there's a difference between eradication and remission. If you're going to say that something is eradicated or use the C word, which I never ever use, you better have proof that it's gone completely, that you have no lingering, hiding little spirochets in the body. And it's kind of like when you have cancer. Right oncologists. Don't go around saying they cured your cancer. They say, okay, we don't see any evidence of it from your immune response for the various markers. We don't see anything in any of your scans. But they're never going to tell you that it's gone 100%. And I feel like that's how these infections are because they're stealth. So we can say we forced it down to a load that's small enough that your immune system is able to hold it right from replicating. Or it's like that liking to being in remission, I guess, is how I would put it. [00:22:20] Speaker B: Yeah. And that's the thing, is, like you mentioned in regards to cancer, I mean, people doing chemo and they think that the tumor is gone and the chemo has kind of gotten rid of the cancer. But in reality you've created then a terrain where cancer can really proliferate. And there's no chemo out there. Just like there's no antibiotic out there for lyme. There's no chemo out there that's going to get rid of all cancer cells. It just does not exist. But it's exactly. You reduce a load, but then once you finish that, then what do you have to deal with it? Where's your immune system at? Your endocrine system, your gut? How do you detox and all those things, right? [00:23:09] Speaker D: Antibiotics are wonderful, but they're a double edged sword. They're good at reducing the bacterial load. But if they are really desecrating your microbiome and that's where what is it? Depending on who you talk to, 70% to 90% of your immune system is in your gut and depends on that healthy flora a lot, where does that leave you? So I think that herbal antibiotics are a little more gentle. Right. And Cryptolepis is a wonderful herb that also has anti inflammatory properties, but it's antispirochetal antibesial, and it was shown to be effective against persistor cells. So we have other options, I guess is my point. And when you have a chronic infection and you're going to be on things for years and with me, most of my patients don't get they're not done within a year at least, of treatment. They'll feel significantly better after 90 days and six months, but they're nowhere near being healed. Right. It takes a long time to undo all of that damage and heal the body. And my personal opinion is that if you're going to be on something long term, it's got to be something that isn't making your body more toxic and breaking you down further. It's got to be something that's helping to heal you and build you back up. [00:24:44] Speaker C: Perfectly said. Yeah. [00:24:46] Speaker B: Infection is kind of like a house on fire. Just because you get rid of the fire or the infection doesn't mean that the house is all of a sudden just in perfect shape. You got to repair it. There's been damage done, you got to fix it, otherwise you're going to be vulnerable again. [00:25:05] Speaker D: Right? Yeah, that's a perfect example. [00:25:08] Speaker B: So tell me a little bit about explain a little bit about persistor cell, how things that persist in regards to Lyme. Explain to the audience a little bit what that is and why that makes it hard to treat with antibiotics. [00:25:26] Speaker D: So basically, these are really smart organisms. The two that come to mind are the spirochets and then also babesia. So there was some information that I came across showing that after what was considered to be effective treatment of babesia, where they did a blood smear and they couldn't find any of the parasite in the blood smear, there often are relapsing cases. And so when this next generation of parasite is born, it has learned the mechanism in which the pharmaceutical antibiotics had killed it. And through Pleomorphism, it changes its genetic structure and changes its shape, and it's able to avoid or evade, I guess, the mechanism of action that previously killed it. [00:26:23] Speaker B: Isn't that amazing. I think we kind of have to give Lyme its dues. I mean, it's been around for a long, long time and has evolved for a long, long time, so it has developed a lot of defense mechanisms that are very incredible. [00:26:47] Speaker C: So we did all that, which was all fantastic. Can you give us kind of a brief overview of what your journey was like personally? [00:26:58] Speaker D: Sure. [00:27:00] Speaker C: Where do I I know, right? It's already hard enough to cram everything into one episode, let alone here you go, you got two minutes. Tell me your 30 year journey. [00:27:09] Speaker D: All right, well, what I will say is that in retrospect, so I got bit, I don't know, when I was nine or ten, something like that could have even been eleven. I don't know, I was pretty young and it was back when lyme was somewhat of a new thing. Not a new thing, but people knowing about it was a new thing. And so I had to go on the antibiotics and I had to go get a blood test. And I remember the doctor calling my mom and being like, great news, she doesn't have Lyme. Stop the antibiotics. So I think I was on