Episode 137: Unveiling the Healing Power of Frequencies

Episode 137 November 08, 2023 00:36:59
Episode 137: Unveiling the Healing Power of Frequencies
Integrative Lyme Solutions with Dr. Karlfeldt
Episode 137: Unveiling the Healing Power of Frequencies

Nov 08 2023 | 00:36:59


Show Notes

In this episode, we have a conversation with Marjorie, a Lyme patient turned caregiver, who shares her journey with Lyme and how frequency healing devices helped not only her but also her daughter. Marjorie opens up about how she and her daughter went undiagnosed for many years and the cascade of symptoms that affected their lives. She also discusses frequency medicine, different healing devices she has tried over the years, her recuperation process, and the importance of thinking outside the box when dealing with Lyme. The conversation also touches on her personal philosophy of healing, which includes having a supportive community and maintaining a positive, thankful mind-set.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: Welcome back to Integrative Lime Solutions with Dr. Carl Feld. [00:00:05] Speaker B: I am so excited about the show that we have ahead of us. We have some phenomenal information that could save lives. I am Dr. Michael Carlfelt, and with. [00:00:16] Speaker A: Me, I have my co host, Tanya Hobo. [00:00:19] Speaker B: You're going to need to tune in to what's going on today. The information is impact. So, yeah, don't step away. [00:00:29] Speaker C: So excited. Let's go ahead and get this started. Welcome to Integrative Lyme Solutions with Dr. Carl Felt. And today, our guest is Marjorie. We are so excited to have you. Thanks for joining us. And I've been patiently waiting for a few weeks to hear your journey. So I'm excited. [00:00:56] Speaker D: Thank you for the invitation. I'm honored. [00:00:58] Speaker B: Yeah, this is going to be great. And you're somebody that has, in addition to your journey, you help so many other people as well. But, yeah, I'd love to. Love to hear where it all kind of the inspiration and everything started. [00:01:15] Speaker D: Okay, well, it started with a tick bite, of course. But prior to the tick bite, I was very active. I was a hiker and a tennis player, and I worked for a Fortune 50 company as a senior manager. I had quite a nice life with a husband and two little girls. And after I had my second daughter, I had sudden onset of pain. And then I would have difficulty sleeping because of the pain. And then I started having GI symptoms. And, you know, the cascade where everything, every system gets affected in some way. And I kept thinking it was something related to the C section, but the doctors told me it wasn't. And I basically had nerve damage. I couldn't tolerate any sort of fabric or touch on my leg. And then I became very weak because I had difficulty walking. I was walking with a cane when I could walk, the few steps that I could walk, and ended up being sort of homebound. I tried very hard to maintain a normal life for my girls, but we spent a lot of time reading and baking. But anyway, yeah, I went four years undiagnosed, which not as many years as you, Tanya. But I went four years undiagnosed. And finally, a friend who was a doctor said, I think you need to go see this doctor, and she'll figure you out. And so I went to that doctor, and she told me that I didn't really fit the profile for a Lyme patient. I seemed to have a mild set of symptoms, and she tested me. And of course, the test was negative because by then, there were no measurable antibodies. And long story short, she started treating me because she thought, with my lifestyle and my set of symptoms, that I probably had Lyme living in an endemic area. And she retested me. I became positive for Lyme and Vivecia, and that's where the four years of antibiotics began. And about four years into it, I was doing pretty well. Not 100%. Basically, the Babesia wasn't resolving, and I had a car accident, and I went to a chiropractor, and she saw the meds, I was on all the meds. And she said, why are you on all this stuff? And I said, well, I've got a vector borne disease. And she goes, oh, I can help you with that, too. And I'm like, just fix my back. What does the chiropractor know? And so after about two, three visits, she fixed my back and she says, you ready to go after that Babesia? I'm like, yeah, let's do it. And she used a frequency modality, and in, I'd say, maybe four sessions, I no longer had that terrible neuropathic pain that I'd had for years and years. And after I would say, eight visits and less than $1,000, I was asymptomatic. And that was nine years ago. I have remained well. And good thing I was well, because then my daughter became a Lyme patient and I became a Lyme caregiver. And that doctor, unfortunately, had moved back to Germany, so we couldn't go see her. I kind of wish we'd just flown across the pond and gone to see her. But anyway, so then we went through the odyssey of figuring out what was going on with her, because I didn't want to believe that she also had Lyme. I thought maybe there's reasons why a ten year old would have chronic headaches. Maybe it's something with her jaw, maybe it's something with allergies, maybe it's a visual issue, vision