Unlocking Health: A Deep Dive into Metabolic Balance with Jane Durst Pulkys

Episode 189 November 27, 2024 00:34:33
Unlocking Health: A Deep Dive into Metabolic Balance with Jane Durst Pulkys
Integrative Lyme Solutions with Dr. Karlfeldt
Unlocking Health: A Deep Dive into Metabolic Balance with Jane Durst Pulkys

Nov 27 2024 | 00:34:33


Show Notes

In this enlightening episode of Lyme Solutions with Dr. Karlfeldt, we sit with Jane Durst Pulkis, author of The Metabolic Balance Kitchen. We discuss the far-reaching impact of metabolic dysfunction on diseases like cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular conditions. Jane shares insights from her career since 1980, emphasizing the dangers of processed foods and the critical role of balanced nutrition in combating metabolic syndrome. Highlighting her collaboration with Dr. Wolf Funfack, Jane explains how individualized nutrition plans based on blood analysis can transform health. She introduces the 'Metabolic Balance' program and her forthcoming book, which provides recipes and guidelines for a healthier lifestyle. The discussion underscores the importance of personalized health plans, the role of coaches, and the profound impact of dietary changes on overall well-being.

The Karlfeldt Center offers the most cutting edge and comprehensive Lyme therapies.

To schedule a Free 15-Minute Discovery Call with a Lyme Literate Naturopathic Doctor at The Karlfeldt Center, call 208-338-8902 or reach us at [email protected].

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: Welcome back to Integrative lyme Solutions with Dr. Karl Felt. [00:00:05] Speaker B: I am so excited about the show. [00:00:07] Speaker A: That we have ahead of us. We have some phenomenal information that could save lives. [00:00:13] Speaker B: You're going to need to tune in to what's going on today. The information is jam packed, so don't step away. [00:00:24] Speaker C: Hello. [00:00:24] Speaker B: Thank you so much for joining Integrative lyme Solutions with Dr. Karl Feldt. I am your host, Dr. Michael Karlfeld. I've been in clinical practice since 1987. I've seen pretty much everything under the sun, worked with so many different Lyme patients, and I know what a devastating disease this is. That's why I'm doing this podcast to make sure that you are armed with the information that you need in order to be able to be successful in your struggle with Lyme. We'll be featuring authors, doctors, professors, and also people like yourself that have gone through the journey that you're going through, that have been where you've been and is now on the other side. And they get to tell their victorious story as to how they battle Lyme so that you can implement that in your life as well. Be sure to like us and write a review on whichever platform that you're listening on. What that does is it enables other people to see us more so that they have access to this information as well. So I'm so excited that you're tuning in and get ready for this upcoming show. It is going to be amazing. Well, I am so pleased. I have Jane Durst polkas. She is the author of the Metabolic Balance Kitchen. And I mean, as we all know, there's so many different diseases that are associated with dysfunctional metabolism. Jane, it's such an honor and pleasure to have you here. [00:02:01] Speaker C: Well, thank you so much, Dr. Garfield. I'm so happy to be here and so happy to share this information because I think that the world is waking up to this whole metabolic dysfunction and metabolic syndrome, and what a great platform to educate people right now. [00:02:16] Speaker B: Yeah. Thank you so much. Yeah, thank you. Yeah. And, yeah, there's so many diseases. I mean, you've got cancer, obviously, is one. I mean, we've been looking at it as a genetic dysfunction, but now we're recognizing that at the core of it is a metabolic dysfunction that then translates into a genetic dysfunction. Then we have things like chronic infections where when the metabolism or the mitochondrial activity within the cell is dysfunctional, then all of a sudden you become. You become symptomatic, and all of a sudden you're dealing with a disease. I Mean, all of us, we have pathogens, but at the end of the day, if the mitochondria energy production is not where it needs to be, then all of a sudden the pathogens take over. And then obviously we get diabetes, we get cardiovascular, we got obesity, we get Alzheimer, which is type 3 diabetes. And there's so many different components that are impacted my metabolism. So that's why I felt that this discussion was so important. And at the core of it is every bite that we take either drives disease or health, and we choose it by every bite. And you've been in this field for how long now? [00:03:36] Speaker C: You know, since 1980 actually. And you know, no surprise that this is out of control because we live in a world where burger's the king, dairy's the queen, and we have the five new food groups frozen, fast, fried junk and processed. And really and truly, we are not supposed to be consuming food that has to pass the chemistry lab on the way to our mouth. So this is the number one problem is this ultra processed food with, you know, accompanied with poor lifestyle. And we have a recipe for metabolic dysfunction. [00:04:15] Speaker B: Yeah. And so what is it? I mean, what drove you in this direction? What made you passionate about using nutrition and food to help to guide people towards health and correct their metabolic dysfunctions? [00:04:32] Speaker C: Well, I was very fortunate to be born