Revolutionizing Lyme Care: Pioneering Treatments with Dr. Alice Honican

Episode 183 October 16, 2024 00:34:32
Revolutionizing Lyme Care: Pioneering Treatments with Dr. Alice Honican
Integrative Lyme Solutions with Dr. Karlfeldt
Revolutionizing Lyme Care: Pioneering Treatments with Dr. Alice Honican

Oct 16 2024 | 00:34:32


Show Notes

In today's new episode, we sit with Dr. Alice Honican to discuss alternative treatments for Lyme disease. Dr. Honican shares her journey into Lyme treatment, grounded by her upbringing in a holistic family practice. She explores the use of bioenergetic testing, thermography, and homeopathic remedies as comprehensive, non-antibiotic approaches to Lyme disease. The podcast details Dr. Honican's success stories in treating patients, including children with neurological issues. Both practitioners emphasize the importance of a multi-faceted, natural approach to treatment, centering on the body's energy and balance. Listeners are encouraged to explore bioenergetic testing and holistic health methodologies as viable options for tackling Lyme disease.

The Karlfeldt Center offers the most cutting edge and comprehensive Lyme therapies.

To schedule a Free 15-Minute Discovery Call with a Lyme Literate Naturopathic Doctor at The Karlfeldt Center, call 208-338-8902 or reach us at [email protected].