issUe. After a year of searching, I went to a friend who was another friend who was another doctor, and I said, what do I do? She's testing negative. She's still sick, she's getting sicker GI joint pain. And then she said, well, you need to get her lab work done at a specialty lab, which we did, she tested positive. And then we started down her path, and then she used a device that helped her overcome after going on antibiotics for. For a few years and trying a lot of other modalities. Hyperbaric, UV light, golly, the antibiotics course, and we went down a different path, and that was the ticket. So she's now a registered nurse. [00:06:04] Speaker B: Oh, that's so cool. [00:06:05] Speaker C: Hey, I love that. Wow. So you did antibiotics for four years and you saw this back fixer, right? This chiropractor, and you're like, no, thank you. Fix my back. So glad you changed your mind. Right? [00:06:27] Speaker D: Yeah. I really wasn't sure she could do anything, but I thought, what the heck? She's inexpensive. [00:06:33] Speaker C: What do you have to lose at this point? Right? [00:06:36] Speaker D: Yeah. And she did such a great job fixing my back because I had had car accidents before and took months and months and months to recover. But when she healed me so quickly, I believed that she was gifted, and she was gifted for sure. [00:06:51] Speaker B: And how did the antibiotic journey look like? Was that just. You just took antibiotic and you didn't have any effect from it, or what did that look like? [00:07:03] Speaker D: Well, it was all orals. They were pulsed and rotated, because I did go to a Lyme literate doctor who is now a good friend of mine. It was really tough on my gut. It made me brain fogged, it made me tired, even more tired. The pain in my abdomen was intractable. It really took a long, long time, and it was a very complicated regimen. And that's one reason why I came up with this book, is because people needed to keep track of what were they on, how many weeks were they on it, and what was the result of being on it. So, yeah, the antibiotics, I would say, maybe got me 50% better, but I knew there was more healing to do. [00:07:52] Speaker B: When you say 50%, what was left of all your symptoms at that time? [00:08:00] Speaker D: I would say muscle weakness, fatigue, rotating, migratory joint pain. One day it'd be my shoulder and then it would be my knee. Oh. The other thing that happened was I went on a prescription that's now got a black box warning, and I ended up having tendon rupture in both of my arms and couldn't move my arms. I couldn't wash my hair. I could barely put my clothes on. It was terrible. It was terrible. [00:08:30] Speaker B: Lovely. [00:08:31] Speaker D: Wow. [00:08:31] Speaker B: Yeah. Was it different how you were feeling? Because you did for four years, so year three, was that less bad than year four? Was it continually improving, or did it seem like diminishing returns after a while? [00:08:50] Speaker D: I would say. I would say it was diminishing return. It seemed like I was stagnating and I knew I had to do something different. [00:09:03] Speaker C: So it doesn't really sound like it fixed one thing in particular. Everything was the same, but just maybe not quite as bad. Like, it improved everything on 50%, so to say. [00:09:18] Speaker D: Right. [00:09:18] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:09:22] Speaker D: I wouldn't say I'm a perfectionist, but I always am striving for better. And so I just knew there was more healing that could happen. [00:09:30] Speaker C: Something else? Yeah. And so how was your gut after all of the antibiotics? [00:09:37] Speaker D: Just very sensitive. I had a lot of nausea, just indigestion, just digestive issues, and never really feeling like I enjoyed food. It is interesting, though, when I switched to a gluten free diet, huge shift. I stopped having headaches within a week and my digestion improved significantly. It was amazing. I tell all my clients, please go gluten free. If you do nothing else, six weeks, very strict gluten free diet, and you will be amazed at the healing you'll feel for most people. [00:10:20] Speaker C: Yeah, diet does definitely play a huge role, I think, in our healing journey, for sure. [00:10:27] Speaker D: Sugar free. I'm dairy free, I'm gluten free. I still crave sugar, but I'm working on that too. [00:10:36] Speaker B: With this device. I'm curious, what kind of frequency device was it? Because we have things like rife machines and there are a lot of different frequency devices. So it seems like it was something that was quite unique and did not exist here in the United States. And when going back to Germany, this technology went to Germany as well. [00:11:00] Speaker D: Yeah. So she did something called no sode therapy. So it's based on the physics that everything in nature has a distinct frequency. It has a signature resonance. And the device that I ended up acquiring was a pulsed electromagnetic device. So PEMF frequency devices, this one does incorporate some RI frequencies, but it also has frequencies to support the organs and to activate the nutrients and also to reduce the interferences of microbes, metals and toxins. And when I say microbes, I'm