with abundant energy and abundant, an amazing metabolism. But as I got older and working with clients, I noticed that most people don't feel good. And so it was something that I needed to dig deeper to find out what is really causing the problem with people today. And I was introduced to Dr. Wolf, fun fact way back in 2016, and he started to begin speaking about metabolic syndrome was related to our insulin levels. When insulin levels become too high, then it causes five of those things where we have high triglycerides. Our waist size is greater than 35 inches at the belly button for female or 40 for a male. We have high blood pressure or we have low HDL and high blood pressure too. So these things are driving people to this problem. And for me, I was like, you know, I just really wanted to help individuals, you know, to fight this and to regain their health because it's our birthright to feel and look amazing. And I think it's criminal to walk around the street today not realizing how good you potentially can feel and free yourself from chronic disease as we're talking about, because this seems to be the end of the line for a lot of people today due to what's happening in our world. So we're shining a light on it right now. [00:06:08] Speaker B: And the issue is exactly what you're saying. Food that we're eating now is not food. It's essentially just a chemical experience experiment. And we are becoming the experiment ourselves because we're eating it. And we're seeing the result of those experiments. Cancer is soon to be. And 50% of us are about to be diagnosed with cancer at some point in our life. And cardiovascular disease, diabetes, all of these things are skyrocketing. We're not in a good trajectory. So we really need to take that. We really need to change direction. And you're coming out with a new book, the Metabolic Balance Kitchen, and it's coming out in December, right? [00:06:58] Speaker C: December. December 10 is the launch date. So basically, over the years, I was working with Dr. Wolf fun fact's program called Metabolic Balance, which is designed specifically to combat metabolic syndrome, to reduce inflammation in the body, to help balance out the hormones, and to help people to lose weight. And I have watched the transformation and thousands of clients, and I have been amazed by it. And one of the big questions I got was, I need to understand what metabolic syndrome is. I need to understand the science of how insulin is affecting me and why my friend went on Weight Watchers and she lost weight and I didn't lose weight. Because what's different about this program, it's individualized, and it's customized for each person based off of their personal health history. So maybe headaches, migraines, Hashimoto's disease, whatever. And then what we do is we do a full blood panel on each client. So the blood panel is done, including something called crp, which is C reactive protein. It's the level of inflammation in the body. It's also a marker for this metabolic syndrome, too. And then this information is now sent to Germany. Now, this program exists in 45 countries around the world, and we're just introducing it into the United States as we speak. So we're excited about that. And what the doctors in Germany do is they basically take your blood values and they take your personal health history, and they match the foods together. So we know that all foods have a biochemistry or they have a biological value. We know that all foods have what they call a glycemic index or a glycemic load. And so food is chosen according to their blood values and their health history. So we know with Hashimoto's, there's a whole bunch of food that can help a person but also hurt a person. So each person gets their own plan back that's customized and individualized for them to deal exactly with what they're looking for. And we look at one of the things that we look at is the size of the waist, how much, what the start weight of the person is and what the goal weight is and then the medical problems. So they follow this program which is they have to follow a bunch of rules which are all simple and within two, three, four days, the transformation is phenomenal. They feel finally amazing. They actually start to not have to have a nap in the afternoon. The aches and pains are gone in their body and it just really nourishes each one of those cells, particularly the mitochondria, because I'm fascinated by that too. To give them that energy. Because you can't get energy in life if you're eating beige. If it comes in a bag, box, pick up, window, vending machine or barcode on it, it's not going to be food. And metabolic balance focuses solely on food, food and food alone with, with not supplementation. So that's the beauty of this program. So I'm excited. So I wanted to create this book that anybody could pick up and they could start incorporating some of these recipes. Now, ideally, it would be amazing if they had a coach because the coach will help them walk through the program step by step. And it also lends the support to the client that's going through this transition because you know, when you lose 20, 30, 40, 50, £100, you're a bit of a different person. So you are going to need a little handholding. And that's what we do for people. [00:10:32] Speaker B: Yeah, I love that. [00:10:33] Speaker D: Hello, dear listeners, this is Dr. Michael Karlfeld, your host of integrative Lyme solutions. Today I'm excited to share an exclusive opportunity from the Karlfeld center where we blend healing power of nature with groundbreaking