Episode 145: Unmasking Lyme Disease with Dr. Todd Watts

Episode 145 January 03, 2024 01:01:21
Episode 145: Unmasking Lyme Disease with Dr. Todd Watts
Integrative Lyme Solutions with Dr. Karlfeldt
Episode 145: Unmasking Lyme Disease with Dr. Todd Watts

Jan 03 2024 | 01:01:21


Show Notes

Today we have a special guest. Dr. Todd Watts is a national board-certified chiropractic physician, foundational medicine practitioner, and licensed with the Pastoral Medical Association. He's also the owner of Total Body Wellness Clinic in Meridian, ID.

Dr. Watts shares his personal experience battling Lyme disease and the potential connections between Lyme disease and parasitic infections. He emphasises the importance of addressing all underlying health issues, be it parasites, mitochondria, or immune system regulation, to effectively manage Lyme disease. He also talks about the products he created at his company, Cellcore, to help people cleanse their bodies of parasites and other Lyme-related health issues.


Website: cellcore.com

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: Welcome back to Integrative Lime Solutions with Dr. Carl Feld. I am so excited about the show. [00:00:07] Speaker B: That we have ahead of us. [00:00:08] Speaker A: We have some phenomenal information that could save lives. I am Dr. Michael Carlfelt, and with me, I have my co host, Tanya Hobo. [00:00:19] Speaker C: You're gonna need to tune in to what's going on today. The information is impact. So, yeah, don't step away. [00:00:29] Speaker D: So excited. Let's go ahead and get this started. Welcome to Integrative Lime Solutions with Dr. Carl felt. And today I'm always excited, but I'm really excited today because we actually have a live guest in the studio with us. I knew that he was around this area, but I didn't really know he was physically here. So any of you lime listeners out there, if you open your cabinet, I'm sure you'll see something that's going to be very familiar to you. So I'm super excited to have him. He's going to talk about his lime journey with us and then talk about all the amazing things that he's been doing. And so it's truly an honor to have you. And me too. Welcome Dr. Tod Watts. [00:01:17] Speaker B: Thank you for having me here. It's really excited. I'm really excited about being here and hanging out with Dr. K and known him for about ten years now. So this is our first podcast together and excited to have that, like, Joe Rogan experience with him. [00:01:32] Speaker C: This is going to be awesome. Yeah, we had lots of great conversations and now we actually get to have it on air. And that's going to be so cool. [00:01:39] Speaker B: Yeah, it's good. [00:01:42] Speaker C: Mean, people know you as the creator of Cellcore and all amazing products that I use in my clinic for people dealing with complex health issues. And I know people all over the world use those products because they work very well. But there was a reason why this company was started. There's a story behind that. And what is that story? What drove this creation? [00:02:11] Speaker B: That is an awesome question, because you're right. Cellcore is here because of my own personal journey. Like a lot of us, we have our journeys to why we do what we do. And I know a lot of practitioners that became practitioners because of their health journey and their issues with Lyme or mold, whatnot. So my journey with this whole Lyme disease thing really happened when I was 28. So years ago, 27 years ago, I had Epstein Barr virus and that wiped me out. Did not comprehend what that really would do. So probably 60 days that I was just in bed, really sick, and the doctor said I would have to take it easy for about a year. And at the time I was doing drywall painting at a remodel company and I'm thinking, I work 60 to 80 hours a week, there's no way that's going to happen. So I didn't listen to the doctor and I went to, what I usually did is go down to the local health food store and just loaded up on stuff. My mom's always been going the natural route, grew up going to chiropractors, doing AK doctors, more naturopathic doctors. That's always the first thing I turn to. And sure enough, within a few weeks I was back at it and working and just living my life as normal. And then as I went through my thirty s, I started getting different things, normal aches and pains, arthritis, allergies, headaches, migraines. And I'm thinking, okay, what's going on? And the doctor is like, oh, it's just normal. You're 40, you're just going to have aches and pains and these joint pains stuff. It's just how life is. 2008 occurred and I lost everything. So it was rough. I lost my businesses, lost my houses, my cars, and started all over in life and took my two little girls and my wife and we moved back to Kansas City, Kansas, there and we went to chiropractic school. So at the age of 41, I started chiropractic school. And luckily I had my undergrad already, all done from my twenty s, and I was premed back then. As I was going through chiropractic school, I was going to conferences, learning stuff as well. And at one of the conferences this guy presented on Lyme disease, never ever heard of it. So this is probably 2009, 2010, around that time period. And so afterwards I said, hey, you know, I identified a lot of those symptoms from the sub occipital tightness and just really just the neck could hardly move it, hardly. And a lot of low back pain, the sacrum area, just legs were just tired and heavy. A lot of joint pain, which is similar to the Lyme stuff. And then memory stuff people can relate to word recall, just can remember people's names, can remember words, that a door, that thing you go in and out of that has a handle, it just is bad. And so I was going through chiropractic know with these issues and anyway, I had this guy test me and it's like, yeah, you got Lyme in Babesia. Babesia is really bad. So I started taking his tinctures, he's a guy out of Wisconsin, doctor over there specialized in Lyme disease, made his own product line that really helped with a lot of my symptoms, but I kept cycling. So you hear these Lyme disease people that cycle and like, I do well for a while and then I crash and do well for a while and crash, and I had a lot of fatigue, so my joint pain got a lot better. Some of the different symptoms got better, but I still had allergies, still had headaches. And it wasn't from the lack of adjustments or the lack of whatever it may be. I had a doctor that said, hey, go off dairy, man. That was life changing because then all my headaches went away. But then when I exposed to it, then it was really bad. So it made it even worse in a way. And so going through chirbright school, I graduated during that time period in Kyrie's school, I ended up teaching biochemistry for two years at a supplemental instruction class. And I tutored it for three years. Really dove deep into the biochemistry of the body, how it works, which really set the stage for me now today with what I do. And then as I got into practice, my practice here in Idaho, it was just people coming in for Lyme disease. Not too many people knew about it back then, needed help with it. All these symptoms and autoimmune disease. I just started day one from that. I didn't have a typical chiropractic practice. I didn't go into chiropractic school for that. I had chronic wrist pain, low back pain. It hurt for me to