Harnessing Healing Frequencies: A New Dawn for Lyme Treatment

Episode 201 February 26, 2025 00:51:45
Harnessing Healing Frequencies: A New Dawn for Lyme Treatment
Integrative Lyme Solutions with Dr. Karlfeldt
Harnessing Healing Frequencies: A New Dawn for Lyme Treatment

Feb 26 2025 | 00:51:45


Show Notes

In this episode of Integrative Lyme Solutions with Dr. Karlfeldt, we sit with Stephen Davis, who shares his journey of discovering and developing frequency-based solutions for Lyme disease after his daughter and grandsons suffered from it for years. Stephen discusses the challenges of diagnosing Lyme disease, particularly in Canada, and how his innovative technology, the NIKKI frequency watch, has shown profound results in treating Lyme and its co-infections. We delve into the intricacies of frequency medicine, the unique function of the NIKKI watch, and its significant impact on health, including testimonials from doctors and patients.

Enjoy 10% off NIKKI with our exclusive link: https://wearenikki.com/coupon/tkcnikki/!

The Karlfeldt Center offers the most cutting edge and comprehensive Lyme therapies.

To schedule a Free 15-Minute Discovery Call with a Lyme Literate Naturopathic Doctor at The Karlfeldt Center, call 208-338-8902 or reach us at [email protected].

Check out my Ebook:

Breaking Free From Lyme: A Comprehensive Guide to Healing and Recovery

You can buy it for $24.99 or use the code LYMEPODCAST for a 100% off discount!

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: Welcome back to Integrative lyme Solutions with Dr. Karl Feldt. [00:00:05] Speaker B: I am so excited about the show. [00:00:07] Speaker A: That we have ahead of us. [00:00:08] Speaker B: We have some phenomenal information that could save lives. You're gonna need to tune in to what's going on today. The information is jam packed, so don't step away. Hello. Thank you so much for joining Integrative lyme Solutions with Dr. Karlfeld. I am your host, Dr. Michael Karl Fe. I've been in clinical practice since 1987. I've seen pretty much everything under the sun, worked with so many different Lyme patients, and I know what a devastating disease this is. That's why I'm doing this podcast to make sure that you are armed with the information that you need in order to be able to be successful in your struggle with Lyme. We'll be featuring authors, doctors, professors, and also people like yourself that have gone through the journey that you're going through, that have been where you've been and is now on the other side. And they get to tell their victorious story as to how they battle Lyme so that you can implement that in your life as well. Be sure to like us and write a review on whichever platform that you're listening on. What that does is it enables other people to see us more so that they have access to this information as well. So I'm so excited that you're tuning in and get ready for this upcoming show. It is going to be amazing. Well, I'm honored to have Steven Davis with me today. Thank you so much for being with me on Integrated lime solution with Dr. Karl Feld. [00:01:50] Speaker C: Hey, well, thank you for having me. This is great. [00:01:54] Speaker B: Well, so Lyme, obviously, that's not something that is at the forefront of somebody's mind that you think about all day, and then all of a sudden you want to try to figure out solutions to it. What's made you step into that world? [00:02:10] Speaker C: My daughter. So my daughter, she was sick for eight years, and we went from doctor to doctor with no solutions. In that eight years, she had two sons and they were both born with significant health issues. But eight years into it, I had a university run, run some tests with my daughter, and they came back and said, we think that she may have Lyme disease. And I said, what's Lyme disease? Nobody talks about it. I live up in Canada, and it's very difficult to go and get a diagnostic diagnosis for Lyme disease. It's hard to find a doctor that'll talk to you about Lyme disease in Canada. So Anyway, we were happy that now we know what it is after eight years. Now let's go fix it. So we did the same thing as everybody else, spent tens of thousands of dollars, two years of our time, and got nowhere. And so that's when I sort of took it into my own hands and started to go down a path of frequencies. And I knew just a little bit about frequencies. And I hooked up with a guy who knew a little bit more, but still just a little bit. And then we built a capture chamber. And so this capture chamber, it's about the size of my glass, and whatever plant base I can put in there, whatever I put in there, I can excite that and grab the frequencies from it. And once we grab those frequencies, then we throw. We digitize them and put them through our processes to get rid of the noise we don't want. And then we put them on Nikki. There we go. And Nikki is the delivery system that we have for frequencies. And that's how it came to be. And, you know, my kids used this in 2016 for just a trial, and they've never used it since. My daughter has gone back to university, got her. Got her teaching degree. My two grandsons are just excelling in life. One is on his way to the Olympics. On 28. On 28 in swimming. And my other grandson, he's a pitcher. And so he may end up getting a chance at one of the. One of the teams in the US to try out. [00:04:39] Speaker B: So major or minor? [00:04:41] Speaker C: Major. [00:04:42] Speaker B: That's huge. [00:04:43] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:04:44] Speaker B: Yeah. So Olympics and then Major League Baseball. [00:04:47] Speaker C: Yeah, they would. They were struggling before because Lyme disease is. It's a debilitating disease, mentally and physically, and so