talking about viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites. So the beauty of this particular device was, I think of rife machine as dropping a bomb on the body, and there's a lot of collateral damage. A lot of people give up on rife machines because the Herx is so hard with the device that I use, one of the devices I use, it cushions the blow, so to speak. It prepares the body by opening up the energy pathways and also by activating the organs to help with the detox. And there's even a program called HERc's Help. It's also known as detox assist to help carry the dead pathogens, the neurotoxins, out of the body faster. So Herxes that used to last days would only last 20 minutes or so. It's a combination of frequencies and sound modalities. In one device, I like the sound. [00:12:47] Speaker C: Of lessening the time of your Herx. I swear, I think I was in a constant Herx for years. [00:12:55] Speaker D: Yeah. And that's the problem also with the antibiotics, too, is people, they start to Herx and they think that they're allergic to the meds, when in actuality, it's a die off response. And so, yeah, I had one experience where I was doing a cleanse or a detox, and I started feeling an increase, a flare. And so I ran the program, the detox assist HErc's help program. 20 minutes later, I felt fine. About 6 hours after that, I started feeling the pain again, and I ran the program again, and about 30 minutes later, I was fine. So it definitely was cOrrelated. It's a wonderful blend of, well, it used to have the glutathione frequencies in there. It has frequencies to help bind things and to activate your electrolytes and to help you feel hydrated and also some mood elevation, because, you know, when you're herxing, you feel like crap. So it had a little serotonin activation. [00:14:02] Speaker C: Well, I'm glad you brought that up just a minute ago. So I'm going to put Dr. Carlfeld on the spot. So you mentioned that a lot of people get confused about whether they're actually physically allergic to a supplement or something like that, or if it's just a Herx. So I find it interesting that you brought that up, because I want to say probably in the last, probably close to a year, I hear more. So now from people that say they're allergic to everything, they can't do any supplements, they can't do antibiotics. Me as a person just trying to walk somebody through their Lyme journey, I'm not going to say push through. It's a Herx. You're not allergic. You know what I mean? But from a doctor's point of view, how can somebody really tell if they should just push through or are they really allergic to it? Because I can't imagine of all these years I've been in the Lyme community, and then all of a sudden I'm hearing people say, oh, I can't take that, I can't take that, I can't take that. What do you do with those people? [00:15:16] Speaker B: They're screwed. No. Either herxing or allergic. And I think kind of with recent, with kind of the COVID era that we've gone through, people tend to deal more with inflammatory conditions, and so they will be more sensitive. It's kind of like the dial is turned up a little bit. So it doesn't need to be as much of a stressor in order for the immune system to have a hyper response, or it doesn't need to be as much of a die off for the immune or for your detox pathways to feel overwhelmed. So both of those aspects are impacted quite a bit more with what we've dealt with these last few years. And so we need to then work more on bringing in things that calm down the immune systEm, also that are anti inflammatory, and also, at the same time, just got to keep the pathways open. The detox pathways open, and it is hard sometimes to know whether it's herxing or if it's you're allergic or sensitive. The majority of times, it's sensitive. And when you are sensitive, it tends to just be that the body's overwhelmed. So whether you're herxing or you're sensitive to something, you should still step back and kind of mitigate and see why is this taking place? What can I do to kind of control that inflammatory reactions? What can I do to open up the detox pathways? Do I need to do more of coffee enemas or infrared saunas, ionic footbaths, or more binders, chlorella, or other type of binders? You got to be more diligent in that arena now, I think, more than you had to in the past. [00:17:19] Speaker C: Okay, that makes sense. Yeah. Tough to know, because I know that now. Looking back on my journey, it's like you have to take one step forward, two steps back to get any better. You got to feel worse before you get better. But we don't always feel that when we're in the journey, we're getting worse, and we're like, this isn't working. And some people jump the gun too quickly, and they switch treatments too fast. And then some people stay on a treatment with no results, and they don't switch things up fast enough. So it's just really a tough disease to navigate through it. It really is. [00:17:59] Speaker D: Yeah. I always tell people, give something three or four months, don't keep hopping from one thing to another. It really takes 90 to 120 days for your body to say, oh, I get it. She's trying to bring down the infectious load. Okay, I think I need to cooperate