bend over, adjust people. So I never wanted to do that. I wanted to go in more on the internal side of things. What was going internally causing my headaches, what was going internally causing my wrist pain, my low back pain, my allergies. And I was going through this process. I learned about this doctor from Texas, I think you have stronduloids. It's this parasite thing. Okay, never heard of that. Parasites. I've heard of parasites. I lived in South America for two. You know, we had to be careful. We had to boil our water, we had to strain our water, we had to put drops in our water, and you had to make sure you didn't eat the lettuce and different stuff. So I get the parasite, but I didn't realize how prolific it was in the US as well. And so that started my journey of, he's like, hey, you need some mimosa putica seed or mimosa putica? I'm like, okay, let's get some of that biopure. At the time, we're selling it. Except they were backlogged. They didn't have any in stock. They didn't know when they would get it back in. So he got some from China, and I don't know, I'll get from China just because some of the purity issues I talked to a friend of mine about. And then one of my patients one day was like, hey, there's a store. I'm in Reno, Nevada, right now. I stopped in at the store, ayurvedic place. They have some mimosa putica, like, buy it all. So I bought 30 pounds of it. I started giving it out in baggies to my patients and five people that I put on it just to see how they did with it. And, man, it was helping them. And then I went through the whole parasite cleansing of my body, and boom, my allergies went away. The issues with my low back, all the wrist pain went away. My goodness. And then you read in cure for all diseases and hold a Clark links it to liver flukes. Wow, that's amazing. And then that's where I learned about stronduloides. With that, she said in her book that it's the number one cause for headaches and migraines. And I had learned that separately, and that just validated what I had learned in this process. So then I dove deep into the parasites for years and did a lot of research. And Dr. J. We met and became business partners to start cellcore biosciences with one product called para one, or mimosa pudicocyte. And then from there, brought on a bunch of other products. But it was all on the foundation of trying to get my health back. And once I addressed parasites, the cycling stopped. All these other symptoms resolved. My energy came back. Fatigue was gone, and, yeah, just my life changed. And so that's when I learned, what is the effect of parasites with Lyme disease? What's the correlation? And the correlation is that there's two parts to your immune system, mainly the th one t upper one cells and the t upper two cells. T upper one cells are what really go after Lyme disease. Protozoans, bacteria, viruses. That part, the t upper two cells normally go after more of the parasites. The bigger stuff, the cestodes, nematodes, trematodes. So that's like flukes, your roundworms, pinworms, threadworms, tapeworms. And so when that's elevated, so th two elevates with those infections, then it suppresses th one, which then you just keep cycling. So you could take all this stuff and do all these ivs and all these things. But if you don't ever address the immune system itself, it just keeps coming back. And that's where I had a massive breakthrough with a lot of my patients. And I've seen people from all over the world for Lyme disease, and by never even addressing Lyme, because they already done it for years with lots of other practitioners, addressed parasites and their immune system and everything. So then that's the journey in a nutshell of what happened. So my own personal journey was going through with epstein Barr, Lyme disease, parasites, and then toxins, and later on, mold. Realizing living in a moldy house then caused other problems. So then going through that and on a different journey later on was my understanding of how I created a lot of what I did, because I went through it myself. [00:11:14] Speaker C: So it's kind of like we should, at the end of the day, have, like, a big picture of the mimosa purica. And that is kind of your starting journey. This is the plant for you. [00:11:27] Speaker B: Exactly. It's what took our company off, and it changed so many people's lives and people's protocols by just starting with that one product. And we brought in the pair of two, which is an ayurvedic formula that's great for helping to balance the gut and help pushing. It's a lot of herbs and spices help push the parasites out. And then I did pair of three, and then eventually pair of four. So pair of three in a tincture form to go deep in the body and also to more address stronduloids and some of these threadworms. And actually, it's great for some certain tapeworms and liver flukes. And then paraphor, which has been great for a whole nother level of stuff, has a lot of mirinda in it, the noni, and a variety of other ones in there. So they address all different types of parasites in their own different way, as well as bacteria, yeast, fungus, and stuff too. [00:12:16] Speaker C: And that's the thing, is that you have a whole full spectrum of things. It's not like I have Lyme disease, and this is it. It's only borrelia or bartonella or babesia. It's a soup of things. And all of these are impacting how the immune system is functioning. And a lot of times it's not. Kind of the pathogen in itself is immune system's response to it. [00:12:41] Speaker B: You're totally right. 100% agree with you. So it's your immune system's response to what is going on in these bodies. So why is the bacteria in your body? Why is bartonella or lyme bacteria in your body? Why is Candida, right? Why is it elevated in the body? Well, it could be that's related to a toxin that it's trying to help to metabolize and clear out. Bacteria are amazing organisms, and a lot of bacteria and fungi is designed there in our bodies to clear other things out that aren't supposed to be there. And as we got to, that's why the detoxing is so important to go along with clearing this stuff out to have the success that you need. And then you tighten the mitochondria and its role in the immune system. And when you get all these toxins that suppress mitochondrial function, then it's really hard to overcome Lyme and these other things that you're addressing. But when it comes down to it, it's that bigger approach of like, hey, what's really happening here? Where do I need to address this first to have the most success in the long term? And then how can I reduce some of the symptoms that just really suck for people to go through. [00:13:50] Speaker C: Here? You talked about, you got the pathogens, you got detoxification, you get mitochondrial, you got immune system regulation. What journey for an individual out there, what is a journey that they should generally start on? I mean, what does that process look like? Do you address them all at the same time? What do you do? [00:14:15] Speaker B: That would be amazing if you address them at Suntown. I think it's way too much, right? It just blow you out, and it'd be worse. You die already half dead. [00:14:23] Speaker D: Right? [00:14:24] Speaker B: Yeah. I don't want to have to go through this if it's what it's going to take. But no, we created at Cellcore, Dr. J and I. So, Dr. J, his background is