it makes it hard. [00:05:02] Speaker B: So tell me a little bit about your daughter. What kind of symptoms was she exhibiting? And you did the journey trying to figure out for eight years what it was. And a lot of times there are a lot of labels that are thrown at somebody suffering from Lyme, giving them fibromyalgia, depression, whatever it may be. So do you mind telling a little bit about that journey? [00:05:32] Speaker C: Yeah, Her. The inflammation that was in her body was. Was really bad. And so that's one of the things. She had gut issues, and she said she. She had to change all of the ways that she ended up becoming. They labeled her as being celiac, and so she had to change all of her diets. She was always fatigued. And then she's having to look after two sons that both had significant health issues. And so it was. It was a very difficult time on Many levels. She would be able to sit and tell you story after story. But it didn't set up just in one place with her. Like, you know, Lyme can set up in different places. It can set up in your heart and your brain and your joints and. But it seemed like with her, her whole body was inflamed. And so we did the trial, and that trial was an intense trial because we ran a full program, and a full program was 30 minutes a day of the full Lyme program. We had nothing to. We had nothing else to help. It was just going after the Lyme and the co infections. And it was hard because her limps were so plugged up that there was no place for the body to get rid of the die off. And so she even started having some boils appear because the body's trying to get rid of these toxins. [00:07:05] Speaker B: And so. So when you say 30 minutes a day of Lyme protocols, so 30 minutes a day of, you know, the frequency watch you have, or is it 30 minutes a day of something else? What? [00:07:16] Speaker C: No, no, it would be using the Nikki, using this product. At that time, we didn't call it Nikki. It was called just wave one, but was just using frequencies. She wasn't taking any other medication of any kind. And the interesting thing is, when we did the trial, Igenx did the testing pre and post with 12 people that were in the trial. And when they came back with the final results and they said, it's gone well, I told everybody, you know, I don't really care what the results say. My kids are still sick. See, I thought it was like an antibiotic. You take an antibiotic for seven or 14 days and you feel pretty good at the end of it if you do it the way the doctor recommends. And that's what I thought was going to happen with the Lyme, but it doesn't. And what you have to prepare for is your body's been damaged, so you need a little bit of time for your body to heal. And so we started building programs that were going to assist the body through that healing process and ended up with a program that has helped thousands of people have a better life with Lyme disease. [00:08:29] Speaker B: Great. Great. So I still want to backtrack a little bit, and we'll get back into the technology with. With the watch and the program and all of those things. [00:08:39] Speaker D: Hello, dear listeners, this is Dr. Michael Karlfeld, your host of integrative Lyme solutions. Today I'm excited to share an exclusive opportunity from the Karlfeld center, where we blend Healing power of nature with groundbreaking therapies to combat Lyme disease and its associated challenges. At the Karlfeld center, we're not just fighting Lyme, we're revolutionizing the way it's treated with cutting edge therapies like photodynamic therapy, full body ozone IV therapy, silver IVs, brain rebalancing, autonomic response testing, laser energetic detoxification, and more. We aim to eradicate Lyme. Our approach is comprehensive, supporting your body's immune system, detoxification processes, hormonal balance and mitochondrial health, ensuring a holistic path to recovery. Understanding Lyme disease and its impact is complex, which is why we're offering a free 15 minute discovery call with one of our Lyme literate naturopathic doctors. This call is your first step towards understanding how we can personalize your healing journey, focusing on you as a whole person, not just your symptoms. Our team, led by myself, Dr. Michael Karl Filtz, is here to guide you through your recovery with the most advanced diagnostic tools, individualized treatment plans, and supportive therapies designed to restore your health and vitality. Whether you're facing Lyme disease head on or seeking preventative strategies, we're committed to your wellness. Take the first step towards reclaiming your health. Visit us at thecarlfulthcenter.com or call us at 208-338-8902 to schedule your free discovery call. At the Karlfield center, we believe in healing naturally, effectively and holistically. Thank you for tuning in into integrative lyme solution with Dr. Karlfield. Remember, true health is not just the absence of disease. It's achieving the abundance of vitality. Let's discover yours together. [00:10:40] Speaker B: So here you've been going then for eight years, and it was not until kind of the end of that eight years. So you started to get into frequency medicine, I would assume. Right, Right. Okay. So during those eight years, I mean, here she was, you said inflammation and then fatigue. And then also you mentioned that she had two children at the same time. And so how old was your daughter at this time? [00:11:10] Speaker C: She would have been in her late. Man, we go back. So 2016, it had been 12 years at that point. So she would have been in her. In her 20s when she got infected with Lyme disease. [00:11:22] Speaker B: Okay. And do you know how she got it? Was it just. [00:11:26] Speaker C: And neither does she. Like, if we