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: Welcome back to Integrative Lyme Solutions with Doctor Karl Feldt. [00:00:05] Speaker B: I am so excited about the show. [00:00:07] Speaker A: That we have ahead of us. We have some phenomenal information that could save lives. [00:00:13] Speaker C: You're gonna need to tune in to. [00:00:15] Speaker D: What'S going on today. [00:00:16] Speaker B: The information is jam packed, so don't step away. [00:00:24] Speaker D: Hello. [00:00:24] Speaker E: Thank you so much for joining integrative Lime Solutions with Doctor Karl Feldta. I am your host, doctor Michael Karl Feldt. I've been in clinical practice since 1987. I've seen pretty much everything under the sun. I work with so many different Lyme patients, and I know what a devastating disease this is. That's why I'm doing this podcast, to make sure that you are armed with the information that you need in order to be able to be successful in your struggle with Lyme. We'll be featuring authors, doctors, professors, and also people like yourself that have gone through the journey that you're going through, that have been where you've been and is now on the other side. And they get to tell their victorious story as to how they battle Lyme so that you can implement that in your life as well. Be sure to like us and write a review on whichever platform that you're listening on. What that does is it enables other people to see us more so that they have access to this information as well. So I'm so excited that you're tuning in and get ready for this upcoming show. It is going to be amazing. [00:01:40] Speaker D: Well, today I have the pleasure of being with Doctor Alice Honecken. She is in north Georgia, and I was really, really intrigued by she is going after Lyme and assessing Lyme a little bit different than some other individuals. So I was really intrigued by that. So thank you so much for being with me, Doctor Alice. [00:02:01] Speaker C: Thank you for having me. [00:02:03] Speaker D: So, it's always a question. Lyme is such a specialized direction, and there's always some kind of story why people get into and focusing on Lyme. And I'm really curious how that started for you. [00:02:21] Speaker C: Yeah. So, with my story, I did not get into treating Lyme because I myself got sick with Lyme. Actually, I found out about Lyme through my father, doctor Seneca Anderson. So my parents opened up a holistic, alternative naturopathic practice in Georgia in the early eighties. And so we were definitely a little odd growing up. Back then, we were kind of crunchy granola kids who weren't vaccinated, who didn't eat sugar, and used homeopathics when we were sick, only took antibiotics in extreme cases so I grew up with this alternative, holistic lifestyle, and I really wanted to take over under his footsteps. So I decided to go to acupuncture school, because unfortunately, in Georgia, you cannot get a license as a naturopath. So my dad had to fight really hard in the eighties to be able to practice medicine. And you became an acupuncturist and a naturopath. So I decided to go to acupuncture school, and we talked very briefly about Lyme disease, maybe a chapter in a textbook. And, you know, with acupuncture and chinese medicine, it's not necessarily about diagnosing a disease anyway. It's about, you know, working with the imbalances. So when I graduated and I joined the practice back in 2005, 2006, I was sitting in with my dad, Doctor Anderson, and he was using bioenergetic testing, energy testing, to detect Lyme spirochetes. And I was like, what the heck are these things? And so I really started to research, and I ended up writing my dissertation on Lyme disease. And patients were flooding in from all over with symptoms like arthritis and chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. And we were telling them about Lyme spirochetes. But back then, if you googled it, it would be like, there's no Lyme disease in Georgia. That's what Doctor Google said. So there's a visible fence out through the Mason Dixon line, and they're still being told this to this day. So started to really learn about everything I put about Lyme spirochetes and started treating Lyme that way. That's how I got into treating Lyme back in 2007, treating spirochetes in a little bit different way than modern medicine addresses it. [00:04:40] Speaker D: So how. I mean, so you're talking about Doctor Google, but I'm curious, because Lyme is something that, yes, a lot of people are. It's more and more awareness now, but at that time, I mean, that it was extremely minimal. So, I mean, you talking about Lyme at that time, I mean, what was the response in your community? [00:05:03] Speaker C: Yeah, so a lot of times, I would say, you know, we're detecting, we would use energy testing, kind of similar to autonomic response testing or muscle testing. Patients come in and they'd hold these hand masses, connect their bodies through a circuit, and kind of scanning through acupuncture meridians, and we would detect things like Epstein Barr virus, borrelia bacterias, Lyme spirochetes. And we would have to be careful with what we say, because if we said, you know, you have Lyme disease, and they went to their doctors. Then we would, we were kind of nervous because we're not medical doctors, that we would go out of business or the FDA would come after us. Now not so much. I feel like because of podcasts like yours and because of information getting out there, patients are now coming to us wondering if they have Lyme spirochetes. A lot has changed with information getting out there. But back then, we were