that his wife almost died twice from Lyme. She was in 1989, bit by tick, the age of seven, I think. Around the age of seven. And back then, nobody knew much about it. And so she was in a coma for six weeks in the hospital, and one of her mom's friends said, hey, look, you need to tell the doctor to look for Lyme. Doctors, like, no, that doesn't exist, whatever. And finally, because she was in a coma, I was like, okay, what does it hurt to test for it? Tested for it. It was positive. Put her on its antibiotics, and she came out of coma. And then she had all these years of. She got better. But then when she had a baby, when she had her first baby, which is her only daughter, she crashed again. She couldn't eat for, like, 20 days, and then she just crashed for years. And so Dr. J's mission was to get his wife's health back, and Dr. Heather's, which is. She's a doctor as well. She's a chiropractor. They had a clinic together, and so we partnered up to try and create solutions and ways of dealing with those super sensitive people and also to how to overcome this. So, in our roadmap to health that cellcore trains doctors with, we teach people, you want to start with, usually opening up drainage and supporting mitochondria first. And we do that because if you start to take killers like killing Lyme and Bartonella and some of these other things and parasites, you can feel worse because your body's not clearing out. So if you're not pooping and going to the bathroom, if the bile flow isn't moving because you got sluggish bile lymphatics aren't moving, then what will happen is then it backs up, and then it goes into the bloodstream, and then you feel horrible, you get a headache, you get rashes. It's just not a good thing. So the goal is to make sure you go into the bathroom. So we develop products to help support that whole process and protocols to help support the doctors treat their patients. And then the next thing is the energy. So it takes energy or mitochondrial health to support your immune system. So we talk about immune system, but what's one of the biggest regulators of the immune system? The mitochondria. So the ATP molecule, which we know is the fuel of the body. We learned this in biology in junior high and high school, and it's like, we got to make the ATP. It's the fuel factory. So then we can do all these reactions in the body, and I can have energy to run around and do everything. Well, when you get sick, the flu, or cold, what happens? You get tired, because that atp molecule leaves the cell and then becomes what they call mitokind, meaning it's a cell signaler to say, hey, immune system, you got to attack these guys, and you got to get the stuff out of here and clean it all up. That's why you're tired, because now you're using that molecule for a different purpose. And so if that's damaged the mitochondria, then you're not going to be able to perform a lot of things. So you can't do both at the same time. You can't go fight your infections and have lots of energy and feel good at the same time. And that's where we have to then support and get it to where we can turn it around. So it gets to the point where it's depleted and you're just sick, and you see those people in your clinic all the time, which you do amazing work there to help them out with the ivs and the nutrition and things to get them boosted up to where they can handle it. What will happen is, in the mitochondria, there's two processes that can happen for energy in the body. One's aerobic, which is what mitochondria produces aerobic energy from aerobic processes versus anaerobic processes, meaning that if we can't have good mitochondrial function, then we'll have an anaerobic process that creates energy without oxygen. Without oxygen, yeah. So it's like sprinting, where you run out of oxygen real quick and you get muscle lactic acid building up. Same thing. So lactic acidosis type of process, you build lactate up, and then it goes to the liver and processes through. And it's very inefficient form of energy, where if you have oxygen, you can jog or walk for a long time, but if you don't have enough oxygen or if your mitochondria are beaten up, then it suppresses that point where you can't go through that aerobic respiration process. So by supporting the mitochondria and clearing out the toxins that are depleting it or beating it up or creating all that oxidative stress or those bugs that are doing the same thing, then by supporting those processes, you're able to then now use it, make it energy efficiently. If you don't make it energy efficiently, then you go back to that whole process of lactic acidosis and you just feel horrible. So that's why we start there. First, to make your hormones, you need energy, atp, to make neurotransmitters, to digest, to do so many enzymatic processes within the body, it needs energy and to support your immune system. So it's really important to have Healthy mitochondria. Then the next step is then gut health. We talk about 75% of everything's healed within your gut. And that's where we start dressing parasites. So we start supporting the liver function, the bile flow, and we're always binding. So through the whole process, we're binding, we're supporting drainage energy, and then we start to introduce, then clear and parasites, and then later on, lyme and bartonella and all that. Somebody has a lot of the acute symptoms. Then I'll bring those products in at a lower doses at the beginning, but I'm really careful by how much they can tolerate and how much they can't. [00:20:14] Speaker C: Yeah. And that's the thing, is that when I pose the question, do we bring it all in? Yeah, it becomes too much. And you have to kind of recognize that the body only has so much energy, like you're saying, and there's only so many projects a body can do, especially if it's beaten up. Tanya, you weren't able to do a lot of projects when you were exhausted, were you? [00:20:38] Speaker D: No. Couldn't do much. It took all I could do just to crawl down the hallway to get to the bathroom. It was pretty bad, for sure. [00:20:48] Speaker B: It's interesting. I think a lot of our people that we work with have a lot of energy problems. Right. And for me, fatigue was probably the worst. And I point out there's three types of fatigue. It's overall just general fatigue, and then there's brain fatigue and then muscle fatigue. And those all came back at different times for me. And as I was coming home from work, I remember one day, just like, man, I'm just surviving life. I get home at 06:00 from work. I take a nap, get up, eat dinner with the kids, put them to bed, go back to bed. That was my daily life until I was able to get through this process of what was going on. And I just had one of those moments in my life where I came home and I saw my kids out playing. And for me, I was always wanted to be that dad. Like, my dad was playing baseball with my kids, being out shooting basketball, just being a part of their life, and being that spouse, too. She had to hold the fort down quite extensively for me at home because I was just so exhausted and. Or if I came home with a migraine and just. She just like, all right. She could see it in my eyes, like, all right, I'll see you in a few hours. And I had to go sleep it off. But that day, I saw my son out playing baseball with my neighbor for the first time. Right? It wasn't me. It was my neighbor. That