therapies to combat Lyme disease and its associated challenges. At the Karlfeld center, we're not just fighting Lyme, we're revolutionizing the way it's treated. We with cutting edge therapies like photodynamic therapy, full body ozone IV therapy, silver IVs, brain rebalancing, autonomic response testing, laser energetic detoxification and more. We aim to eradicate Lyme. Our approach is comprehensive, supporting your body's immune system, detoxification processes, hormonal balance and mitochondrial health, ensuring a holistic path to recovery. Understanding Lyme disease and its impact is complex, which is why we're offering a free 15 minute discovery call with one of our Lyme literate naturopathic doctors. This call is your first step towards understanding how we can personalize your healing journey, focusing on you as a whole person, not just your symptoms. Our team, led by myself, Dr. Michael Karlfields, is here to guide you through your recovery with the most advanced diagnostic tools, individualized treatment plans, and supportive therapies designed to restore your health and vitality. Whether you're facing Lyme disease head on or seeking preventative strategies, we're committed to your wellness. Take the first step towards reclaiming your health. Visit us at thecarlfolcenter.com or call us at 208-338-8902 to schedule your free discovery call. At the Karlfeld center, we believe in healing naturally, effectively, and holistically. Thank you for tuning in into integrative lyme solution with Dr. Karlfeld. Remember, true health is not just the absence of disease. It's achieving the abundance of vitality. Let's discover yours together. [00:12:34] Speaker B: And we have. I mean, I've gone through your certification program. We also have coaches and additional coaches here at the Kaufel center that will then be the coach using your protocol, your program. And it's phenomenal. I mean, it's very extensive. [00:12:52] Speaker C: I'm so excited for you guys. Yeah. I'm so excited for you guys to get started with this. It's amazing. [00:12:57] Speaker B: Thank you. Yeah. What I love about it is exactly what you're saying is that it's personalized. It's not just one size fits all. It's recognizing that each individual is unique and based upon extensive blood labs, extensive symptoms and backgrounds. And you will then tailor that program for that individual, and the coaches will just kind of step by step walk you through that journey to make it very easy, in addition to, obviously you want to have that where somebody is overseeing a little bit so that you can't cheat, because if you're the one overseeing yourself, it's easy to cheat. [00:13:36] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:13:38] Speaker B: So. [00:13:38] Speaker C: And the funny thing that happens to people. I had a client who started the program last week on day six. She cheated because we are kind of a little bit strict for the first 16 days. And she said, I was in the bathroom the whole day, and I'm never eating that ever again in my life. So it was, like, good. I don't even have to. We don't have to talk about this because her body instantly rejected something that she's been consuming for a long time, which for me is like, the body knows best what it wants and what it doesn't want. [00:14:08] Speaker B: Yeah. And these are some of the core issues that we're dealing with is that, you know, we're dealing with and people that, you know, we're like America, I mean, we were. I'm probably the fattest country in the world, if not the second to the third. I know we're sometime Australia, England, us. You know, we're all kind of going back and forth as to who want to be the winner of fattest nation. But we know that excess weight is obviously a condition. I mean, it's a sign that you're metabolically dysfunctional. And we know that that excess weight, it secretes estrogen, excess estrogen, which then drives things like prostate cancer, drives, you know, all the different hormonal cancers, breast cancer, ovarian, etc. And also we know that that puts you in that insulin resistance, which means that you need to then upregulate the amount of insulin that you are producing in order to be able to drive sugar into the cells. And insulin resistance. And excess excessive insulin promotes inflammation, promotes cancer. And then just the excessive weight in itself signals a lot of inflammatory signaling. And we know all diseases are related to excessive inflammation. So by addressing this at the core, we're then able to address, we were able to go after pretty much all diseases that we are dealing with nowadays. [00:15:39] Speaker C: Absolutely. And what people don't understand is that you have four types of fat in your body. Brown fat, white fat, subcutaneous fat, visceral fat. The fat that's causing a lot of these problems is the visceral fat. So that's the fat that people struggle with. It's the one that lies behind your belly button. And all my clients say, I've worked out, I've done pushups and sit ups and do everything, but I can't get rid of it. That visceral fat is what's causing this inflammation too, because it puts something in your bloodstream called cytokines. And the way that we can reduce this visceral fat, because it's a marker for, definitely for metabolic syndrome, is by balancing out insulin the way nature intended. And metabolic balance does that precisely because it also provides eight sort of, I call them rules, but sort of, you know, people have to follow these rules to help to get insulin back to normal again. I'll just give you a couple of them. One is to wait five hours between meals with no snacking maximum. 