kind of pioneers in Georgia to detecting these things, and it's becoming more and more prevalent. But we would give them these homeopathic no sodes and different herbs. Like, back then, we were using a lot of Cimento and cat's claw and silver hydrosol. And within six months to a year or quicker, if they were kids, they would get well. And then actually in about 2007, 2008, my mom started to not feel well, and she worked at the clinic, and she was very healthy, macrobiotic cooking individual. She did remember a spider bite, and she started to get jaw pain, some bell's palsy, some hip pain, and very, very quickly, she was almost unable to walk. And then we realized, wow, this is a stealth pathogen that can take down even the healthiest individual that I knew who was this macrobiotic. Healthy eating, never had a problem in her life. And we treated her using different homeopathics herbs, therapies, saunas, lymphatic drainage, and within six months, she recovered. So she was lucky to get treated very early. But I also learned how strong this pathogen is, but then also the body's capacity to heal as naturopaths, as you know, we really believe that the body can heal with the right tools. [00:07:17] Speaker D: And you talk about bioenergetic testing, and then you also talk, talk a little bit of autonomic response testing, and can, can you explain a little bit of that for a person that may not be familiar with what all of these things mean? [00:07:33] Speaker C: Yeah, I mean, our body is made up of energy. Our body is 99% energy, and it has some matter, and we can really tap into the body's energy using technology. I compare it to the light goes on in your car, and you take it to a mechanic, and they scan your car using frequencies, and we can do the same thing with your body. And it's a way to assess what's going on at the time, asking your body different questions. Are the imbalances, is the light on, is your headaches, let's say, due to food intolerances? Is it due to mold sensitivities? Is it due to viruses? Or possibly Lyme spirochetes. It's a way to assess the body, because oftentimes the Lyme doesn't show in the blood work. And sometimes the functional medicine for Lyme can be very expensive. This is a great, affordable way to see if the spirochetes are causing the issue. The Lyme spirochetes, because I believe that people can get bit by ticks that have Lyme, and their body can just handle it and they can fight it off. And sometimes when you're under stress, maybe you're struggling with your marriage, or maybe you've been in an automobile accident, or something can happen, your nervous system gets stressed, and then that bacteria can really take you down. So the bioenergetic testing, or sometimes you can use something like muscle testing, is a really great way to tap into the body's energy circuit. Ask the body what's going on in the body will tell us, but it really is scientific. It's really in the realm of quantum physics. [00:08:57] Speaker D: So I love it. Yeah, I mean, it's something we. We both use a lot, and it's. Yeah. The autonomic response testing, obviously, was. Was coined by Doctor Klinghardt, and it's a really, really fascinating tool and really powerful tool, because a lot of times with Lyme, we don't see it in the blood, and then a person is still dealing with all the symptoms, and then to be able to then recognize what are all the different co infections and where are they at, and then also pinpoint and see what remedies and to really support the individual with. [00:09:37] Speaker C: Yeah, I feel like, as naturopaths, we really want to use natural remedies, and there's a whole arsenal of remedies that we can use now to treat Lyme. We can test herbs and make an individualized plan for every patient, things like crystal episodes and cat's claw, japanese knotweed, and really see what are the best remedies to treat that person, because every person is individual and unique, and it's a multifaceted approach, and every person gets a different protocol when they come to my clinic, which is called longevity health center. So I really love to use bioenergetic testing to really assess what's going on as far as, is the patient struggling from Lyme spirochetes? Another tool that we use, that we like to use to detect imbalances is called thermography, and we use computer regulation thermography. So many people are aware, let's use thermography to assess breast disorders. So we can actually use thermography. To assess inflammation in the whole body, what the patient would do is we would test the measurements of over 100 points in the body and over the skin of, say, the liver, the breast, the kidneys, the pancreas, the spleen, that the dental points, head points, and then you go undergo a cold challenge, and we measure these points, and then a graph is produced that can lead us to what's going on. So, for example, let's say you're in a cold challenge and the liver heats up three degrees. The body's saying there's inflammation in the liver, and when it comes to Lyme, there's about six or seven different patterns that'll show in the thermography. For example, cold head points, no circulation to the head, and cold dental points, cold blocked dental points. We really need to investigate the teeth when it comes to Lyme, where maybe cold thyroid points. And if they have a specific pattern, their report will say, hey, investigate Lyme disease. And that's another tool that people don't really know about. I recommend the thermography about once a year, and I can say, what is going on with your physiology? And that's a great way to say, hey, what are the top