was like a dagger in my heart that I missed that opportunity from my boy, my oldest son, to do that event that I grew up going to, the Padre games in San Diego. We had season tickets in 77, 78. I just loved baseball, and I missed out on that process. So I was determined after that to really find out, what do I need to do to get better? How do I break through this? And a lot of it part of it's mindset, too. Like, you had to become a warrior to figure it out. [00:22:43] Speaker D: Yeah, you for sure do. We talk a lot about the mindset thing. So you think there's three types of fatigue? And I'm going to say, if that's true, then I'm going to say there's four types, because the Lyme fatigue is like no other. Oh, sure. I know a lot of people that went through Covid and listening to them talk about the fatigue and to myself, honestly, I'm just laughing because I had Covid and I had the fatigue. But it's on a whole nother level that you can't even, just even describe. [00:23:19] Speaker B: I call it a digestral fatigue. It's the whole body. [00:23:22] Speaker D: Yes. [00:23:22] Speaker B: It's just the whole thing. For me, that was the first thing. I feel like I was able to recover once we knocked down that Lyme and able to stop cycling that process and crashing again. [00:23:34] Speaker D: Yeah, well, I love that we're talking about parasites, because when we deal with Lyme, going back to, it's not just Lyme, it's Lyme and co infections and mold and parasites and candida. Like, it just goes on and on. You can't just clump it into just Lyme. And we talk a lot about poop. Right? Like with lime. We have some pretty interesting conversations, and a lot of people don't like to talk about it or want to hear about it, but parasites are a real thing, and they are. I've heard of a lot of stories. I've dealt with parasites many, many times, but I've never heard somebody who said, once you did your parasite cleanse all your other issues, like, they finally went away. Like, that was the root of your problem that you hadn't found yet. [00:24:20] Speaker B: Well, I did it for probably somewhere between twelve and 18 months. So I did a lot of different things because until I could find and formulate myself the products that needed to be on the market, I was using anything and everything. And so I had to learn. I took medications, I took albendazole, ivermectin, brought sequanil. I've done tons of different herbal, herbal products on the market, from biowite formulas to barlow herbals, to stomach formulas, to meta herbs. Lots of different companies. And just took me a long time because I didn't have what I have now. [00:24:59] Speaker D: Yeah. And you and Dr. J, like, perfect example of, you have to be your own advocate. Like, you guys are here because you had to advocate for yourself. He had to advocate for his wife and it's sad, but that's what happens. And then your world changed and you guys are changing lives out there with what you're doing. So I love it. [00:25:21] Speaker B: Thank you. [00:25:22] Speaker C: So tell me, how common is parasites? Because here we live in America and we're a clean country. It's not like we're a third world country. So how common is parasites? And is that something that most people should have on the radar and really address? [00:25:40] Speaker B: So it's a great question. And it goes back to, we are a global community now. This isn't know. Travel is everywhere. I've had so many people come back from the Caribbean, from Mexico, trips from Africa, from all over the place, and they come back sick. And no doctor asks them, did you travel? Did you go somewhere? But you don't have to go anywhere. You can get it right here because it's one of those things where you can get them from a mosquito bite, a flea bite, a tick bite. You can get them from eating food, whether it's meat or even vegetables from your animals, dogs, cats, horses. It's prolific. Cows, walking barefoot, being in the lake. I have all kinds of different stories of people and experiences and stuff, but some of the worst cases I've had are people that traveled overseas. But one of my common sayings is if you have a pulse, you have a parasite. [00:26:43] Speaker D: This is part of life. [00:26:44] Speaker B: It's not that you want to kill them all off, right? You're not going to nuclear blast them, but you have to detox because they do absorb a lot of toxins in the body. And that's why it's important as you cleanse them out that you detox at the same time, clearing the toxins that they're absorbing for you. And you think about what is out there. Our food today is sprayed with glyphosate or atrazine or these other chemicals. Pesticides, herbicides, insecticides. So many things are sprayed over our food. You think we're healthy inside. It kills all the good bacteria. It kills, inhibits all these enzymatic reactions. And to me, that's the epidemic today of what's going on. And then fungus and other things grow in your body. Bacteria and parasites can proliferate because of the toxins that are occurring within the body and radiation as well. [00:27:37] Speaker C: Yeah, it's all about the environment that you create. And obviously, if you eat in a certain way, that that's going to create a biome that correlates to your lifestyle versus something else. So I'm curious, because you have these events that people come from all over the world. I talk about the products and also people talk in regards to how it impacted them. And so at the last one that I was at, pictures of parasites that came out. What's some of the wildest stories that you heard from all the people that you interact with that utilizes your products? [00:28:28] Speaker B: So I have one of my patients, he lived in Brazil for a couple of years, did a mission down there, and he was close to 400 pounds, super fatigued, overweight and stuff. And so we started to cleanse him out and actually did a water fast for 137 days. This wasn't me. I challenged him for ten days and it's like, well, jesus did 40, so I'm going to do 40. And then he just kept going. And now he's supported with electrolytes and different things, right? But he had like four different six foot tapeworms coming out of him. It was amazing. And he lost 120 pounds and got a lot healthier. I had another girl, a practitioner in New York, working with this girl, a teenager, and literally pulled, looked like an earthworm, like a four inch worm out of her nose. And she said she passed four of those out of her nose. And I've seen people passing this one guy, he was for sure thought he had mold illness because he lived up in the mountains in New Mexico. This mold avoider and stuff. Like, look, we've cleansed you out of mold and so you have a liver flukes. This is what's going on. We need to do this. And finally he went along with me after four months of discussing back and forth, and I had to prove it on labs, that mold is good. And he said, like, the mother load of liver flukes came out of him for a week long, and all of a sudden, 90% of his problems were gone. It stopped crashing, and he's able to start walking, hiking seven to 8 miles a day. Just his whole life changed. But I remember that one gal I worked with, one of the first ones I worked with, with the pair of one mimosa putica seed. And the stuff that came out of her like 4ft long, looked like thick beef jerky, just, I think years of just inflammation. She had had tons