with this. Yeah. It's really important to be resolute, and I think also it's important to be willing to switch paths and go down a different road. Maybe the road less traveled or maybe the one like I always thought, frequencies are too hard. I have to be an electrical engineer. I have to be a physicist. I have to build my own machine. I didn't realize that all these people had been put Together, doctors and scientists and patients and caregivers at the same table. And they developed this device, and it even incorporates some Chinese, the TCM, traditional Chinese medicine, into it. And when I first saw this, I was like, oh, okay, this is like Doc in a box. I don't have to send my daughter to Germany or back down to the clinic in Florida. She can take this to you. You have to be willing to say, like I tell people, if you've done what you've always done, you're going to get what you've always gotten. Okay? So you have to ask yourself, is it time to switch horses? Is it time to go down a different path? Perhaps I need to open my mind to something that in the past, I didn't understand. Frequencies are intangible, so I try very hard to make it clear to people what is happening. One of the metaphors I use is imagine you've got an ocean wave, and two ocean waves crash together. They're not going to build a bigger ocean wave. They're going to create, ultimately, a ripple. And that's what we're doing with the energy of a pathogen. So, for example, in physics, it's called destructive interference. When we're trying to bring down the infectious load, when we're trying to neutralize the energies of things that are toxic, we're doing destructive interference. But with my amp coil, I'm actually also doing constructive interference. I'm teaching the body, or the device is teaching the body how to heal itself. It's telling those organs, liver, you got to detoxify, and kidney, you have to purify. It's constructive in that it builds up the organs to be at the perfect harmonic level. And in Chinese medicine, gallbladder and liver are yoked together. The organs are yoked together. And if they're not both operating optimally and at the perfect. It's like a pitch pipe or a tuning fork for the body. If these organs, if these systems are not operating optimally, then we don't have the health and wellness that we seek. But if we can tune everything up, so to speak, we create a harmonic in the body. If you've ever been In a choir or played an instrument, you know what it's like when everybody's rehearsed, everybody knows their parts, and they're in a beautiful acoustical setting, a beautiful theater. I've sung in the Kennedy center with a choir, and it is magical. It is magnificent. So that's what can happen in the body with frequencies. [00:21:22] Speaker B: And that's the thing, is that, in essence, we see these physical bodies, but it is just frequency in itself. If you look at and try to find the actual matter inside, it's not a lot in there. It's mostly space and things that are vibrating. [00:21:41] Speaker D: Exactly. Mostly energy. [00:21:43] Speaker B: Yeah. And it's the same with the microbes. And also, like you're mentioning, these microbes are then causing then dysregulation or disharmony in how our cells are vibrating and how the different subatomical particles and how they are vibrating. So to create a resonance and also to kind of correct that frequency, to me, that is where medicine is going and should be going, rather than kind of the Newtonian way of looking at things that we still do. So what is this device called? [00:22:26] Speaker D: It's called an amp coil. It's amp as an amplify and coil, like a modified Tesla coil. And it's a device that is operated with some software called the Better Guide. And there are programs called organs nutrition Cleanse. And then you can actually go and you can detox body parts. Let's say you don't know what the infection is, but you know it's in your knee. You can actually work on soft tissue, you can work on bone. If you know that you have H. Pylori in the gut, you can target the stomach, the upper and lower GI, and then it also has programs to manage the symptoms. There's a deep sleep program, relax all, balance the mind, brain reboot. Golly, there's even an immune boosting program. There's a program called Wellness 2020 for certain viruses that were in the news. So there's about 20 programs on there. So it's not just all about the cleansing, the detoxing. It's also supporting the body in the journey. And then I also have other devices. I have something that looks like a smoke detector. That's called a mag Healy. I have a little device. I think I'll have it here in a minute. But it's about an inch and a half square. It's called a Healy. I use the life wave patches. I use something called wave one, which uses light frequencies. A lot of companies give me things to test. Like, there's something called a neurovisor, which is primarily for improving brain function. PTSD, depression, anxiety, mental clarity, cognition. So it's amazing, these devices, these technologies are getting smaller and smaller and easier and easier to use and more affordable. And what frustrates me is I spent a few thousand dollars on something. And now, yesterday, it was available