priorities? Are the top priorities. Heavy metals are the top priorities. Adrenal stress, because maybe Lyme isn't the top priority. Maybe the top priority is working with, say, dysbiosis in the gut. So this is a great tool to say, hey, what's going on? What are their priorities? What's going to get the patient? [00:11:56] Speaker B: Well, hello, dear listeners. This is doctor Michael Karlfeld, your host of integrative Lyme solutions. Today, I'm excited to share an exclusive opportunity from the Karlfeld center, where we blend healing power of nature with groundbreaking therapies to combat Lyme disease and its associated challenges. At the Karfeld center, we're not just fighting Lyme, we're revolutionizing the way it's treated with cutting edge therapies like photodynamic therapy, full body ozone, iv therapy, silver iv's, brain rebalancing, autonomic response testing, laser energetic detoxification, and more. We aim to eradicate Lyme. Our approach is comprehensive, supporting your body's immune system, detoxification processes, hormonal balance and mitochondrial health, ensuring a holistic path to recovery. Understanding Lyme disease and its impact is complex, which is why we're offering a free 15 minutes discovery call with one of our Lyme literate naturopathic doctors. This call is your first step towards understanding how we can personalize your healing journey, focusing on you as a whole person, not just your symptoms. Our team, led by myself, Doctor Michael Karlfilz, is here to guide you through your recovery with the most advanced diagnostic tools, individualized treatment plans and supportive therapies designed to restore your health and vitality. Whether you're facing Lyme disease head on or seeking preventative strategies, we're committed to your wellness. Take the first step towards reclaiming your health. Visit [email protected] or call us at 208-338-8902 to schedule your free discovery, call at the Karfeld center. We believe in healing naturally, effectively and holistically. Thank you for tuning in into integrative Lyme solution with Doctor Karlfeld. Remember, true health is not just the absence of disease, it's achieving the abundance of vitality. Let's discover yours together. [00:13:57] Speaker D: So, yeah, because like you mentioned, I'm usually, when you think of thermography, then you think of assessing breast health to see if they're kind of heat patterns over the breast and if they're a cold spot and heat patterns, and that indicates, and that there's excessive kind of blood vessel formation or inflammation that area. So now you're talking then about cold spots in addition to hot spots. So how do you, how do you, so there should be kind of a, a normal level of warmth throughout the whole body, and then if it's not just kind of hot, but really cold, and that indicates disease in that area as well? [00:14:37] Speaker C: Correct. So after the cold challenge, we remeasure all the points and they should cool about half a degree to a degree. But let's say the pancreas cools down four degrees after the cold challenge. That's a sign of severe pancreatic insufficiency or insulin resistance. There's a specific pattern. If the individual is healthy and if they aren't healthy, then the body will kind of let us know what's going on. During this stress response challenge, the point represents the organ underneath it, for example, over the liver. If the point is blocked, then there's congestion in the liver. It's a really great non invasive tool, doesn't involve any ionic radiation, which we know is a known carcinogen. So why would we want to do that when we can look at other tools that really can assess the body without causing so much disruption and causing more stress? So the thermography is definitely something unique that we have, and we'll do it about once a year, unless there's something significant to look at, like the breast, you know, if they have a lot of congestion in the breast. It could be due to Lyme. I really believe that. I think Lyme can be the root cause, as you know, of many disorders, including breast disorders and cancer. And so we always want to get to the why. And as naturopaths, we want to be the investigators. What's going on? What can we do about it? How can we treat them naturally with minimal side effects? [00:15:56] Speaker D: Yeah. And that's the thing, is that just going after symptom management is never a long term solution. We are here, the body amazingly made, and once we start to develop symptoms, it just means that the body can't compensate any longer. So just to kind of shut down, and it's the body's way of communicating, saying, hey, something is wrong. So if we just tell the body to be quiet, then we're not going to be able to address what's going on. And then we're all of a sudden, it's going to be more in pain and going to degrade more and more. And what's fascinating is that blood tests, as we know, can only take us so far, and there's so many components of the body that we just can't identify. Like, you're talking about the pancreas. I mean, the only pancreatic test is checking for enzymes. Pancreatic enzymes. I mean, how else would you know in a blood test, if the pancreas is challenged, being able to use these tools becomes so, so powerful. So doing both the thermography and the bioenergetic testing and really kind of challenging those organs and seeing what's going on, that's amazing. [00:17:16] Speaker C: It's really fun to do the bioenergetic testing and be these investigators. You know, I had a patient come in recently who started experiencing arthritis, and she'd only lived in Georgia for a year. She