of fatigue and migraines. It was only down to eating like three different foods for two years. She couldn't eat anything. Just, it would cause so much pain. And by clearing out parasites and clearing out all this other mucoid plaque and garbage that just was building up in her intestines her whole life, know, and Dr. J always talks about his story of pulling them out of his butt. I mean, I did the same things like, whoa, something's there. And you start pulling, and it's like, okay. I feel it slithering through my intestines and on out. [00:30:59] Speaker D: The crazy thing is that so many people, when we go through this lyme journey, we get tested for everything. And I can't tell you how many times I've sent in poop samples, right? Comes back, I see the parasite in my sample, and it comes back. No, you're good. [00:31:16] Speaker B: Always negative. [00:31:17] Speaker D: I mean, doesn't matter. It's just literally a waste of time and money to try to do a stool sample, because I don't know what they're testing with. I don't know if they don't believe it. I don't know. But we all have parasites. It's just a matter of how our body reacts to them and can handle them. [00:31:33] Speaker B: I had a gal that brought in a liver fluke and textbook. I mean, you look at it, I'm like, oh, wow, that's so awesome. What a great specimen. I open up the manual. I did a medical parasitology class in college and stuff, and I looked, I'm like, wow, that is textbook liver fluke. Send it in. Comes back negative. Oh, my goodness. How do they test these things? So, again, in some of them, you just can't test. 70% of them are microscopic. They're going through the whole body anyway. Something. Babesia, that's a red blood cell parasite. You're not getting that in your stool sample. You get liver flukes. You're not getting those in your stool sample or your lung flukes or pancreatic flukes or other ones that are more systemic. Stronduloids or just threadworm, is the upper intestinal parasite that gets into your lungs and your sinuses. I've read all the research on that. Only way you can diagnose that is through a biopsy. You don't do it through any stool samples or anything, so it doesn't matter. You take products that will help cleanse out your gut. Whether you think you have parasites or not, it's going to be healthy bitters and spices that are just in general that these places use the ancient civilizations through ayurvedic medicine, or, like, in Hawaii and the islands that use noni and a lot of that, or the Amazon that use other types of these herbs that really help the body to reset. [00:32:59] Speaker C: Yeah, I just had a patient earlier today. I'm dealing with sarcodosis, and she's gone to all doctors all over the place and crying because of her symptoms and how horrible it's been and doesn't have a life and all of these things. And so you do the muscle testing, and you see at the core of it as you're testing is parasites. And people don't realize a lot of times these clusters that you see when you look at CT scans or any kind of imaging that these can actually be then pathogenic in nature. It can be kind of parasites that create biofilms around themselves. And that's what you're looking at. So it's always fascinating when you then do these type of therapies and you start to kind of clear these parasites, how that changes a lot of these images that you do. [00:34:00] Speaker B: Yeah. Dr. Alan McDonald, he's a pathologist, and he did all these testing on a bunch of MS patients that had passed away. And in their findings, they found Lyme in every one of the tissues, the nervous system tissues, as well as parasites. And so they go hand in hand together. But also parasites can hold the lyme inside it. They hold bacteria and a variety of the pathogens within them and makes it hard to get rid of it as well. [00:34:34] Speaker C: Yeah. So that kind of becomes a little bit of a strategy as you're then killing parasites and recognizing that as you're killing it, you do need to make sure that you can capture whatever is inside the parasite in itself, whether it's a virus, Lyme, or whatever it may be. [00:34:50] Speaker B: Exactly. [00:34:51] Speaker C: Yeah. So here you then developed the parasite. You've recognized that you tried all these different things, every possible product that was out there, and then you came to that. This is what's working for me. This is what's developing results. And I have to agree. I mean, I use your products when it's a parasite cleanse. That's where I always go to. And I've done a lot of the other products out there, and they're good, but it's just when you want to get the four footers out or the six footers out. [00:35:31] Speaker D: You want the real deal, go to cellcore. [00:35:35] Speaker C: That's exactly what you're talking about. Patients talking how they had to pull things out. But then comes the next step because you have the borealia or the lime aspect to it. Why did you feel you had to take that step as well? Because obviously, you mentioned a number of different companies that have great products, but you felt that that was a void that still needed to be filled in some fashion. [00:36:06] Speaker B: Yeah. So part of my journey is taking products. So Dr. Alan Lindsay in Wisconsin there he helped, so his formulas. He worked with patients for over twelve years and had a lot treated thousands of people, had tremendous amount of success. I've been to his clinic and watched people that he and his products helped so many people and just life changing. So I brought those products that he created for his company, NHS Pharmacy at the time and worked with him in bringing that as part of Cellcore for that line for the bartonella borrelia stuff. So I just had so much success with treating people using his products for years that I thought well why reinvent the will, right? I'm already having a lot of, and I know a lot of other doctors that used his products that had tremendous success with them. So I brought those into cellcore. [00:37:01] Speaker C: Yeah. And it's fascinating when a number of autistic children and you kind of test and see is lying part of the journey and it tends to always be and then you bring in things like is bore or your different products that you have and it just changes the picture completely. [00:37:25] Speaker B: It works well. [00:37:26] Speaker D: So I have a question for hopefully everybody that's listening knows that they need to do a parasite cleanse, right? We all do. So for people that are healthy or people that are doing well, that have battled line like myself, what is your recommendation as far as doing a parasite cleanse? I personally try to do one a couple of times a year or if I get back from Mexico and Dr. K muscle tests me and says, you got parasites. But I kind of do it like as a maintenance. And for me personally I like to do the parasite cleanse. And then when I'm done with it I like to do some colonics to really just get everything out of me. That's my protocol. What is it that you recommend? [00:38:13] Speaker B: Yeah, I like that idea. I know with my own kids I do at least twice a year I have a lot of my patients that will do just a full moon protocol. So we'll do anywhere from three to seven days around full moon and just kind of hit that and make sure we're maintaining that we might do that for a while. Like every month for a while, and then other times we'll