for $1,500. And I'm like, if only I'd waited, but I couldn't wait three years. I needed it now. I needed it then. Also, I want to say that these modalities. This is how medicine was done before Big Pharma. There were thousands of doctors in the US using frequency devices. There were also, I believe, hundreds of homeopathic. So this is not really new. I say it's from the past, but it's the medicine of the future. Everybody's going to have something like this in their homes. They're portable, they're wearable. Most of them are easy to operate. Some of them, especially if you're brain fog, they're a little trickier. One of the things I do is I coach people on the amp coil and I coach people on the Healy. I hold Zoom calls. I have in person meetings. Sometimes I'll go to people's houses and get them set up. But, yeah, there are hundreds of devices out there, and I've spent five years testing a lot of them and amp coils, the big guns. And then it really depends on what the person is dealing with, what their budget is, what their brain capacity is. There are certain devices where I say, I would tell people, don't buy that because your brain isn't working yet. Thank you. Yeah, this is the Healy. That's how small it is. And this is a coil. And bring me a coil, too, hon, please. And this is a coil. Just the yellow coil from. Just the coil. This is actually a coil in this credit card sized thing. And this plugs into this. Okay. Then you clip that onto your shirt or put it in your pocket, and it runs with an app on your phone. [00:26:20] Speaker B: And what does that do then? [00:26:23] Speaker D: What that does? That is something called frequency specific micro current. So that's micro current. So it's kind of like a tens unit. If you ever had physical therapy, it also creates microcirculation. It brings down inflammation. And there are programs in there. So, for example, I had a dental infection, and I ran the dental pain program as well as the bacteria program, and my dental infection went away with two treatments. So it's just incredible. This is the coil of the amp coil. It's about five pounds. It's copper wire wound tightly here. And this is connected to a large device that is also connected to a tablet that has the programs on it. [00:27:15] Speaker B: And would you hold that amp coil over the area, treated, or can it just be in the vicinity? [00:27:22] Speaker D: It can be in the vicinity. I find that it works better if it is on the knee that has arthritis or if you put it closer to the brain. When you're doing the brain reboot program, we just don't put anything on the head. But yeah, the frequencies go out about 4ft from all of these devices. So if you're within that bioenergetic field. [00:27:42] Speaker B: You can have benefit from it because you have people that do microcurrent. I mean, there are machines that do the microcurrent and you can develop programs with that and run them. So does this function very similarly? [00:28:00] Speaker D: Yes, especially with the Mag Healy. It does have Carolyn McMackin's frequencies in it. The frequency specific microcurrent, it is excellent for pain. You can target the neck or the back or the knee. I had a hip issue that was stubborn and I did the McMacin frequencies for joints. And I would say within I think, maybe three 1 hour treatments, I was back on the tennis court. So I think the McMackin frequency specific microcurrent is like having two Healys. It's dual channel. One channel is for the issue, like inflammation or trauma, and the other channel is for the tissue, like the spinal cord or the ligaments. Right. Or tendon harmony. I could tell you so many stories of how I've helped myself and others, but basically you're sending a frequency into the body to charge the body. Kind of like the life wave patches. It's waking up the cells and saying, your ph, your voltage is too low. Let's get you activated. And, oh, by the way, let's target this tissue. Um, so it's, it's. [00:29:12] Speaker C: It really is crazy, the technology that is out there nowadays. And like you say, the, the more time that goes on, they get more affordable. Thank goodness. And we talked a little bit before the show and my first seven years of my undiagnosis, and I was all traditional medicine, I was all Western medicine doctors. You go to the doctor, you do what they say. If they say nothing's wrong with you, well, okay, nothing's wrong with me. Like thinking outside the box of going to the doctor and taking antibiotics or doing whatever they're doing, it's truly what saved my life. I don't think I would be here had I gone another route. I really don't. I feel I was that sick. And so for the listeners out there, if you're struggling and you're on antibiotics and you're not getting better, please, please think outside the box. We are not the only ones that are doing this quackery stuff. This muscle testing stuff, these energy devices, we're not the only ones. It's changing people's lives. And this may be your ticket, but I get it's hard to go outside of how we were raised. You get sick, you go to the doctor, you do what the doctor says, you get better, and things are just so different now, and so just think outside the box. I guess that's what I want to