came from Arizona. And when we scanned her with the bioenergetics, I found mold toxicity. And, you know, she came from a dry climate, and we started talking about her home and dehumidifiers and things that maybe she had never thought about. So it's fun to do that. Another thing that makes naturopathic medicine unique is homeopathy. And homeopathy is energy medicine using frequencies. And it's basically giving the body a message to do what it needs to do. So I can explain to your listeners an example of a homeopathic remedy made from a bee called APIs. And so it's a bee so diluted. Say you took a bee and put it in a bottle of alcohol and water. And shook that up, put one drop, another bottle of alcohol and water and shook that up, and say, you did that ten times, all that's left is the frequency of that bee. And let's say you get stung, take that remedy, and the itching and swelling is relieved. So when it comes to Lyme spirochetes, we can imprint, make frequencies of those specific, specific bacteria or parasites or whatever is showing. And you take that remedy every day, and it's sending a message, hey, hey, immune system fight this bacteria. And that's energy medicine. And that makes us unique, because it's not going to cause any side effects besides just maybe feeling a little crummy as your body detoxes. But it's not changing the body's chemistry, it's only changing the body's energy. So it's a really different way to approach Lyme besides medical allopathic antibiotic approach. [00:18:53] Speaker D: And how, because you don't use any antibiotics at all. Right? [00:18:58] Speaker C: We are not medical doctors, so we cannot prescribe antibiotics, so we do not. We only use herbs and homeopathic remedies and therapies at our clinic. [00:19:07] Speaker D: And with that, because, I mean, we, a lot of the, I mean, the medical doctors obviously have that perception that if you give somebody that has Lyme two weeks of doxycycline, they should be cured, or if they are really cutting edge and they do a whole month of it. But in reality, and that's also the perception, I know of a lot of Lyme disease sufferers that you need to use antibiotics to go after Lyme, but in your experience, you're having great success without the use of antibiotics. [00:19:43] Speaker C: Well, I really believe that herbs are antimicrobial, and homeopathics are antimicrobial, and nutrition helps the body fight infection as well. And you know, someone, if a patient called me tomorrow and said, hey, I just pulled a tick off me and I'm nervous, I might say, go to urgent care and get some doxycycline. But usually patients have been sick for a long time. They don't remember the tick bite. Maybe it's congenital line, maybe they got it when they were a kid. They can remember running around the woods and then something happened. That was the straw that breaks the camels back where their body can no longer fight this infection. At that point, the antibiotic approach, the spirochetes will just hide in the tissues, avoid the antibiotics, and it can be just too much, and it can create more gut dysbiosis. And we know there's so much immune system in our gut, and it's so important to balance the gut. So I generally would not recommend using antibiotics for Lyme disease unless it's an acute infection. How do you feel about that? [00:20:46] Speaker D: I agree. I mean, I agree. I think there's so much collateral damage that takes place with antibiotic. And yes, you kill things, but then what do you look like after? And what kind of immune system do you have? Because you're not going to be able to get rid of everything. And so there's always going to be some line bug there, there's going to always be a little bit, some fungal, or it's going to always be something there. And if we completely destroy our immune system and our gut health, and then we're much worse off. So to me, if we can handle it more with restorative, gentle, but yet very powerful therapies, yeah, we are so much better off. [00:21:35] Speaker C: Absolutely. I think with the type of medicine that we do, it can be two step forward, one step back. So we just want to keep plugging away and really remind patients that they are getting better. You can have them fill out a symptom profile and they'll forget that they were having migraines three times a week, because maybe they still have a symptom left and just keep plugging away so we can get into a good balance. Are we going to clear every bacteria in the body? No. I mean, there's a more bacteria than stars in the galaxy. But is Lyme what is causing the issues? Oftentimes, when it comes to chronic disease, that's a big part of the picture. But of course, we have to look at other things, like our chemical exposures and heavy metal exposures. Do we have silver in our mouth? What kind of water are we drinking? What are we putting in our bodies? I think that's what makes naturopaths different than the allopathic, where they're just looking to kill the bug and not really looking at the whole body. And the multifaceted approach to treating any chronic illness, naturopaths really play a place, I think, where I live in north Georgia, a lot of people don't know about naturopathic medicine. I want to come on here and say there are other ways to treat the body. What's also nice is when it's the non medical approaches, when it comes to cost, because you should know how much something costs, you should be able to go to a doctor or practitioner and say, hey, you know, this office visits going to be $200 and no hidden fees. And so that's how it is with us. You know what it's going to cost. You know, the