do it every three months and just do that full moon protocol. [00:38:37] Speaker D: Yeah, that's a good time to do it. Definitely. For sure it's the full moon because a lot of people, especially people that have lyme, they tend to get worse and that's probably the reason why it's the full moon. You've got parasites going on. [00:38:52] Speaker B: Yeah. So they're coming from the lungs, right. So a lot of the intestinal worms go immature in the lungs, so the larvae will come out and then come down intestines and finish this adult stage. And that's when you see a lot of the little ones, little kids that are early restless or have severe eczema and they're scratching like crazy. It's during that full moon time period. So that's the ideal time. And in the formulas, what do you see in the formulas is I always have, except for the pair, one with the momos pudicacy, the other three formulas. I have something that's addressing the eggs and the larvae in there as well. So you want to be sure when you're taking formulas that you're addressing all the different stages of parasites. So you have most success on eradicating for the most part trying to get rid of the different stages of them. Otherwise they just keep going. And all the eggs, tapeworms lay hundreds of thousands of eggs a day, right? So the goal is to make sure that those are getting cleared out as well. [00:39:52] Speaker D: So you have the pair one, two, three and four. And so what does one. If somebody wants to use your products, how do they use it? Do they do them all? Do they do them in stages? [00:40:04] Speaker B: I like to do them in stages. I don't like to do more than a couple of killers at a time, is what I call them. The pair of products are immune support products, the ISS. So typically I'll pair initially the pair one and pair of two, pair one and pair of three. And then from there I'll look at maybe pair of two and paraphore, or pair of three and paraphor. If they have a tapeworm, then I'm going to high dosing on pair of two and paraphor, or pair of three and paraphor. Those tend to do work really well on pushing that stuff out deep. But normally I want them to have taken the product first before I do higher pulsing and stuff. And so working with a practitioner, they can help take you through that process of here's a standard 30 day protocol and then we'll go through about four months of the different pairing and then from there I'll just start to pull high dose for six days and then go off. High dose for six days on another protocol and go off. So you're getting more therapeutic benefits and going deeper into the body. [00:41:04] Speaker D: Perfect. [00:41:07] Speaker C: I have a lot of patients come in and they say, well, I did parasite cleanse for, I took this pill for a couple of days and so I shouldn't have any parasites. [00:41:19] Speaker B: That's not the case. [00:41:19] Speaker D: Right. That's like saying I took doxycycline for ten days and I don't have Lyme anymore. [00:41:25] Speaker B: Right. Dr. K over here is being funny. Sarcastic, but, yeah, it's a journey. So detoxing and cleansing things out is a journey, not an event, meaning that you just don't do it. Because what happens is we can expose through our air, water, and food, toxins. Toxins are coming in every direction, even through our skin. So detoxification is a journey, means it always has to be occurring, and then from there, with parasites, if you're really sick, it's going to take time to get through the different levels and to the different places in the body and allow your body to come back up and be able to do it on its own. The goal is to have your body healthy enough to where it can manage and maintain on its own. [00:42:10] Speaker D: Perfect. [00:42:11] Speaker C: And do you mind kind of, in closing, we talked about parasites, and obviously how that relates to Lyme, but I'd like to touch a little bit on mold as well. And I know that you have a pretty kind of extensive protocol in regards to that, and that is something that a lot of people are not aware of, that they're impacted by. And it kind of sneaks up on them, and they don't recognize what's hiding behind the walls, and why they get sinus issues, why they get headaches, why brain fog and autoimmune conditions, or whatever it may, or cancer. It can be so many kind of results just from that. So talk to you a little bit about mold and what is the process there, and how important is that when you're dealing with Lyme? [00:43:06] Speaker B: So mold is really important because Lyme is never going to go away if you have mold, if you have exposure to mold. So some of the things that it does in the body is that it shuts down enzymatic reactions. One of the pathways is called NRF two, and what it does is it regulates some of the enzymes in the mitochondria to deal with free radicals. So when we make free radicals in the mitochondria, which happens when we make energy, oxygen binds onto that, and that occurs with enzymes. Superoxide, dismutase, catalase, glutathione, peroxidase, those are all helping to convert that free radical into water. That's one reason why we need lots of oxygen. And then, two, we need to get it to water and not into this really potent free radical. Mold shuts those enzymes down or lowers that, those enzymes down to where they don't function to that level. So then you get tons of free radicals, oxidative stress in the body, not good. And then your hormones don't work with the darn. Your neurotransmitters are shot, and then you just feel super fatigued, and your brain doesn't work like you were k. And a lot of times I learned mold working with people outside of Idaho, but then I was taught a lesson. Even in Idaho, where it's dry, you can be exposed to mold. And so I had some patient that was really struggling with a lot of anxiety, crying at work, just severe depression, and dealing with some lyme stuff as well. And then one day, I just asked, what's your husband's health like? I should ask this at the beginning, but we all learn, right? And he's like, oh, man, he feels like the world is so overwhelmed, he can't handle any stress at all. Like, oh, my gosh, you both are having massive mental issues here. You got to get up in your attic and go look for mold. Sure enough, he goes up there. It's all covered in black. So it was an older home up on the bench in the boise that they did in addition to, not them, previous owner. They didn't ventilate it, and so they got a roof leak, and with that roof leak, got all that water into that area. That made it a perfect condition. In the summertime, it's grow mold massively. And so then it was down all their walls. They started tearing the whole thing apart, went down all their walls everywhere. So that began their journey of their own health. And the carboxy, which you're familiar with, our binders are just amazing for it that within 30 to 60 days, completely changed their lives. Like they said, that was a miracle thing for them. That was before it was on the market, and I just had raw material and stuff, and I gave it to them, and so I learned that lesson. It's like, look, you can't overcome a lot of health issues if you got molded. You got to get out of that environment, got to get it cleaned up. And you've seen it. It destroys all kinds of stuff. I mean, the amount of things it does. Your body is incredible. And some people can handle it better than others, but