say. [00:30:53] Speaker D: There seems to be this. People just want to reach for the medicine cabinet. And I do agree, there are times. Sometimes you do have to have a certain antibiotic or you do have to have a surgery. But I'm always asking myself, oh, I wonder if there's a program for that on here. And what I love about one of these devices is you can type in the condition like Vertigo or cataracts, and it will tell you all the programs to run right and even give you a schedule of when to run them. So, like you were saying, you have to think outside the box. And I want to add one more thing, is don't go it alone. I encourage people to have faith, family and friends, to have a belief that you'll get well, to have a belief that you are not alone. I encourage people to pray, to have a song in their heart, to have scripture or affirmations. I encourage people to be in a worship community. My church was amazing. They brought us meals. They brought us groceries. They took care of our kids. They brought us bags and bags of hand me down clothes. It was great. And they prayed for us. I think it's really important to find that balance between communicating to people, I need you, and not being too needy and not being too. Not complaining or anything like that. Complain. But also temper it and say, I need you. And also, last of all, you probably hear this from everybody. Count your blessings. Be grateful. Find something every day. Sometimes it was the reflection of a light on the leave. Sometimes it was the free donut we got after the doctor's appointment. Sometimes it was just someone sending me a card saying, I'm praying for you. I'm thinking about you. Find something in every day to be thankful for and picture yourself well. Picture yourself out of the mirrory mud on solid ground. What is your solid ground? Is it a stage? Is it a soccer field? Is it a tennis court? For me, it was the tennis court. Is it a platform? Is it a mountain? Is it a bicycle? How will you know you're well? And the people who tell me, I can't imagine a day without a headache, or I can't see myself in Italy, they don't recover. The people who have a plan, who have a path, who have me holding their hand, they do great. They do great. [00:33:25] Speaker B: That's perfect. [00:33:26] Speaker C: Yeah. That's exactly what we all needed to hear. Yes. I could not agree more. And I think that was just the perfect way to end this great call. That was awesome. That was awesome. Great advice. [00:33:40] Speaker D: Thank you. [00:33:42] Speaker B: Well, thank you so much. Thank you so much for being a resource and also for helping so many people on their journey. The frequency of medicine is powerful medicine. And like we talked about, rife machine, you mentioned it, it's kind of like a bomb. But him looking at the different pathogens on his microscope and seeing how they change behavior and change look just based upon different frequencies. So it was a tangible fiscal result based upon just frequencies. And that's what's happening in our bodies. And so it's powerful medicine and you should not discount that. And like you mentioned, yes, sometimes you need to bring in pharmaceuticals, but why do it in excess? Why do it when you don't need to? Why not use something that is supportive and does not have the same detrimental. [00:34:52] Speaker D: Effect and it's natural frequencies are available. Put your bare feet in the ground and you'll feel the frequencies if you just Earth and ground. [00:35:02] Speaker B: Yeah, exactly. Well, thank you so much for spending this time with us, and I truly appreciate it and for guiding people along in so many different ways. [00:35:14] Speaker C: Yes, thank you. [00:35:15] Speaker D: Thank you so much. And if you're ever in Washington, come see me and diamond. [00:35:20] Speaker C: Yes, yes, for sure. No, we appreciate you and we appreciate what you're doing in the lime community. We need more people like you. So thank you so much. [00:35:30] Speaker D: Thank you for what you do, too. Thank you. [00:35:32] Speaker B: Thank you. [00:35:33] Speaker D: Bless you. [00:35:41] Speaker A: The information this podcast is for educational purposes only and it's not designed to diagnose or treat any disease. I hope this podcast impacted you as it did me. Please subscribe so that you can be notified when new episodes are released. There are some excellent shows coming up that you do not want to miss. If you're enjoying these podcasts, please take a moment to write a review and please don't keep this information to yourself. Share them with your family and friends. You never know what piece of information that will transform their lives. For past episodes and powerful information on how to conquer Lime, go to IntegrativelimeSolutions.com and an additional powerful resource, Limestream.com. For Lyme support and group discussions, join Tanya on Facebook at Lyme Conquerors Mentoring Lyme warriors if you'd like to know more about the cutting edge integrative of Lyme Therapies my center offers, please visit theCarlfieldCenter. Thank you for spending this time with us, and I hope to see you at our next episode of Integrative Lyme Solutions with Dr. Carl Fellas.

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