them for, like, three days. But I know now it takes three to four weeks for your immune system to make the level of antibodies that are detectable. Besides the fact that the test that they were using only looks for Borrelia bergdifori and not the slew of other species of lyme that exist. And so for sake of time, I'm going to do this really fast. So I started to develop weird symptoms, but I was lucky enough that it didn't impact me to the point of being debilitated. Like I still did fine in high school, went on to college, whatever, but I had some quirky things that in retrospect I'm like, oh yeah, that was lime. Then in my early thirty s, I went through a very stressful period in my life and I also started doing a lot of rock climbing, hiking, and bought a dog that I loved who slept with me all the time. And subsequently I did get other tick bites as well. So all of a sudden during this stressful time, I started misspeaking. I would be in the middle of a sentence with a patient and literally not know what I was saying, forget what I was saying. I started having extremely severe headaches, drenching, night sweats, and none of my doctors wanted to listen to me. They said I was too stressed out and climbing too many mountains and doing too much yoga and going through early menopause, which was like, yeah, no, not at all, no other symptoms of that. And long story short, I tested positive for Babesia Bartonella, Borrelia Mycoplasma, among other things, and I did about 18 months of triple antibiotic therapy on and off. Rifampin malone mapron. So those are like, those are some of the brand names for Atovacone, which is what is used to treat babesia. Anyways, I got to the point where I was symptom free, but every single time I tried to stop my antibiotics, I would relapse. And at 03:00 in the morning I found master herbalist Stephen Buhner. I woke up thinking about that girl that we were treating in clinic when I was in medical school and I started searching like natural Cures for Lyme disease found Steven Buhner. He was doing a seminar, like, less than an hour away from my house, and he was out in New Mexico and I'm in Connecticut, and I literally signed up for that seminar and read, I think, one of his. Books twice before I even made it to that seminar and started corresponding with him and taking all of these herbs that I now use with my patients. And started using them with my patients. And I got better. I was able to get off and have never gone back on antibiotics since then. And this was back like 2011, 2012, so it's been a significant amount of time. And it was just very eye opening for me. And I think my AHA moment was you have to rebuild the immune system. So it's like I was one of those people. I was on the antibiotics, shrunk. The infection slowed down, symptoms went away, but as soon as I stopped taking them, the infection would grow back because I hadn't fixed my immune system. [00:30:59] Speaker C: So you got to learn all that firsthand. What better way, right? [00:31:03] Speaker D: Right. [00:31:03] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:31:05] Speaker D: No, better. [00:31:07] Speaker B: Exactly. Yeah. And so sad we don't have Steven Buhner with us still now. What he's done in this space, it's just incredible. He was truly a lime whisperer, herb whisperer, just a mystic in all of those areas. [00:31:26] Speaker C: I'm glad his legacy is living on. Right. We're still using, talking about, so that's I'm sure what he wanted. So that's amazing. [00:31:34] Speaker D: His philosophy is legit at the core of what I do. So I don't know that I would still be able to be a doctor had I not met him and used his information. [00:31:49] Speaker B: Yeah. And he was truly somebody there where it's not a cookie cutter formula. It's almost like you have to be in the energy of the bugs and appreciate their intelligence and appreciate kind of the song they're singing, in a way. And be able to sing it yourself. And it's pretty fascinating. [00:32:13] Speaker C: Yes. All right, well, that was just packed full of so much good information. And I love it when we do talk the antibiotics, because obviously, I'm no doctor, I'm just a lyme patient. But of all the people I've talked to over the years, I see the good and the bad. I'm not saying that they don't work. I just don't think that they should. Unless you're a fresh bite. Yes. Let's get on the antibiotics and do some herbs too. But if you're a chronic lyme, I don't think it should be your first option. Again, my opinion, no medical, nothing. So tell us about I know that I mentioned earlier that you just gone and spoke at the ILADS. What are a couple of the things that people can follow you or see you do? And then also tell us about your exciting event coming up next month. [00:33:08] Speaker D: Sure. So let's see. Well, I guess I'll just kind of go in the order that they're coming. So we are putting on a two day conference in Mystic, Connecticut, called Limebytes and that's Lymebytes.com. And we have about 17 amazing Lyme literate speakers coming. And, I mean, these doctors, really, all they do is treat lyme, co infections, mycotoxin illness so real complex, chronic illness, and. They're going to come and share their knowledge. And lunch is provided