thermography is $299, and we can go over that and really look, look at the body. So I think that makes us a little different. When you go to the hospital, you have no idea what kind of bills you're going to be getting later. And I think that really utilizing herbs, because herbs are antimicrobial and they have nutrition, and they can really be directed to different organs. In chinese medicine, we were taught certain herbs will go to the liver or to the spleen or to the heart. They're just this amazing tool that's been around for so long, and that's what we did over 50 years ago. You go to the apothecary and get herbs. So things have really changed. We're now worthy alternative, even though herbs used to be more mainstream. But I think that patients are really coming around, especially post Covid. They're realizing, hey, there's other things out there besides just vaccines and antibiotics, and let's really try to investigate other ways to get well. [00:24:06] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah. It's really kind of shifted the picture, I think, after Covid, for the benefit of people understanding that there are other ways out there instead of just relying on the medical model. I mean, obviously a medical model plays a role, but it doesn't. It's not everything. It's not a be all, end all, and it's. Understand. Yeah. What, what each medical system, you know, what role they play and when to utilize them. I'm. I'm really curious. So you mentioned a few different herbs, you know, like japanese knotweed, you know, cats claw. So tell me a little bit. What are some of your favorite tools and when would they be used, and why are they used? Is it mostly just through bioenergetic testing, or do you have a kind of a process that you go through with the Lyme patient? [00:25:01] Speaker C: Yeah. So with a new patient, we love to do a thermography. We'll do a urinalysis looking at the body's terrain, your liver, kidney adrenals, gut sugars, and then we'll run a bioenergetic assessment. And with the bioenergetic assessment, we can. It's almost like, yes or no? Do you have borrelia? Do you have gluten issues? Whatever it is, and we can print out the report, and then we can actually test different remedies against that person's human physiology. So, for example, I might test you for cat's claw, and your body might say, no, this is not going to be effective. I might test you for monolaurin, Lauracebin, and that might work. So I'll have whole arsenal of Lyme remedies. And we keep hearing about more and more and more, you know, rep companies that come out to visit us, just like medical doctors do pharmaceuticals, telling us about the latest and greatest herbs in the study. And then I'll add it to my arsenal and test it. So I really like biocedin. The biocedin protocol, that's one of my favorite. Another remedy I love is called pathogen defense by new medica. And it has monolaurin and lysine and grapefruit seed extract, and I believe it has wormwood, and so artemisia. So every person's gonna respond differently, and then I like to switch it up, because I think that these Lyme spirochetes, they get used to something, and then we have to switch it up, so it's not gonna be the same remedy month after month. We might say, let's try this one now. And oftentimes, the different Lyme spirochetes will produce specific symptoms, and I can almost guess what's gonna come up based on their complaints. So, for example, babesia, which is more parasitic, often is neurological lyme. And we might see someone really struggling with anxiety and nervous system issues. And so since it's more parasitic, I might test something like Artemisia or different herbal babesia herbs that treat babesia, so that that makes this unique. It's not a one size fits all. And then we just want to keep plugging away in different, you know, trying to treat the bacteria, but also really support the immune system, not just chase the bugs, support the liver, lymph, and kidney, so that we can handle the next bug that comes along. [00:27:07] Speaker D: I love it. I love it. Do you have a couple of stories of patients that have come to you and their journey a little bit so people can understand how powerful this kind of a medicine is? [00:27:22] Speaker C: Yeah, I mean, I see about eight patients a day, and you're not all for Lyme, but I will say that does come up a lot in the scan. Probably four out of eight patients a day do test for relymed spirochetes. And I could think of a patient now, and she actually had seen my dad. She was practically in a wheelchair for MS, and she's fully recovered now. She's a physical therapist, and by just utilizing these natural remedies, and she still comes in about twice a year to find out what's going on. We always have imbalances. We all can maybe drink too many margaritas or eat too much sugar or whatever it is, or maybe from a vaccine that she had to get for work. And we can detox the bodies. That's one example. We do see children at my practice, longevity. My colleague has really focused on pans and pandas, and I really believe that oftentimes that's due to Lyme spirochetes. People know about strep, but oftentimes it's things like Bartonella causing the brain inflammation. So I can hear the kids screaming in the waiting room with anger and mental and emotional issues, and then we'll just start to see them calm down. I've had children who didn't have speech and were able to detox things like metals and get them speaking again. So, yeah, a lot of stories to treat Lyme. And then, of course, the story of my mom, who, after six months of barely being able to get out