would have known, if we would have known what that was that caused it at the time, we would have chased that, but we chased everything but Lyme disease for eight years. [00:11:39] Speaker B: And what were the things that you were chasing, what were some of the diagnosis that you were given? What were some of the things that you're chasing? [00:11:47] Speaker C: Well, they kept giving her antibiotics, and I think the antibiotics would have a negative effect on her. We did find one thing that showed some positive signs. I had three clinics at the time. I'm not a doctor, but we had built these clinics because we were doing things with technology for balancing the brain. And we were using frequencies, but they were musical tones. They weren't delivered the way that we deliver. And I would bring my kids into our clinic and they would feel good for a couple weeks, and then it would revert back. And so I knew I had a little glimpse. Okay, well, frequencies are doing something here, because that's all they're doing. And so that led us down the journey of thinking about frequencies. And then we decided, you know, we. Your body's been created to absorb light. So we thought, okay, that's where we need to penetrate. Then we learned that your cells, they've been designed to retain low energy light. And so we're under 300 hertz on everything that we do. And it's just brain. It's like. I had a doctor explain this to me, Dr. Cass. And he explained to me once how a vaccine, when it was very first invented, why it was invented, and it was invented to wake up your immune system to a health issue it was ignoring. And so that's the path that we went down, because we don't do anything for Lyme. What we do is we wake up the immune system to a health issue it's ignoring. And when it wakes up, it sees the issue and goes to work doing the job it was created to do in the first place. That's where our success came in. Where our success also came in. What we learned is you can't treat something. You can't do this. It doesn't matter what it is one pill at a time, you can't do it. And so you can't put fear 50 supplements into the body at one time because your body's going to respond probably negatively, but you can deliver 50. Dr. Klinghardt, he says, put as many frequencies in as you can, because the body's only going to use what it needs. And so the information flow goes through your cellular network, through it gets to your nervous, to your. It goes through your nervous system, into your. Into your immune system and wakes it up. And we are seeing profound results. And so here's two things that we do really well with this. If you take a Supplement. And I capture that frequency of that supplement. And you wear the nicki and take the supplement at the same time, efficacy goes away, way up. And so that's one thing that we know that we do and what we're doing is we're not increasing the benefit. We're not, we're not making the supplement stronger. We're just creating an environment that your body's receiving that and going after the nutrients that it needs from that before it flushes through your system so you get greater uptake with what you take. The second thing that we do extremely well, and it's really interesting when we do it, is I can ask the body to repo. To produce something that it stopped producing. Like something like serotonin is a really good example. And so if you're depressed, I can ask the body to create serotonin. And it'll only create what the brain needs. It could never OD itself. That's not the way the body was designed. And so it just creates what it needs and it stops creating these things, stops producing serotonin because of some kind of physical or emotional trauma. And so that's those, those two things. We have learned how to approach the body in a pretty profound way. [00:16:08] Speaker B: And so when you say capture these, these frequencies, because obviously know if anyone that's taking a supplement, they can't just run to you for every supplement they're taking. So how, how, how do you perceive this to take place? [00:16:25] Speaker C: Well, there's two ways. One, we work with, we'll work with whoever prescribing those frequencies. So if you were to prescribe a bottle of frequencies that are going to last for 30 days or 60 days or 90 days for the, for the patient, we will release the frequency of that at the same time. And the frequency will only last for as long as the supplements. And then it locks and it forces the patient to go back to their doctor to get reassessed. And so that's a very important, important role that we play with our frequencies to be able to shut them down. Those are for prescriptions, prescriptive medication. [00:17:08] Speaker B: Okay, so let's say that, you know, like Japanese knotweed or cat's claw, you know, which are different herbs that's used then for, for lime. So you, would, you, you have done the frequencies of these substances that we can then activate in the, the, the Nikki watch that they would wear? [00:17:31] Speaker C: That's correct. That's the way it works. [00:17:35] Speaker B: Fascinating. And so let's, let's say I do, you know, the art or the muscle testing that Dr. Klinghardt does. Yeah. And we identify, you know, let's say, you know, Babesia, and then maybe crypto lapsis would be beneficial. Then we can, then, you know, we can communicate with you saying such and such patient that's wearing this watch. They're going to take cryptolepsis for X amount of time. And then you would release those frequencies through that watch that that individual is wearing. [00:18:08] Speaker C: That's right. So the practitioner that is involved in that would give them a code and that's how they would get that. We're tied into a store called Get Healthy