7. The purpose of that is we want insulin levels to drop low. When insulin levels are low, you get into fat burning as a, as opposed to fat acquisition. So, but if you're always eating or if you eat more than Six times. Now, when I went to university, they said, eat six times a day. We now know science says no, it's three meals a day with a five to seven hour gap between meals. And oddly enough, you won't be hungry if you're getting the right protein, fat and carbs, which is exactly what metabolic balance does. Another rule is to, and I encourage your people to try this today. Have two bites of protein before you eat anything of the meal. So if you're having chicken, broccoli and a sweet potato and a salad, have two bites of the chicken first. And what that does, it releases the hormone glucagon, which is an antagonist of insulin. And you'll find you will eat less food and you'll be more satiated. So those are just two of the rules. So once people incorporate these rules, once they get their own program, they are, they can, they'll go on a cruise and come back and say, I didn't gain a pound because I know exactly what to eat, I know exactly what to do. And as a matter of fact, that dessert table, believe it or not, is no longer appealing. [00:18:00] Speaker B: I love it. I love it. And, and so how is this different? Because there are so many different diets out there, you know? [00:18:07] Speaker D: Right. [00:18:08] Speaker B: How is this different? I mean, you have like the ketogenic, we have the, you know, obviously plant based. We have, you know, used to have like the zone diet. We have eat right for your blood type, we had. I mean, there's so many different diets out there. Yeah. So how, how is this one better? [00:18:27] Speaker C: This one's better because it's tailored to your biochemistry based off of the blood value. So when the program is created for the individual, it is decided by the medical team on how much protein, how much carbohydrate, and how much fat that each person should achieve based off of their personal health history. So if you and I both went on metabolic balance, we might have yogurt and fruit for breakfast, but you might get 240 grams, I might get 190 grams, you might get 25 fruits, I might only get one. So each fruit, vegetable, protein is all based off of that personal chemistry and again, your personal profile. So it's tailored for the person to give them the exact foods that they need. And the beauty of this is they can do this for 20 years from now. They don't have to jump from program to program to program. Once they have this, these are the best foods for the body, for that person, especially when there's a lot of inflammation in the body. Surprisingly Eggs will be taken off the plan, meat will be taken off the plan because they're, they're quite pro. Inflammatory, but they will get plenty of other food to choose from. And as a matter of fact, they don't even miss eating some of those foods because the variety of fruits, vegetables and proteins they have is, is completely plenty for that person. [00:19:58] Speaker B: And is this hard? I mean, because a lot of people, when you think of diet, you think of something that is very restrictive and very hard and difficult to do. And then when you're done, you feel like, ah, finally I can eat like I normally do. So is this program like that? [00:20:15] Speaker C: No. No. I will say though that initially people feel a little bit daunted by it because it's a complete switch around of what they're eating. But within two days they're like, this is the easiest thing I've ever done in my life. I don't have to think about what I'm supposed to be cooking. I know that my dinner is going to be chickpeas, avocado, green onions, cherry tomatoes and mango and a piece of rye bread. Like, how delicious is that? And the preparation of that food is so simplified. So in the book, what I did was I created individual recipes so they'll have that also as a, as a guide so they'll be able to just whip that up. So to answer your question, it is not hard at all. It's a bit of a change initially, but. And funny enough, it's way cheaper to eat this way than it is to eat the other way because you are just buying food that you're going to eat and you're not buying. You know, we all go to Costco or whatever, we buy these huge things and half of it goes in the garbage. You don't do that with this plan because whatever you buy, you will be consuming. And, and it's all meals are colorful, which we know has all those phytonutrients to help to prevent cancer too. So it's, it's a win. Win for sure. [00:21:28] Speaker B: Yeah. And that's the thing is to eat a wide variety of colors because we know that each color has their, you know, their, their individualized nutrients and a lot of the components of it. We, we don't even know. I mean, we haven't really figured out all the different vitamins and minerals and. [00:21:47] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:21:47] Speaker B: And phytonutrients that exist. So that's why it's so beaut, beautiful to eat a variety. So you mentioned rye, rye bread. I mean a lot of people when they think of healthy eating. They, they say we got to stay away from carbs, you know, because carbs is the enemy. Talk to me a little bit about that. [00:22:07] Speaker C: Well, first of all, most people think of carbs as like pasta, bagels, muffins, cookies, croissants. They are. But what real carbs are the fuel, the number one fuel for the body is the