both days with gluten free, dairy free, organic, wonderful food. And we have a lot of vendors who are coming, industry experts, not only from testing, right? So we're going to go over a lot of testing and diagnosis, but also adjunctive therapies like hyperbaric oxygen, far infrared sauna. Really the idea is to put forth the most up to date, cutting edge information and connect medical practitioners, industry experts, patients, but also nonprofit organizations that offer treatment grants. Because a lot of patients as well as practitioners and myself included. I didn't know that these nonprofits that offered treatment grants existed until about two years ago, which is mind blowing to me. So I kind of wanted to get everybody together. And whether you're a newbie to Lyme or you're someone that's been doing this forever, there's information that will help to change the way that you practice. [00:35:02] Speaker C: That's my next I'm excited about it because I saw the lineup of the doctors and it's pretty great. And I love that you included incorporated the nonprofit part of it, the vendors and stuff like that because yes, a lot of people don't know about the different resources. There's so many of us that beat Lyme and we turn our whole world around and do something different. And a lot of these people are getting into the lime, advocating, they're setting up nonprofits, they're putting together these grant programs, and these are people that battled themselves and that's why they're doing it. So we need them to be recognized so that we know where to find them. So can people watch this virtually? Because obviously not everybody's over in Connecticut. [00:35:51] Speaker D: Yes. So there's obviously in person, but then there's also a virtual option as well. [00:35:57] Speaker C: Awesome. And we will put that link into your title so people can get signed up for it. And when is that? Can you give us the exact date? Yes. [00:36:05] Speaker D: So that is November 10 and 11th. It's a Friday and Saturday, and it's roughly like eight to five both days. [00:36:11] Speaker C: Awesome. Well, I am excited to follow it. [00:36:14] Speaker D: If you sign up and you cannot attend during that time, virtually, you'll get all of the recordings so you can watch them later. [00:36:22] Speaker C: That's great to know. So there's no excuse. You're having a bad day. You don't have to log on. You'll have a recording to watch too much. [00:36:31] Speaker D: You can take one recording at a time, one recording a day. [00:36:34] Speaker C: That's another part. Yes. Sometimes our brain can only handle so much load. Right. So you're throwing out all the different options and the tools for them to not miss it. So that's incredible. [00:36:45] Speaker D: Yeah. And then I'll be at IHS in New York City November 15. Sorry, take that back. February 15, 2024. And then the Medical Academy for Pediatric Special Needs. I think that's the third week in March, and that is in Charlote. [00:37:07] Speaker C: Wow, you are a busy person. [00:37:10] Speaker B: When you get into this world, people need your it's. That's great. [00:37:19] Speaker C: We appreciate what you're doing. [00:37:20] Speaker B: Yeah. And it's fascinating. Like, special needs children that come with autism, to me, I would say majority of them, they haven't treated the Lyme frequently. They do the food and they have the medals, and they haven't really looked at the Lyme aspect, and it tends to always be there. [00:37:41] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:37:43] Speaker C: Amazing. Well, thank you so much, Dr. Hinchi, for joining us and sharing all of your knowledge and your tips and tricks and your event. Looking forward to it. It's, I'm sure, to be a great one, full of tons of information that is going to be so affordable to gain, so I hope that those listeners definitely look into that. [00:38:08] Speaker D: Thank you. Thank you for having me. Such a pleasure to talk to and meet both of you. [00:38:13] Speaker B: Well, thank you so much. The honor has been ours. [00:38:16] Speaker C: Absolutely. Yes. Thank you so much. [00:38:26] Speaker A: The Information this podcast is for educational purposes only, and it's not designed to diagnose or treat any disease. I hope this podcast impacted you as it did me. Please subscribe so that you can be notified when new episodes are released. There are some excellent shows coming up that you do not want to miss. If you're enjoying these podcasts, please take a moment to write a review. And please don't keep this information to yourself. Share them with your family and friends. You never know what piece of information that will transform their lives. For past episodes and powerful information on how to conquer lime, go to integrativelimesolutions.com and an additional powerful resource, lymestream.com. For Lyme support and group discussions, join Tanya on Facebook at lyme conquerors mentoring lyme warriors if you'd like to know more about the cutting edge integrative of Lyme therapies My Center offers, please visit thecarlfellcenter.com. Thank you for spending this time with us, and I hope to see you at our next episode of Integrative lyme Solutions with Dr. Carlfell Sam.

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