of bed, got, well, mostly using proteolytic enzymes, herbs, and some therapies. And thank God she had us, because the modern, they couldn't find anything. The medical doctors, that's another example. We really like to use therapies as well. I saw on your website that you have a hocket as well, an ozone sauna. And that's a nice, gentle way to detox the body. The ozone will eradicate the bacteria, yeast, and fungus in the body, and patients just feel really good. I like to use it if I'm not feeling well, and I'll feel better the next day. [00:29:22] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah. And that's the thing, is that when you look, work at the body as a whole instead of just get hyper focused on just the pathogen, but you. You support the body's physiological function. You detoxify, you turn on mitochondria, you balance the organs, you nourish. It becomes such a different therapy, and you put the body then in an advantage rather than in a disadvantage, where it can then itself start to regulate and battle and control a lot of these different pathogens. [00:30:00] Speaker C: No, definitely. We've got to give the body the tools that it needs. Another therapy we like to utilize is lymphatic drainage therapy, and really get the lymphatic system moving, and we need to move our bodies. And the lymph is so important. It's like getting all the sewage out of the body. So this is a tool we use, I believe the device is called the xp two, and it's electrolymphatic therapy. It uses ozone in different frequencies in a specific order, and we use that at the lymphatic system, it's very congested. And I'll see on the thermography, the patient going from 50% congested in the lymphatic system down to, say, 1015 percent with just a few sessions. And that's going to allow the body to heal without necessarily just killing the bugs, letting the lymphatic system do its job with all of the amazing natural abilities it has to fight infections. [00:30:50] Speaker D: I love it. I love it. Anything else, any other kind of tools that you feel that people should know about to make them excited and empowered on their journey as they're battling Lyme. [00:31:04] Speaker C: I think that patients should look more into bioenergetic testing. So if you wanted to come see us, and if you weren't in the north Atlanta area, where we are in Roswell, Georgia, our website's called longevity, and you could actually send in a little hair, and we can run your hair through your DNA, through the circuit and assess what's going on. And this test is under $300 for a new patient. So it's a very affordable way. And we have four practitioners and four other, we have about eight naturopaths that work at longevity. So whether we have patients from California, wherever you are in the country, we can scan you, tell you what's going on, and get so much more information than you would get just by doing some regular blood testing. Then we can mail you what you need. So I want your listeners to know that there is help out there, just finding the right person and to really look into energy medicine and not just think about the antibiotics for mine. [00:32:01] Speaker D: I love it. I love it. Well, Doctor Alice, this is so amazing. It's so many cool tools, and I'm really fascinated in regards to, I mean, bioenergetic testing, I love, I do that again and again. The thermography, I mean, there aren't that many people that do that out there in regards to Lyme. So that's really fascinating to me. And it's really cool for you to be able to kind of assess more specifically as to what's going on and then support it holistically to nourish and strengthen the body so that it can come out more whole rather than beaten up, which is what would happen with just using antibiotic. You're actually stronger after the therapy than before. So thank you so much, Alice, for Doctor Alice, for everything that you're doing and the hope that you're giving people you too. [00:32:59] Speaker C: I look forward to meeting you at a conference in the future. Thank you so much for having me. [00:33:04] Speaker D: My pleasure. Absolutely. Take care. [00:33:06] Speaker A: Thanks. The information this podcast is for educational purposes only and it's not designed to diagnose or treat any disease. I hope this podcast impacted you as it did me. Please subscribe so that you can be notified when new episodes are released. There are some excellent shows coming up that you do not want to miss. If you're enjoying these podcasts, please take a moment to write a review and please don't keep this information to yourself. Share them with your family and friends. You never know what piece of information that will transform their lives. For past episodes and powerful information on how to conquer Lyme, go to and an additional powerful resource, for Lyme support and group discussions. Join Lyme Conquerors mentoring Lyme warriors on Facebook. If you'd like to know more about the cutting edge integrative of Lyme therapies MyCenter offers, please visit thank you for spending this time with us, and I hope to see you at our next episode of Integrative Lyme Solutions with Doctor Karlfeldt.

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Episode 11: Ashley's Story

Ashley was a fun outgoing, always on the go type of person until Lyme stopped her in her tracks. While mostly bedbound and onany...


Episode 147

January 31, 2024 00:46:55
Episode Cover

Know Thy Enemy: Decoding the Complexity of Lyme Disease

Welcome to another episode of Integrative Lyme Solutions! Today are honored to have Dr. Armin Schwarzbach with us, the founder of Armin Labs in...