carbs that we find in fruits and vegetables and grains. So the rye bread is chosen and it's the only grain on the plan worldwide. And it's rye bread because it has, it's very. Has a low glycemic index, which means it goes into your body and once you break it down, it stays in your system a long time because it has a lot of fiber in it. So you feel way more satiated and it's not going to spike the insulin the way that a piece of white bread would do. So people learn who've never eaten it before find this actually tastes amazing. Your taste buds literally become alive when you start eating this way. Because worldwide as well, from a healing perspective, everybody gets mangoes, apples and papayas, which we know are some of the three best fruits in the world for our. The healing of the gut. And also to provide the nutrients. And it. You. The flavor just burst in your mouth and you become way more sensitive to those foods. So me personally going to a restaurant, I can't eat anything that's, you know, processed because there's no flavor to it. In my opinion. All I can taste is salt or some, some sort of chemical. But we really do provide you with food that is absolutely delicious and weakens your taste buds, but also makes you feel like you don't want to eat these other foods anymore. [00:23:43] Speaker B: Yeah. And how do people respond to this? I mean, what have you seen? Because you've done this for a long time, you've seen many different walks of life coming into your office and that you coach and consulted with. What are, what should people expect and what do they. What have you seen? [00:24:03] Speaker C: So I would tell them initially in the first 16 days, they can expect to lose between five and £20. Now some. The lowest I've ever seen is four, and the most I've seen is 26. Because once we start nourishing the body, giving it the water, emptying the bowels, because we do a bit of a cleanse at the beginning, the body is able to shed that excess weight, which is a lot to do with the inflammation. What you can also expect is if you are pre diabetic, that we can completely Turn that around. I've had about 10 people with full on non alcoholic fatty liver disease and it's completely changed for them. High cholesterol, high blood pressure with their doctor. They have taken them off their medication with hyperthyroidism or even, you know, Hashimoto's disease, those types of things. We've noticed a significant change in the way that they feel and also the symptomology, one of them being losing the hair, it starts to grow back again. They can expect to look 10 years younger and I have pictures all over my walls about that. They can expect to have more energy, to sleep better, to feel better, to have much greater mental clarity and they regain that self confidence again because they've been hiding behind, you know, dark clothes or whatever they're doing and it's been stealing some of their joy. So they can expect to, you know, to get that joy back. And I think a lot of people have a feeling like if I get older I should gain weight. Well, I've been the same weight since I got married. It's been 45 years. So you know it. And I don't believe that. I really do believe that you can, you can achieve what you're looking for if you, if you, you know, you know, you take care of it. Because we also encourage people to exercise after the day 16, but they can expect actually a complete change in their health, 100%. [00:26:01] Speaker B: That's incredible. Yeah. And we're, we're so excited about it here. Yeah. So we're offering, actually for all the listeners out there, we're offering a free 15 minute discovery call with, with our coach, with our metabolic coach, you know, for this program because we feel it's so important for no matter what you're dealing with, whether it's cancer, Lyme, chronic illness, diabetes, high blood pressure, metabolism is at the core of all of that. And we know dealing with cancer, for instance, it's cells that go into a alternate way of producing energy because it goes into a kind of a survival state state. So if we can then shift the cells, this cellular activity towards a normal metabolic function, then we won at least 50% of the battle. And then we can add on top of that, we can add a lot of, kind of the different heroic type of therapies that exist out there that we offer here and I know other clinics offer as well. So that's why to me, yeah, this is at the core of what we need to do. [00:27:13] Speaker C: Yeah. Well, what you're doing is so complementing everything, right. With the metabolic balance plan and Then all your natural protocols that you have for cancer. I mean, it's incredible and I thank you for doing that for people. It's amazing. [00:27:27] Speaker B: Well, thank you so much. And so what can, what is kind of in the future for? So you have the book that's coming out people can do and these programs. And like you mentioned, it's been around in Europe, you said, 45 different countries. And you know, why has it been so long, you know, for it to come here to United States? [00:27:54] Speaker C: That's a really good question. Because we basically spent a lot of time opening up Canada, Australia. There wasn't enough people in the United States to open it. And now we're bringing the staff into the United States to open it up. And we realized this is the largest market in the world and we have, I don't know, what do you have 330 million people in the United States? I mean, I'm from Canada, but it was a timing thing and it was also availability of people coming to bring the program to