Store. And those, those stores have picked up our Nikki and our pro. Well, right now we put our own programs on there which are general for sleep fatigue and so on, but they've got a place for prescriptive measures as well. And so you would get that, you would. That comes through the prescription of a doctor or a practitioner. When they prescribe whatever those frequencies are or the supplement, then they would prescribe the frequency to go along with that. And we would put a timer on that where it would last the same amount of time as the supplements. [00:18:58] Speaker B: Yeah, great. And we have, you know, we have a. Gonna have a link with this episode, you know, so people can then check out your. Check out these watches. I have one myself. I think they're quite phenomenal. And so, you know, people can click on that link and then also know be able to purchase one. And that's quite phenomenal. I actually didn't know about that feature. So the way you're talking about then kind of capturing. You had things kind of in a container and then were able to capture the frequency of the substances and then be able to program them the watch. Is that what I was hearing initially? [00:19:44] Speaker C: That's right. And our system keeps out the noaa, like if you just go on cafe, if you went to a homeopathic doctor, they've got a little plate that they'll imprint their tincture. Well, we don't do it that way because there's other noise that's also being captured. And so we're very specific in the information because that's all the frequencies are, is information. But we provide clear information for the body to be able to use without any confusion. [00:20:19] Speaker B: I know I still have my CDs that Dr. Klinghardt that I purchased actually from Dr. Klinghardt, where they recorded then these different pathogens. So they had an isolated chamber with a mic essentially in there, and then they were able to record the frequency from these different pathogens. And then exactly what you're saying, then by listening to that, you're able then to get the frequency that you are missing to be able to address what's going on, the different pathogens. So to me, frequency medicine is where things go. I mean, that's a medicine of the future because it's so, uh, you know, it doesn't require digestion, doesn't require, you know, anything. I mean, it's just like you're saying information. [00:21:15] Speaker C: You know, I understand what you're. What you're saying when you say the future, But I have to say that frequencies have been. They've been the focus of healing since the beginning of time. And so the past, present, and future. Because when you look at a supplement, it's a delivery system for frequencies. If you look at a tincture from a homeopathic doctor, it's a delivery system for frequencies. If you take a cream with CBD oil in it, that cream is now the delivery system for that frequency. We just deliver them in a very clever, unique way that allows us to address. Like you can throw 500 frequencies into the body, and the body's only. Only going to use what it needs. That's the interesting part. Like, our bodies are fascinating. And the things that we've learned. People haven't had a. Nobody has come up with a solution for Lyme disease. There just is that. There just isn't one except for us, unless you catch it within the first 10 days. And so one of the things that we know that we're launching this year is we know that people ask me all the time, can you prevent Lyme disease? And how do you prevent Lyme disease? Like, you're out in the. You're out in the forest or the backyard out east, and you're. You get hit by a tick, you're gonna. You could get Lyme disease. And most people would never even detect whether they even had Lyme disease for years down the road until it becomes a debilitating issue. And so one thing that we've discovered, if you wear Nikki, I look at if I lived out east, I wouldn't let my kids go play in my own backyard without wearing what I know today is as the Nicky. Because, see, if they get bit by a tick and they're wearing the Nicky, and that tick had lime. Well, Nikki is going to deal with that within the first 10 days. So it'll never go chronic. And so you'll never even know that you even had Lyme if you wear a Nicky. And so that's something that we're launching this May in Lyme awareness month. Because people need to understand that there is a way that you can at least stop the Lyme from going chronic. And I think that that's extremely important because if you catch it within the first 10 days, well, you can deal with the Lyme in your blood with an antibiotic, but once it gets out of your blood, which it hates the blood, and gets into your tissue and gets into your cells and gets into the parasites, and then you're hooped. There's just no real solution. And that's why we have to deal with the parasites as well, because the parasites will store and hide the Lyme. And so it's. It's a. It's a tenacious disease, and it's debilitating, and it splits families because the families will go to the CDC and they'll see numbers and things on there that make no sense. And so they can't buy into their other loved one that they've got something like Lyme disease. And, you know, most people in Canada say, oh, no, it doesn't come into Canada. Like. Like, what do you mean it. Does it come into Canada? Like, anyway, it's a problem. It's an epidemic. And in most countries. [00:24:50] Speaker B: Yeah, I think the issue is that lime. Yeah, the lime spire keys, they don't have any passport, so they can't pass the border. You know, so they're. They're very. You know, they can't get out of Connecticut. They don't know how to do that. You know, there are no winds, there are no people. There are no animals