it's one of those things where you can stack one book and you can hold it for a while, stack another one, and you just keep stacking those books up there. Pretty soon, the shelf comes crashing down, and it just depends how much stress you have on there. When that shelf comes crashing down. Eventually it's going to happen. So you have to address mold, and that's what we do in phase one. Or we have our mycotoxin kits that are fantastic for dealing with upworking those enzymes, binding and reducing the mycotoxins that are in the body, and really cleansing out and get that mitochondrial health back up and going and getting the liver working again and stuff. [00:46:56] Speaker C: Yeah, it is fascinating how you have all these components. You got to deal with them, and if you don't deal with them, and exactly what you said, you stack the books, but it's also kind of the length of time, even if it's just one book. So a lot of people say, I lived at this house for 20 some years. I've eaten this food for all my life, and why now and why not then? But it's exactly, over time, you fatigue yourself. You get older, your immune system is less able to deal with something. Mitochondria is not as efficient. You're unable to detoxify as well. Then, lo and behold, all of a sudden, symptoms start to take place. And it can be something that's just been in the house during that whole time, and it's just because you've run out of ability to compensate for whatever you're exposed to. [00:47:52] Speaker D: That's a good point. [00:47:53] Speaker B: Yeah, I have a great story on this. So I had a patient came to see me years ago for Lyme disease, and this is back doctor where? So back when? Ten years ago, when I first started practice, I saw her for a little bit and helped her some symptoms, but super sensitive to everything. And then she went to this Lyme doctor up in Washington because she was going blind and having all kinds of other stuff. And I'm like, okay, I don't deal with blindness and eye stuff. And so he's an ophthalmologist that did Lyme stuff and helped her, but she came to see me later on, five years later, because her hands were so bad, like, ra. Her wrists were just so huge, swollen. She was debilitated psoriasis. And I had told her, you got to get out and sell your house. If she's a single lady, she's like, you can't sell my house. Been there for 20 years. I'm like, it's going to kill you. Your house is killing you, and you can't take any products because you're already so overburdened that nothing will work for you. So it's like, you got to be able to get out of your house. I'm like, just sell your house and get into something, an apartment, whatever, it doesn't matter. You got to get in a clean environment. I don't know if she ever did or not, but you can't make up for an environment that's so ridden with so much toxicity. [00:49:13] Speaker D: Yeah, you can't. And I understand. I've talked to a lot of people dealing with Lyme, and they know that they have mold. They can't afford to move, they can't afford to get rid of it, and they don't truly understand that they're going to spend more money trying to feel better, and it's not ever going to work because they're in that bad environment that they have to get out of. [00:49:36] Speaker B: Yeah, you're totally right. [00:49:37] Speaker D: And it's crazy how you said everybody responds to it differently. I know some people that can walk in a room and they'll tell you if you have, like, a strawberry in the fridge with mold on it. How is that even possible that somebody can be so sensitive to that? [00:49:54] Speaker B: Yeah, people can be very sensitive. I always joked with that couple. The husband, we don't need to go do this fancy equipment. He can just walk in and know there's mold somewhere. He's the human detector of mold. And we laugh. I can go to a lot of places, too. After living in it and having to deal with it, I can go and I'm like, oh, man, there's mold in here. I could smell it on people's clothes. And that's where, with her, I knew. I'm like, you have mold in your house. I smell it, all of your clothes. It's really bad. And I've done it with other people, too, but you want to be sure you can get your body up to where you can handle it. If you can't handle that exposure, you're not better yet. So even if you can smell it, not a big deal. It's. If it makes you crash, get affected by it. If you're affected by it, then your system is still compromised. Same thing with the food allergies. If you still have food allergies and all these other problems, seasonal allergies, then you're not better yet. [00:50:52] Speaker D: I'm so glad you said that, because I've talked to so many people that have gotten rid of Lyme, they're all better, but yet they go through these phases of they're having a histamine reaction or they're having allergies. And I always think to myself, like, they're not all better. Like they haven't figured out the root problem, because I kind of did that, too. And, I mean, honestly, I have been good for. I should have wrote down my date, Dr. K, when you made me all better. But I think, like, February is going to be three years, and I haven't had a single, like, nothing. I do maintenance things. I still get muscle tested to make sure everything looks good. It's almost out of that fear, kind of. And I take binders and I do biomats and colon, I do just all the regular maintenance things, but I feel amazing. And I look at these other people who a couple of times a year, just go through these waves of issues, and I always thought they just weren't healed to the core. And you just kind of proved that. [00:52:03] Speaker B: Yeah. You think about there's immune system dysregulation still going on, and so if there's a histamine reaction, ige, allergy type stuff, there's a th two problem, which then is probably driven by parasites. So you have to still address the deeper level of that, which is what's happening. So when the th two goes up, t helper two cells go up, they release. They lose a variety of things. Interleukins, so Leukin four, five, and 13. And then they also release ige, which then my seasonal allergies were horrible, especially in the fall. I mean, I was a whole different person, and I could hardly function. But once I cleared the parasites, I haven't had allergies since, which is game changer. Just that alone is life changing. And then, of course, the migraines, the headaches, not having those anymore. That was a game changer, too, you know? [00:52:55] Speaker D: Interesting that you say that. So I'm from. [00:53:01] Speaker B: Part. Which part? [00:53:03] Speaker D: North of Sacramento. [00:53:04] Speaker B: Okay. [00:53:05] Speaker D: Chico and paradise. [00:53:07] Speaker B: Yeah. My cousins went to Chico State, and they lived in Lincoln, Roseville area and stuff. I'm from San Diego originally. [00:53:13] Speaker D: Okay. Yeah. And growing up, I had really bad allergies. And I remember several times that when the spring would hit in school, like, my mom would keep me home from school, my eyes were so swollen, I couldn't see. I had shedding, like, inner skin sheding from the inside of my eyelids. It was massive. And I did that for many, many years. And I thought it was when I moved to Idaho that I didn't have any allergies anymore. I think it's because I got rid of my parasites. I never thought about that. I'm like, do I just not have allergies