United States. So we're very excited that it's finally happening. And I really believe that people are really going to catch on to this because they're desperate. They've been walking around spending their money on Ozempic and doing all these things, but we know it doesn't work, you know, long term. It's not going to work for these people and all they're doing is losing money out of their pocket. So once we get them healthy again, it's actually going to create less wear and tear on, you know, health care because people won't have to turn to medicine or, you know, other ways of healing themselves because they'll be able to heal themselves with, with nutrition. [00:29:03] Speaker B: Well, so, so wonderful. I really, yeah, it's an incredible program and I'm really excited that it's now coming to United States. And, and it's exactly, you know, we were talking about. There's been so many different diets out there and they come and go. And this is something that is a lifelong habit. You're establishing good, good habits that will then support your health and your metabolic wellness. And we are now, I mean, we talk a lot initially about lifespan, how important lifespan is, but the words are now coming out because we recognize that what's the beauty of living long if you live long poorly? We want to make sure that we promote brain span and health span so that people can be fully active as they get older. Because I have so many patients that, you know, they worked hard all their life and now they're ready to retire, but their bodies are just done. I mean, so they don't get to enjoy the fruit of their labor. And that's because, you know, they have not taken the time to really support their well being with, with these type of tools throughout their life. So by creating these shifts, we can then promote health span, brain span to curb these Alzheimer dementia that's taking place to get rid of people dealing with RA and arthritis and things that are caused by, believe it or not, poor eating habits and just toxic exposures. [00:30:44] Speaker C: Exactly. And one of the beauty of metabolic balance is that each client gets their own personal coach and that coach is going to work with that person based off of their lifestyle. So after day 16, it is encouraged for each client to start to exercise. And the beauty of having a coach is that coach is not going to tell you to go to a spinning class. She's going to encourage you to do something that you like. Maybe it's just walking, maybe it's swimming, maybe it's doing a yoga class. But we're going to find something for that client to do physically because we know how important it is to keep the body active as we get older because we have to keep all limbs healthy. So they're going to help that person achieve that because we know that the nutrition and the fitness go hand in hand. But they're going to work at their pace. So that's really a nice part of the program too. [00:31:42] Speaker B: I love it. And where can people go? I know it's coming out, you know, this year, 2024, you know, in December. Can people go to Amazon and pre purchase your book? [00:31:55] Speaker C: Yep, they can go to Amazon right now and pre purchase a book. But they can also go to Barnes and Nobles and they can go to any of their bookstores because all the bookstores are pre selling the book. They can, yeah, because the sale comes at December 10th, but they can go to, can go online and go to their bookstore or Amazon. [00:32:13] Speaker B: Yeah, that's wonderful. And again, there are coaches that are being established throughout the United States and obviously as I mentioned, we offer that through the carpel center as well and we offer free 15 minute discovery calls. So it's something that I highly recommend everyone take advantage of and then also to get the book. So you really can know how to bring metabolic balancing into your kitchen. [00:32:41] Speaker C: Absolutely, yeah. [00:32:42] Speaker B: Great. Well Jane, this has been such a pleasure and you're doing such amazing work and thank you. And I'm excited to see how we together can lock arm to turn this disease trend that we're seeing. In the United States. [00:32:55] Speaker C: Yes, it's about time, right? So we are at the perfect time, perfect place and perfect time right now to change the to change the world. So thank you. [00:33:05] Speaker B: I love it. Thanks so much. [00:33:07] Speaker C: You're welcome. Thanks. [00:33:15] Speaker A: The information in this podcast is for educational purposes only and it's not designed to diagnose or treat any disease. I hope this podcast impacted you as it did me. Please subscribe so that you can be notified when new episodes are released. There are some excellent shows coming up that you do not want to miss. If you're enjoying these podcasts, please take a moment to write a review. And please don't keep this information to yourself. Share them with your family and friends. You never know what piece of information that will transform their lives. For past episodes and powerful information on how to conquer lime, go to integrativelimesolutions.com and an additional powerful resource, lymestream.com for Lyme support and group discussions. Join Lyme Conquerors Mentoring Lyme warriors on Facebook. If you'd like to know more about the cutting edge integrative of Lyme therapies my center offers, Please visit the carlfeldcenter.com thank you for spending this time with us and I hope to see you at our next episode of Integrative lyme Solutions with Dr. Karl Feld.

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