that travel. There are no birds that fly. There are no transport system for them. [00:25:16] Speaker C: A friend of mine lives in Boston, and he says every time he goes to get wood, he wonders if that's going to be the day he gets Lyme disease. It's pretty bad out east, but I think it's bad everywhere. We just don't talk about it everywhere. [00:25:33] Speaker B: Yeah, the awareness is not where it needs to be. And that's why it's so important we have these conversations of people become aware. So with. With the watch, I mean, so we were talking about, you know, prior that, you know, you could have a provider practitioner engage, you know, and then there could be additional frequencies based upon supplements and things that, you know, would benefit that individual. But people like. Like, it sounds like people can just wear these watches and you have, you know, line protocols on the watches, you know, that. That people can use whether they have a provider associated with it or not. Right? [00:26:13] Speaker C: That's right. We don't need for Lyme disease. We don't recommend. We. We don't. We don't offer up anything other than a frequency. And it was interesting. We had. We had some doctors from one of the major universities, Stanford, and they just wanted to understand how we can be doing this with frequency. Frequencies. And because people, they just. They just haven't been taught in the world of frequencies, like, they understand kind of what that's all about, but when they look at their medication, they don't look at that as delivery systems for frequency. And that's what it is. And so they've been here since. Like, you'd have to kind of understand my faith a little bit in order to really understand why I do what I do and why I believe what I believe. And I'm willing to share that really quick if you. If you want me to share it. [00:27:14] Speaker B: Yeah, please, please. [00:27:16] Speaker C: I walk with a dude named Jesus. That's just who I am. And I believe the Bible to be true. And if I believe the Bible to be true, I have to believe that when God spoke everything into being, that was something literal, that he actually spoke it into being. And it's no different than when he's speaking or when you and I are speaking. We're delivering that information via frequencies. And so if he's the same today as they say, as he was, then why would he not restore his creation using frequencies? And so we're on top of that because we believe that and we see what he's doing within our. Within our world with frequencies. And that's what drives our company. That's what we believe. That's what we see. And we see it work. And so you can. One thing that nobody can do is argue with our results. Our results are profound. And the reason they're so profound, when it comes to sleep and pain and fatigue, arthritis, those types of things, inflammation in the body. We've got doctors that say they've never seen inflammation markers drop so low using our tech. And that comes from a Dr. Connealy, Dr. Keneally out of California. She's got the largest integrative clinic in North America. 42,000 patients, 40,000 square foot facility. And she gets all the tough, the cancers and the Lyme things that have gone chronic where there's not a lot of hope. And our technology, the way I met her, her patients were buying our tech that had Lyme. They would go back in, and they were clear. And so her patients were getting better using our tech. And we got the call and said, could you come down and present to all of our doctors on what this is doing. And so that's how that started. And that was in 2017. And she still. She was. She's sits on my board and one of our partners. And so it's really. [00:29:26] Speaker B: It's. [00:29:27] Speaker C: It's a. Those kinds of relationships. Everything we've got and everything we've done has come from people that have a story that used our tech, overcame, and joined our company in some kind of capacity. And, you know, that's. It's really good when you see that. We had one doctor. He's the. He's one of the top doctors for the Dodgers. And he was. He was the. He was the medical director for the Nationals, the Washington Nationals, when we met him in 2017, and he had Lyme disease. He spent over a million dollars trying to overcome Lyme disease. And he phoned me up one day and said, I hear that you've got something for Lyme. And I said, I only have one. This was back in my prototype days. I said, I only have one left, and it's going to somebody else. He said, well, I want to buy it. And I said, well, if you show up on my doorstep, I'll sell it to you. Well, three days later, during the World Series, he was on my doorstep. And so then he ran all of his own tests every month, and we've got all the results, and we can share those results. And it shows all of the co. Infections in the Lyme that he had. And on the next two tests that he did, you saw everything dropping off. And the last test, everything was gone. He was clear, and he's still clear, and he's living life to the fullest. And that's just how people join us because of the results they received. [00:30:57] Speaker B: That's incredible. And what kind of test did he run? Because, I mean, obviously the western blot is not a reliable test, you know, so do you know which test that he ran by chance? [00:31:07] Speaker C: I do. It was. I think it was called DNA connections. [00:31:13] Speaker B: Okay. Yeah. [00:31:14] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm pretty sure that that's what it was. [00:31:17] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah, that's a great test. You know, there. Number of them out there that are really good. Yeah. Dr. Knill is a. Is a dear friend. Yeah, she. She's an amazing