in Idaho? [00:53:51] Speaker B: Well, it could be that the stressors that you're around for so long down in California just became overburdened to your body. Then they didn't have those same stressors here because it was new. The different pollens and the grasses and stuff that occur here. So that can help people just by moving into a different environment. But eventually it's going to occur, right? Because your body's going to be like, oh, my gosh, every year this comes, it's going to start to react. So that's why you have to clean your gut out, get all those boogers out there. [00:54:22] Speaker D: Interesting. I don't even have allergies. I'm just a healed human. [00:54:27] Speaker B: Way to go, Dr. K. Good job, right? [00:54:30] Speaker C: Yeah, we're all rock in it. [00:54:32] Speaker D: It's amazing. I mean, because I was even allergic to grass. If I was on grass, I couldn't walk barefoot. I would literally have hives all over my legs. And even when I would like, mow the yard, if I had any debris on, if I didn't go shower, I would just be broke out into this. And I actually walk on grass. And I never knew why. I just thought it was an Idaho thing. [00:54:56] Speaker B: Hey, Idaho can take its credit because it's a great. [00:54:58] Speaker D: Is. It is. I'll give it the credit. Yes. [00:55:01] Speaker C: Well, Dr. Watts, yeah. We so appreciate. I mean, this is so awesome to have you in the studio and to get to chat and dig a little for all the listeners out there. If you're not familiar with Cellcore, it is truly an amazing company. I use it all every day in my. So make sure you kind of check out some of the protocols that are available there. I know you'll receive a lot of benefit from it. So thank you so much, Dr. Watts. [00:55:32] Speaker B: Yeah, thanks for having me here. [00:55:33] Speaker D: I have one more thing I want you to clarify. So we had a moment to talk before the show. And I know personally I've turned many, many people on to your liquid minerals and not very long ago you don't make them anymore, so to say the liquid ones. And so we had this chat about why I want you to bring them back. And so can you just tell the listeners, for all of those that were very sad about it, maybe you can shed some insight like you did to me. [00:56:03] Speaker B: Okay, so part of the problem we have is in the liquid form, it feeds the microbes really good, right? So it gets in your gut and it's really good. And people love the liquid minerals. Same time, they can grow stuff in there really easily. So through the manufacturing process, we have to look at shelf stability for a long time. And it's hard to keep that in a really good shelf stable environment. And we've been going through and we've had to throw in the past, we've had to throw away tons of bottles of it, tens of thousands of bottles of it. We get it, and it's just like, okay, so with that, it's the same product. It comes from the same powder. The CT minerals, which is in the capsule form. But we also added in there a couple of forms of magnesium. The acetyl tornad and the malate. The malate is great for muscle and heart. Acetyl tornad is great for the brain. So when I evaluate products, I evaluate them through different scans. I have a menla scan. It scans the whole body. And then I also have a QEG machine, which scans the brainwaves and how the brainwaves interact and how balanced they are. So all the different brainwaves that we measured and see how it improves it. This is how I know if products are going to work or not. It's a little. My little tricks I do. I run a variety of different scans in the clinic, besides some of my other proprietary ways of figuring out how to make products that are going to work when I release them to the market. And the capsule form of it actually tests better on the scans. And maybe that's because it has those different forms of magnesium in there as well than just the minerals. The liquid, you can make it liquid. Just open the capsule up, throw it in water and drink it. But it is really a more effective form. I've tested it over and over on the scans, and you're getting more benefit. [00:57:57] Speaker D: All right, I love that. I was so intrigued by that. So I thought maybe that some of the listeners would be as well. And we have to take a lot of liquid tinctures going through this journey. And most of them are pretty nasty. So I'm more than happy to get rid of a liquid and take a pill. So I'm excited to go back to Cellcore, the minerals now. [00:58:17] Speaker B: So one more little tidbit for you on cellcore. So, virad chem binder. It's the combination of four products. So it has the IFC for inflammation. It has HMet binder. It has the caroxy or biotoxin binder in it. And it has the minerals in it. So it has all those combinations. And together I call it the foundational binder. Because it can address almost any type of toxin. Also, it has that. So some people react to the Hmet binder. They might get a headache, or they have some type of reaction with those people. I tell them, just open up a capsule IFC, put it together with Hmet binder, and then the reactions tend to really go away. So I had a gal that always get headaches with it, combined the two together, and she stopped getting headaches with it. So those are some ideas with the binders that you can. Some good takeaways there. [00:59:07] Speaker D: Yeah. Good, because we need those. Wow, this was packed full of some great information, and I'm so grateful that you are doing what you're doing because of your Lyme journey. I'm sorry you had to go through that journey, and I'm sorry for Dr. J's wife as well. But I mean, that's kind of how we get some of these fantastic doctors and practitioners in the community is people that have gone through their own journey. So I love it when I see people just dive into giving back in that Lyme community. And again, total honor to have you here in studio and meet you and kind of embarrassed. I knew Cellcore was here, but I really didn't know you were. So it's been a lot of fun. We really appreciate you joining us. [00:59:51] Speaker B: Thank you very much for having me here and I'm really excited to be here. [00:59:54] Speaker C: Thank you so much. [00:59:55] Speaker B: I appreciate it. [01:00:03] Speaker A: The information this podcast is for educational purposes only, and it's not designed to diagnose or treat any disease. I hope this podcast impacted you as it did me. Please subscribe so that you can be notified when new episodes are released. There are some excellent shows coming up that you do not want to miss. If you're enjoying these podcasts, please take a moment to write a review and please don't keep this information to yourself. Share them with your family and friends. You never know what piece of information that will transform their lives. For past episodes, and powerful information on how to conquer Lime, go to integrativelimesolutions.com and an additional powerful resource, lyestream.com. For Lyme support and group discussions, join Tanya on Facebook at Lyme Conquerors mentoring Lyme warriors if you'd like to know more about the cutting edge integrative of Lyme therapies my center offers, please visit thecarlfeldcenter.com. Thank you for spending this time with us, and I hope to see you at our next episode of Integrative Lyme Solutions with Dr. Carlfeld.

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