person. [00:31:27] Speaker C: She's, you know, doctor. You know Lieren. [00:31:29] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. Very, very, very well. Known him for a long time. [00:31:32] Speaker C: Oh, awesome. Because she's very close to us. Her and I are very close. [00:31:36] Speaker B: Okay, Wonderful. Wonderful. [00:31:38] Speaker C: We just did something together on Netflix. [00:31:41] Speaker B: Oh, did you. Oh, fun. [00:31:43] Speaker C: I got Invited to go on a documentary that's being aired on Netflix and Prime and a half a dozen other platforms. And this group reached out and it's Deepak Chopra and Bruce Lipton. I didn't even know who these guys were. And now I, I'm embarrassed to even say that because these guys are leaders in the field and guys like Joe Dispenza. And so I said, well, hey, we should get. They invited me to be on and I said, well, can we bring Lee Aaron on too? And so she, we ended up doing a big shoot at her clinic and so that launches in September. [00:32:25] Speaker B: Fun, fun. [00:32:25] Speaker C: That'd be great. [00:32:26] Speaker B: Yeah. I've only gotten to meet Deepak one time and. And yeah, that. These are amazing people. Yeah, absolutely amazing people. So how. Yes. Talking about results, you know, so we're looking at the labs and, and they, they're improving and everything's looking better. You know, when, when they run the frequency symptom wise, I mean, you're talking about your daughter. And obviously it was more kind of crude, a more kind of initial step of your technology, you know, that she was using, I would assume to kind of get her to the point where she's at obviously now that it's improved. But. So how did you know when she started using the technology? How did she. What symptoms were you seeing that were changing? [00:33:21] Speaker C: Well, she got sicker because when you're dealing with Lyme and you're, you're, you're getting rid of it, there's all kinds of things. Like it's a battle, there's having Lyme is not for the faint of heart. Dealing with people with Lyme is not for the faint of heart because it's hard and you have to push through things to get through it. And so her biggest thing going through the trial was the body trying to get rid of the toxins, trying to get rid of the die off. That was her biggest problem. And so we've changed our program dramatically. So we used to run a 90 day program and we would prepare the body for the first 30 days. Then we would deal with the Lyme and all the co infections the next 30 days. And then we would start to bring frequencies into the body that's helping the body heal from the damage from Lyme. And people would struggle with Lyme because of the die off. And so there was only a couple handfuls of people that would, would say, I, I only can wear it for like a minute a day. And so I said, you know what, why don't we just. It's not hard for us to do this. Why don't we build them a product program so it just runs. So here's our program today. It runs for one minute and that deals with creating drainage and detox. The next minute deals with Lyme and all the co infections and then there's a one hour of frequencies that are helping to restore the damaged parts within the body. The next day you get two minutes by two minutes by 60 and we want to get you to that 30 minutes. And so by the end of the month you got up to that 30 minute mark. What we discovered in that process, people were being getting better within that 30 to 45 days instead of going through a 90 day program. Plus plus plus and so we just canceled the other program and we give everybody an easy journey to get through it. They still hurt. Some people still only can wear it for a minute every day. They can't. It's hard. We let them adjust it on when they feel they can go up and. But it can be, it can be difficult because you've got die off. People are. Their limbs are plugged and it just becomes a painful experience. But it's short lived. [00:35:57] Speaker B: I love that. And so she went through all of this and now you mentioned was she the one that is maybe in the Olympics now or who? [00:36:09] Speaker C: No, her son. [00:36:10] Speaker B: Her son. Okay. [00:36:11] Speaker C: At three and a half they diagnosed him to be autistic. We just accepted the medical community and what they were saying and loved our grandson, you know, the way he needed to be loved. And. But then we tested and we discovered he had Lyme disease. He doesn't have autism. He just, He's a normal 16 year old today. And so. And same with his brother. His brother's just a normal 17 year. He had, he had ADHD so bad his older brother that schools didn't want to have him in his class. Not that he was malicious but he would be, he'd go, the teacher would be teaching something in French and he would go up to the front of the class and start singing to the class in French. And so it was that kind of disruption. So the school, the last school he was in said to my daughter that he needs to get on Ritalin or something to calm him down. And my daughter refused. And they said well we're not going to be able to keep them at the school if you don't. This was just before we did the pro. The the trial. 90 days later the school phoned my daughter and said we need to know what medication you put him on because he's calm in class, but that's because he had Lyme. We dealt with the Lyme and he became a normal boy. And normal boys, they're not quiet in class anyway. And so. [00:37:41] Speaker B: No, but there's a little bit of, a little bit of a control. But yeah, they're still boys. [00:37:46] Speaker C: That's right. And so life to the fullest at the moment. [00:37:52] Speaker B: And all you did with these two boys was essentially just the frequency medicine. [00:37:57] Speaker C: 100%. [00:37:58] Speaker B: Yeah. And it turned an autistic boy dealing with Lyme to a boy that was not autistic and not dealing with Lyme and now is going to swim in the Olympics. [00:38:15] Speaker C: That's right. He's number six in Canada. [00:38:18] Speaker B: That's incredible. That's incredible. And then the other, the 17 year old dealing with ADHD, also dealing with Lyme, doing frequencies. And now that individual is at the picture then for the world, for a major league baseball team, that's not a picture, but one of the players. [00:38:40] Speaker C: No, he'll be, if, if he makes it there, he'll try out as a pitcher. He's, he's very good. But the cool thing is being a pitcher, you have to be focused. You, if you're extreme adhd, you're not pitching. Like you need to be focused with what you're doing. And he is so calm when he's on that mound. And even if they're hitting on him, he remains calm. Like he doesn't get rattled. And those are just true, those are good testament to what we did, how our kids were struggling with Lyme disease. It's tenacious. And I feel for the people that have Lyme disease. You know, I could have stopped when I had my kids, when they were got better. I could have continued on with my other companies, but I had met so many people, hundreds of people that have Lyme disease, that there's no way I could just go on with my life. And I tell you, this is the hardest business I've ever, ever experienced. I never knew when I decided to step into it that the medical community doesn't really understand Lyme. The medical community doesn't really even acknowledge Lyme people that are engaged in Lyme disease. Families split because of it. Like it's, it's pretty crazy. And. But the CDC has come out and made some statements that at least chronic Lyme diseases real. So that's a good start. Because when everybody says chronic Lyme disease, just take an antibiotic. That's why families split, because they think that there's something else going on here. That's in their head. Because I had so many doctors tell me, my kids, my daughter, it was all in her head, and, oh, my goodness, it wasn't her. I know my daughter, and she's an adult. She's not a kid. So she understands her body. And so, anyway, we overcame it, and I got my family back. And we've helped thousands of others get their families back. [00:40:55] Speaker B: That's so wonderful. That's so wonderful. Do you mind sharing, I mean, in addition to, obviously your family, that. I mean, that's the most powerful stories, but do you mind sharing just a couple of more stories so people can really understand the power of this technology? [00:41:12] Speaker C: Well, it's really the power of frequencies. Our delivery system is really unique, and we've got patents on our. On. On the way we do things. But when you take. I had a doctor in eastern Canada, and there was a tragic accident with his dad. His dad has always been in a wheelchair, and some kids ran some rope or clothesline across the sidewalk, and the guy didn't see it. And they took him out and put him in the hospital. And he was struggling, and nobody knew what was he. What is actually he was struggling with, but it looked like they were going to lose him. I got a call and said, is there any. Here's my dad's symptoms. Here's what they're saying they think it is. Do you have any kind of frequency that you can help my dad with? And so we immediately spun a package together for them, and his dad did a 360. It just turned in a day and got out of the hospital a few days later and is now living life the way he was. And this guy will swear that it was our frequencies that did that, because he was right there and saw the impact. He put it on his dad, and he witnessed the impact and the change, and so did the other medical community. We've dealt things with colitis. Now, we don't sell those kinds of things. We're not out there doing it, but because sometimes you just have to help somebody that is struggling. And this person struggles with Crohn's disease, and then they got colitis. And her doctor said that she needs to take these two really strong antibiotics because she's bleeding. And she rolls up her sleeve and says, my boss gave me this device. And he said, we'll deal with that colitis. And they said, you don't understand. This is serious. You need to get on these antibiotics. She refused. They said, come back in 30 days if you still have colitis. You have to do this. And she agreed, she was clear. And so frequencies, they're tricky because you can't get close and expect a result. You have to be right on the target where maybe a supplement or a tincture or something, maybe there's ways that it can be close and still cause some form of benefit. But when you're dealing just with a pure frequency, it's a single shot. And so if you put 50 in, there are 50 single shots. You can't make a, you can't make a weird cocktail by bringing a bunch of frequencies together because they don't blend together, they stay individual. So I can treat 50 things that going on in your body at one time where there's nothing else that you can do that with. Nothing. And so we know that we've got something and we've got something extremely unique and it will become very well known. And people are, we're just turning on light bulbs. That's all we're doing. People are saying, ah, of course, frequencies. And they wake up and, and, and. [00:44:37] Speaker B: This essentially, this is just, it's just like a sleek watch that you wear and you can, you can wear them or as long as you want, right? Yes. [00:44:49] Speaker C: I got eight. No, I've got six. [00:44:52] Speaker B: You got six watches on. [00:44:54] Speaker C: I've got six of them. And they're all running different things. Yeah, and some of them are private branded with other companies, supplement companies that we trial that we, that we just make sure our firmware, we don't test their products, we make sure that we've got validation with the product in the Nikki and then we send it to them to do their own testing. Just like Cellcore did. They ran their own, they ran their own stuff, their own testing and saw that there's a benefit when they combine our frequency delivery system and their frequency delivery system. It's very interesting. [00:45:30] Speaker B: Fascinating. Fascinating. And okay, so, so you can essentially, because I mean with Lyme, I mean like you're talking about, you have, you open up the detoxification and then you're going after the pathogen. But then it's kind of the post Lyme, the restoration, the repair and obviously it sounds like the frequencies address all of that. [00:45:55] Speaker C: They do. And we give a program for Lyme and program only when you're, when you hit the maximum amount, it's two hours for a day. Then there's nine other programs on there that you can deal with parasites, you can deal with moles, inflammation and a lot. They're, they're all Lyme related issues because you need to help the body heal. And so that's what those, that's what those other programs do. Those other programs are not going to eliminate Lyme disease. You have to run our Lyme daily. That's what it's called on the program. But then once it's done, there's other programs that are going to make you kind of overcome the pain of the whole situation. And we're going to help you heal. [00:46:46] Speaker B: I love that. Love that. I mean, that. That's wonderful. I mean, that gives a huge amount of hope. And again, you have all the listeners. We will have a link for you so that you can kind of check out this technology. And to me, this sounds like it's life saving for, for a long list of people using these kind of frequencies. [00:47:09] Speaker C: That's right. And so one of the things that I'd like to do today is I'd like to also give you a Nikki. And it'll have, it'll have the Lime program on it because that's what we were talking about today. And you can decide how you want to give that away to some, to one of your listeners that are struggling. And you know what? I just think that you'll be led to the person that just needs it the most in that moment. And we do this all the time. And because we want people to get better. We started. Our cost when we started was $2,500. We had doctors in San Francisco that wanted to charge $10,000. And we told them no, if your patients go to our website, they're going to see it's for $2,500. And know that my personal, personal goal is to drive the price down, not up. So our success. Most companies might look at success and inch up the price because people are going to pay more because they see that the success is there. We've gone now from $2,500. We're down to a thousand. And if I can continue to get that down. I know people that have Lyme disease for the most part, struggle financially because it's difficult. I know people that spend $3,000 a month on supplements, and they don't need to be. They don't need to be that aggressive, particularly when they use our product. We came into this with a different thought process because I didn't come in to build a company. I came in to change a market it. And that's what we're doing. [00:48:57] Speaker B: I love that. I love that. Well, Stephen, thank you so much for, for bringing this technology. Like you mentioned, that obviously been around since, you know, God spoke And so, and thank you for making this available and, and making it achievable for people financially to be able to. To utilize the, you know, these frequencies to battle something that seems so overwhelming and really debilitating. You know, people laying in bed for, you know, years sometimes with this. With this horrific disease and, you know, driving around in a small little town that they grew up in and still not able to find their way home, you know, so, yeah, it's truly a debilitating disease. So, yeah, again, everybody, I highly recommend checking out this technology and I'm excited to see how much it changes lives from what I see as well. So thank you so much, Steven. I really appreciate this. [00:50:05] Speaker C: Hey, well, I'm going to see you in Boise. [00:50:08] Speaker B: I know. I'm excited about that. It won't be. Yeah, it would just be a few months from now. [00:50:13] Speaker C: That's right. That's right. [00:50:15] Speaker B: Yeah. Great. Well, thank you so much, Stephen. [00:50:18] Speaker C: Okay. Thank you. [00:50:27] Speaker A: The information this podcast is for educational purposes only, and it's not designed to diagnose or treat any disease. I hope this podcast impacted you as it did me. Please subscribe so that you can be notified when new episodes are released. There are some excellent shows coming up that you do not want to miss. If you're enjoying these podcasts, please take a moment to write a review. And please don't keep this information to yourself. Share them with your family and friends. You never know what piece of information that will transform their lives. For past episodes and powerful information on how to conquer lyme, go to integrativelimesolutions.com and and an additional powerful resource, lymestream.com for Lyme support and group discussions. Join Lyme Conquerors Mentoring Lyme warriors on Facebook. If you'd like to know more about the cutting edge integrative of Lyme therapies my center offers, please visit thecarlfeldcenter.com thank you for spending this time with us and I hope to see you at our next episode of of Integrative lyme Solutions with Dr. Karl Feld.

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